Josh - 1, 8, 25 and 31

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This was requested by CaitlinIriwn enjoy! I'm so sorry it is short I just couldn't think of much else to write

1: "I love you" 8: Dancing scene, 25: He/she deals with a physical problem and 31: You're pregnant

This is a sequel to 'Josh - 4, 10 and 25'

Warnings: Reader is paralysed


I was such a happy woman. Josh and I have been happily married for almost 3 months now and it has been great. I also found out 2 weeks ago that I was pregnant. I never thought that my life would ever turned out this way. 

I was currently lying on Josh's bed with him holding onto me stroking my stomach. I smiled as he held my hand and put it on my stomach. "This is our child, (Y/N). We are going to raise him or her together. They are going to become big and strong just like you" Josh said. I smiled, "And have the good looks like you" I said looking at him. Josh smiled, "And you of course my angel" Josh said and pecked my lips. 

Josh soon got up and began playing some music. I smiled as he came over and picked me up bridal style. Josh held me close as he begun slowly swaying side to side. I watched him in awe as he hummed along to song. "Josh" I said and he looked down at me. "Yes my angel?" he asked softly. "I love you" I said with a tear escaping my eye. "I love you too with all my heart" Josh said before kissing my head. We stayed like this for a little while longer before he placed me back on the bed. 

Sleep began to take over me and Josh noticed this also. Josh made sure I was comfy before holding me close. Josh began talking about our future plans, the baby and it was amazing to hear how he felt about all this. Sure I feel useless and that I won't be able to interact that much with our child but I know that I will always be there for him/her like Josh is for me. I want what is best for my child just like Josh does and I am so proud to see how well he is taking care of me and that he is already planning what is going to happen to us, his YouTube, his family and friends. I always tell him to not put me first but he always denies and does so anyway. I am so deeply in love with him I don't think any other male in the world would be able to take me away from my husband. We are happily married and nothing will break it - nothing. 

I soon felt myself falling into a peaceful sleep with Josh whispering, "Goodnight (Y/N), I love you" and I was asleep. 

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