Three's a crowd

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I joined Niall on the couch with hesitation. I was on edge due to the fact that he had failed to help me back in the alley, but instead was in cahoots with Harry.

“How are you, Veronica?” He asked with a wide grin. I honestly didn’t know how to respond for two reasons. One: Harry had kept be cooped up so long that I didn’t remember how to carry on a conversation and two: I had so many mixed emotions right now; I didn’t know how I was feeling.

So I replied with the best way I knew how. “I’m fine.”

Niall scrunched his brow together and searched the room intently. A disappointed look played in his eyes when he unsuccessfully found what he was looking for. “Doesn’t he have an XBOX? Come on, tell me the lad has an XBOX.”

He looked at me pleadingly with his sparkling baby blue eyes. I shook my head in response. Harry didn’t seem to have anything like that around here. All he kept were movies and such.

Niall sighed and shrugged. “Oh well. I guess we can talk if you want.”

I gulped, swallowing the hard lump in my throat. Who knew if I could even carry on a conversation with this boy? I didn’t speak and left him to start our friendly colloquy.

“So, how do you like your stay so far?” He asked, leaning against the arm of the couch. His body was turned to mine, so I did the same to make it easier for the both of us.

I contemplated his question. How did I like my stay? For some reason, I got the feeling that he was treating me like I was a guest in this house, not a captive.

“It’s fine,” I replied, using the same word that I used to describe how I was feeling. I just didn’t know what else to say.

Niall looked at me with question. He knew that my response was a somewhat lie. It’s not like I didn’t enjoy being loved by Harry and have him cater to my every whim, but I missed my dad and friends. I looked away from his intimidating gaze to the floor.

“He really cares about you, you know,” Niall spoke to break the now awkward silence between us. He placed a hand on my knee in a comforting gesture.

I flinched away from his touch and curled my knees up to my chin. “I realize that.”

As if on cue, sadness hit me like a slap in the face. My eyes started to fill with water and the droplets fell from them, soaking my cheeks. I buried my face in my knees, bawling to myself.

“Oh shit, Veronica,” Niall cursed. I was shocked by his choice of language because I wasn’t used to hearing it. Harry never used foul language with me. I could feel the weight of the couch shift as Niall wrapped an arm around me, doing his best to comfort my sorrows. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry, Veronica.”

My body trembled with my sobs. “I miss my dad,” I cried.

I heard Niall mumble some other curse words, but then he began to speak to me. “Harry’s not all that bad. I know he kidnapped you, but he loves you and he’ll do anything to make you happy. He may even let you call your dad soon.”

This caught my attention. I looked up with tear-blurred eyes at Niall. His figure was hazy, but I could tell he was worried. “You really think so?” I asked hopefully, slightly smiling.

“I know so.” He reassured me, pulling me in for a warm hug. I returned it, already feeling myself becoming comfortable around this boy.

We sat there for a second, recovering from the crying fit I just had. Surprisingly, I felt much better and I could tell that Niall and I would become good friends.

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