C. 14

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"Mom!" I yelled as I walked through the door, kicking my shoes off.

God, I am tired. I'm just ready to hit my bed.

"Mom, I'm sorry I didn't come home last night! I slept over at Beverly's!" I lied.

Where is she? It's Saturday morning, she's usually up by this time making breakfast for Jay and I. I walked into the kitchen in search for her. Empty. I jogged up the stairs and walked into her bedroom. Empty.

"Maybe she's grocery shopping with Jay."

I shrugged it off and walked into my bedroom. I threw myself onto my bed followed by a long sigh. Finally, I can get some sleep.

"Welcome back." A deep voice spoke.

My eyes widened and I quickly sat up before a cloth was pressed against my mouth. I screamed against the cloth, trying to pull the hand pressed against my mouth off my face. I began to fall into a weak state. Then everything went black.


She wants to see me again. Thank you God. I knew I couldn't let this one slip between my fingers. I knew I'd have a chance.

I smiled to myself as I put on my sunglasses and turned up the music. I carelessly started to rap the words of the song that was playing then glanced in my rearview mirror, seeing a big black truck following close behind me. Curiously, I stepped on the gas more and the black truck did the same, speeding up. Fuck, I'm being followed. I sat up in my seat a little more then cut off a car, trying to lose the truck. But there it was again, right behind me. I smirked to myself and sped up even more. Let's start having some fun.

I grabbed onto my second clutch and switched my gear to the nitrous. That's when my car back to the future'd that bitch and I was outta there. I took sharp turns and alleys, soon getting the truck lost.

"WOO!" I yelled out, switching the nitrous off. I clapped my hands in glory. "I still got it."

I took another turn and got back on the road to go back home. Then my phone started to ring. I picked up my phone and answered.


"That was fun, McCann. We should do that again soon." A raspy voice replied. I laughed.

"Just know your ass got burnt. Who the hell is this anyway?" I continued to drive.

"Your girlfriend has a really nice body. Curves and all. Would be a shame if she got hurt." I froze then a fire was lit inside of me.

"I asked you a fucking question!" I yelled into the phone.

"We have her, Jason."

"Bull fucking shit." I rolled my eyes. How? I literally just dropped her off at her house.

"Jason!" Her angelic voice rang through the phone causing my heart to drop. "Help me, please!"

"Shut the hell up!" The man yelled and I heard a smack, followed by a scream. Did he just fucking hit her?

"Don't fucking touch her! Tell me where the hell you are. You're a fucking deadman you piece of shit!" I yelled into the phone once again, slamming my foot on the gas pedal. If I can get home in time with this asshole still on the phone, I can get Dom to track his ass.

"You think you can just rob my men like that?"

Now I'm confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I don't rob people. I earn my money."

"You think you can just fool me!" He started to get mad. "The flash drive is a fake!"

It's Randolph.

"What do you mean it's a fake? It's real you son of a bitch! We sold it to your men!"

He laughed. "Your time is ticking, Jason. You have two hours. Bring me the real flash drive or your little girlfriend dies."

I pulled into the driveway of my house and quickly put my car in park, hopping out the car.

"Wait wait wait!" I yelled into the phone as I ran up to the door then heard the call end.

"FUCK!" I threw my phone against the wall, causing it to shatter into little pieces and punched my front door, putting in a large dent. I screamed in anger and punched the door one more time, making another large dent.

Soon the door swung open with Rico, Alex, and Bryan holding up guns aimed at me. I looked up at them with anger still running through my veins. Fear flashed in their eyes. Alex spoke up.

"Jason, a-are you okay?"

I growled loudly and walked into the house, pushing them out of the way.

"They took her." I mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear as I walked into the kitchen to grab a beer.

"Who?" They followed me into the kitchen, my anger rising again.

"Fucking Randolph!" I threw my beer at the wall, glass shattering and flying everywhere.

"Hey! Calm the fuck down!" Rico pushed me into the fridge.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I shoved him back. Then we broke out into a fight. I punched him in the stomach and he punched me in the jaw. I picked him up and slammed him onto the counter. It took a couple of minutes but the rest of the gang finally split us up.

"You're fucking insane!" Rico yelled at me from across the room.

"Eat shit!" I yelled back, trying to break free from Dom and Bryan, who were holding me back.

"Man, get off of me!" I pushed them off and they held their hands up in defense.

"Just calm down, Jason. Tell us what happened." Bryan said, handing me an already lit blunt.

I took it from him, taking a big hit of the blunt. I held it in for a couple of seconds then breathed it out, relaxation running through my body finally. Just what I needed.

"Randolph took Ariella." I finally spoke, "He said the flash drive was a fake."

"A fake? How?" Alex asked.

"I don't fucking know. But we need to find him before he kills Ariella. The son of a bitch chased me down Maine St. then called me and told me everything." I handed the blunt back to Bryan.

"Let me guess, he made the call unknown." Dom said and I nodded.

"He had to have gotten her after I dropped her off. No cars were at her house or around." I ran my hand threw my hair and sat on a stool.

"I don't know if this will work, but I think I can track him."

"How? I didn't see the license plate and the call was unknown."

"The satellite."

Menace | Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now