Manny - 22 and 54

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This was requested by skyisbooo enjoy!

22: Brother/sister/cousin come to visit and 54: Caught in the act



I was round at Manny's house. We're a couple but no one knows - we've only been together for a few weeks. We were currently watching my favourite film and cuddling on the sofa. I loved being in his arms as it made me feel safe and wanted. 

Soon the film ended so we cleaned up the mess of popcorn and chocolate wrappers. We sat back on the sofa and I snuggled in his arms. "This is nice" I said smiling up at him. "Yeah it is" Manny said and kissed my head. "When do you think we should tell Tobi and the others?" I asked biting my lip. "Whenever your ready babe. I don't mind" Manny said smiling. "We can tell them soon... I'm just a bit worried of the reaction we'll get" I said worriedly. "I understand babe but I'm sure they'll be happy for us" Manny said. I nodded, "Yeah we can tell them soon" I said and snuggled into his chest. "Okay baby, whatever you say" Manny said and began to stroke my hair. 

We both had a little nap and woke up to Manny's phone going off. Manny looked at his phone and saw he had a text from Tobi. "What did he say?" I asked rubbing my face. "He said he's coming over to see me for a bit and maybe get some recording done" Manny said as he texted him back. "Okay maybe we can tell him later" I said smiling. "Sure if you want babe" Manny said smiling as he put his phone down. I giggled as he held me close. I sat on his lap looking into his perfect eyes. Manny pecked my lips making me blush. "You're so cute" he said and stroked my face. "You're more cute" I said smiling. "Thanks but not as much as you princess" he said and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms round his neck as his stroked my sides. The kiss got deeper and I didn't want it to end. Manny's hand went under my top but the kiss soon broke when we heard a loud voice. "What is going on here!?" we both looked to see Tobi there with a shocked expression. "Right..." Tobi sighed. 

Manny and I were sat on the sofa with Manny standing in front of us. "You wanna explain? How long has this been going on for?" Tobi asked. I looked to Manny wanting him to explain. "Only a few weeks... we were going to tell you later I promise" Manny said. "Guys, I'm not mad I just want you to understand what a relationship means" Tobi said sitting next to Manny. "I know how (Y/N) is a lovely young lady and we all love her. If you break a girls heart she will be broken and beat herself up over it. Now Manny, I know that you would never want to hurt her which is why I am telling you to be careful with her. She needs looking after and wants you to do that" Tobi spoke. I smiled and nodded at Manny. "Of course I'm going to look after her Tobe. She means a lot to me which is why I asked her to be my girlfriend" Manny said smiling. I blushed looking away. "I know she's a keeper so I'm going to leave you to love birds to it. Text me later about when you wanna record" Tobi said getting up ready to leave. "Will do and thanks for the talk Tobi. We know where to come for help and advice" Manny said walking him to the door. Tobi laughed, "You sure do little bro. Later guys!" Tobi said and he left. I smiled at Manny as he walked back over. "Your bother is so caring for you" I said as Manny sat me on his lap. "Yeah I know and it annoys me" Manny said with a small laugh. "But that's a good thing" I said and hugged him. "I know" he said and kissed my head. "I love you (Y/N)" Manny whispered. "I love you too Manny" I whispered back. 

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