stalker much?

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I was confused by his reason, so I stayed quiet. Harry seemed to notice that I was troubled because he stepped back inside my room, joining me back on the bed. He took my hand in his and warmth spread throughout my body from the tender gesture.

Surely this loving, swoon worthy guy wasn’t my kidnapper, right?

“I’ve been watching you,” he whispered, leaning closer to my face. His hot breath smelled faintly of fresh mint.

I dropped the thought aforementioned and decided that Harry was actually crazy. His words made a shiver travel my spine and I looked to the carpeted floor.

“Look at me, Veronica,” Harry spoke, putting his hand on my bare thigh.

My eyes widened at that, but I was afraid to reprimand him. I really needed to change out of this damn dress.

“Look at me,” he said louder, in a demanding tone.

I did as I was told and looked into his piercing green eyes. They seemed so normal, not the eyes of a crazed kidnapper.

“It was one year ago today,” Harry began, bringing my hands in front of me and placing them in his. “I saw you at a Starbucks with your friends and two boys.”

His story reminded me of that exact day. Ava and Laney had invited me to go on a date with them. I remembered thinking it was going to be a girls night, but out of the blue, they had brought two boys with them. Of course, they were Tanner Johnson and Ross Williams, the hottest guys in our grade, not to mention dumb jocks. Literally.

“Jett was supposed to come, but he bailed,” Tanner had said, putting his arm around Ava none to subtlety.

What his words actually meant were, “Jett didn’t want to come because you’re too ugly.”

And the bad part about it was that I actually had a crush on Jett Grayson. He was the absolute perfect guy, in my head. Sadly, he never showed any interest in me, just like all of the other boys. Harry was the first one to actually show feelings for me, but his way was unnatural.

“I watched you sit there for two hours, bored out of your mind, as they rubbed all over each other.”

It was true. The whole time we were there, Ava, Tanner, Laney, and Ross were practically having sex in public while sitting across from me.

“There was something about you, too. Something that I just couldn’t seem to grasp. You were beautiful. I remember thinking that I had to make you mine somehow.”

Harry’s words took me by surprise. Did he just call me beautiful? Okay, now I really know he’s crazy.

“From then on, I planned on how I would take you. It’s been my goal ever since.”

I was still staring into his eyes and I saw his expression soften. What was with this guy? First he’s all crazy and now he’s all sweet? He must have a horrible case of bi-polar disease.

“Why didn’t you just try to date me before you took such drastic measures?” I asked, curious to know the answer.

“I have my reasons,” he inched closer so that our legs were touching. “Now that you’re mine, I’m never letting you go.”

Harry caressed my cheek gently and gave me a lingering kiss on my other cheek. As he rose from the bed, I covered the spot he kissed with my hand.

“See you in a bit, Veronica. Dinner is almost finished.”

With those final words, he left, leaving me sitting alone on the bed.

A few minutes after Harry left, I laid back on the bed and cried. I felt so scared and helpless. There was nothing I could do. Ava, Laney, and Dad must be worried sick. I couldn’t help but think of never seeing them again. What if that turns out to be true?

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