Simon - 25

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This was requested by YasmeenAnwar enjoy!

25: He/you deal(s) with a physical problem

Warnings: Slight violence and swearing

Simon's POV

The past few weeks (Y/N)'s anger issues have gotten worse. She has broke things, hurt me and even herself. I sighed as I saw the crack in the wall from her punching it in pure rage. I rubbed my face and pushed my headset off. I saw the time read 4:21AM; I need to sleep. I turned off all the computers and monitors then left my desk. I looked down at (Y/N) in my best fast asleep. I climbed in bed next to her and held her close. I put the covers over us keeping us warm then I fell asleep.

- The next morning... -


I was sat on Simon's bed doing some drawings as I was bored. I bit my lip as I saw the scabs on y knuckles; I hate not having control of my anger. Simon hates it when I get mad. He doesn't know but I hear him crying in the night sometimes. I glanced at Simon sat a his desk looking at the bruising on his arms; of course caused by me. I hate how I hurt him but he has to restrain me so I don't do anythings worse than I already have. I focused back to my drawing. I tried for the 5th time to do the wing of this eagle but it just wouldn't look right. I groaned and threw my book to the floor. "Fucking piece of shit!" I shouted. Simon turned around in his chair, "Everything okay baby?" Simon asked concerned. "I can't get the fuckin' wing to look right" I sighed and crossed my arms. "I'm sure you can, you want me to help?" Simon asked. "No! I-I can do it myself" I said and picked up the book trying again. I grunted and put the pencil to the paper. I felt Simon watching me which didn't help my concentration. Once I did it I looked at it; no even fucking worse! I threw it and it hit the chair Simon was in making him jump. "Look at it! A mess, that is what it is! Just like me!!" I shouted and hit the bed over and over. I made myself hot and bothered earning me a banging headache. "Fuck sake..." I whispered and put my hand to my forehead. Simon came over and sat next to me. I watched as he rubbed out a little bit of the wing and corrected it. "Here, is that okay?" Simon asked. I sighed and took it off him, "You are better than me at everything" I said and put the book to the side. "Not true. I am a shit drawer but look at you; amazing. You can even beat me at GTA sometimes" Simon said with a chuckle. I smiled, "Yeah, I fucking kick your ass" I said looking up at him. "You sure do, (Y/N)" Simon said and pecked my nose. "I love you" Simon said. "With all my flaws, violence and imperfections?" I asked. "With all of those" Simon said and we kissed. Once we pulled apart, "I love you Simon"  said and hugged him tight.

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