C. 12

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"FUCK!" I yelled out in frustration. "Fucking follow her! I want everyone to find her!"

A nod from Rico and I searched for a gun in my duffel bag. I quickly loaded it as Rico ordered my direction on the walkie talkie. Exiting out of the car door Ariella left open, I searched around the area then ran in the direction she went.

Why the fuck would she just run off like that? She could've gotten hit by a car. I understand that bombs and explosions aren't an everyday thing for her but that is not the way I wanted her to react.

I turned the corner around the mobil gas station, clutching onto my gun hung on my hip. I stopped and looked around for her. There she was. Running into the woods. Of fucking course. I yelled out again in frustration and heard a tire skid. I turned my head to find Dom on a motorcycle.

"Need a ride?"

"Get the fuck off, quick. I know where she went." He nodded before quickly hopping off the bike, allowing me to climb on quickly and drive off.

God, this girl is going to be the death of me. As I made my way towards the woods, I heard a couple of more motorcycles and a car follow close behind me, soon realizing it was my crew. I pointed toward the direction she went, leading them to her. I finally caught my sight of her again, relieved. That was until I inched closer to her and saw someone else.


I screamed in pain as I felt my ankle twist though I kept running. I had to get away from that maniac as far and as fast as possible. I felt myself start to limp and tears started to escape my eyes.

"C'mon, Ariella, you can do this." I muttered to myself as I continued to try to run.

"Need some help?" A voice spoke.

I froze.

I looked up to see a male figure. I could barely make out what he looked like, considering it was night time and I was in the middle of the woods.

I continued to look up at him. I tried to speak but I couldn't. No words could come out. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my ankle and fell to the ground. I groaned quietly as I held onto it.

"I'll help you." The guy quickly said, kneeling down before a voice interrupted his actions.

"The hell you will."

We both looked over in the direction the voice came from and saw another guy. He took a step closer and I was able to make out his familiar face. Jason.

He walked over to me and the mysterious guy then pushed him down to the ground with quite the amount of force. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell, Jason? He just wanted to help."

Jason looked over at me then kneeled down beside me. His eyes searched mine in worry as he spoke, "Are you alright?"

"Get the hell away from me!" I shook my head and tried to crawl back away from him.

"You heard the girl," the mysterious guy spoke up as he stood back up, "get away from her."

"You shut the fuck up and leave before I blow your fucking brains out."

I looked at Jason with fear.

"I don't think that would be the smartest idea." I turned my head to look back at the guy before he quickly wrapped his arm around my neck and picked me up from the floor. I let out a small scream as I tried to pull his arm from around my neck but suddenly felt a cold metal pressed to the side of my forehead, quickly realizing I was at gun point.

"What the fuck do you want, Logan?" Jason took a step forward, causing the man to tighten his arm around my neck. I let out a whimper and a tear rolled down my cheek. Jason stopped and looked at me with sorrow.

"Where's the flash drive?"

"I already sold it, you fucking dumbass. Now let her go."

"To who?" I can sense the anger in Logan's voice.

"Let her go."

"To who?!" He yelled, pressing the gun against the side of my forehead with more force. More tears ran down my cheeks.

"The Hellcats! Now let her go!" Jason yelled then I was suddenly dropped to the ground.

I gasped for air, coughing as I watched Logan run away. Jason quickly kneeled down to me and placed his hand at my back. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head as more tears started to run down my face. He then pulled me into his embrace and I cried against his chest. A couple of seconds went by before the memory of the explosion popped up in my head again. I widened my eyes and pushed him away again.

"Don't touch me."

"Ariella, please." He sighed, coming closer.

"Stop! Please, don't come any closer."

The moonlight shined against his eyes and I could see the sadness in them.

"You want me to help her, boss?" A man's voice spoke. I turned around to see five guys, four motorcycles, and a car.

I glanced back over at Jason and he nodded at the guy. I watched as Jason got up from the ground and walked away. I watched in confusion.

"Hey," the man spoke and I started to freak out, "No, no, no, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise I won't hurt you. I'm just gonna help you up and get you to safety, alright?"

I looked up at him then nodded. At this point, I had to believe the guy because there was no way I could've gotten out of there alone.

The man kneeled to my level and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. He placed his arm around my waist and slowly helped me up. I let out a groan as I started to stand up.

"It's okay, I got you." He calmly said. I leaned my weight against him and he led us over to the car where another male held the door opened for me. I pray to God I'll be alright.

Menace | Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now