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Draco POV, night before last day of school

Tomorrow was the day. The day I went back to hell. The day I left my three newest friends. The day I had to see Him and my father.

I knew that as soon as I walked into that house, that I wouldn't be free from scrutiny, my responsibilities, or to speak my mind. It would all be "yes my lord" or "no my lord". I'd have to follow the orders I was given as if I was a soldier. And if I disobeyed...well, I'd be killed.

Despite the dread I felt for going back to Him and father, I felt more dread that I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone other than Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy was my best friend and all, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione had different thoughts and ideas. They had stories about their adventures at school. Hermione had embarrassing stories about Harry, which were always wonderful. Ron knew things about him, and there was always something new to learn about the boy who captivated my thoughts. And Harry...he was everything. He was kind to me, and patient when I didn't want to talk about my past, he was funny, creative, intelligent. But he also had dealt with some dark things, something none of my other friends had. He knew what it felt like to see things that scarred you and that you couldn't talk about.

Perhaps if He wasn't going to be at my home, I would be able to get my mothers help in sending letters, but it would be futile to try. She was the only thing, however, that made my summer look enjoyable. Late night talks with her as we laid on my bed together, talking about any love interests at school, the stars, friends, school in general, and plans for the future once I graduate and we can leave father.

The more I laid in bed thinking about summer, the more I wanted to see Harry. He would understand my dread. I got up, sending a letter to him asking him to meet me in an empty classroom in a few minutes.

When I arrived, he was sitting on a desk waving his wand as his stag patronus ran around. He dismissed it when he saw me, and smiled lightly.

"Remember last year you tried to scare me and I thought you were a real dementor and hit you with it?"

I laughed softly too. "Yeah. I had a headache for days after that. No one's fault but my own, I guess."

We fell into silence, until he broke it again. "What's bothering you, Dray?"

"I... Idontwanttogohome," I blurted.


"I said, I... I don't want to go home."

He got up and walked up to me. "Why not?"

"I won't be able to talk to you or Ron or Hermione, and my...my father and the company he keeps..." I took a deep breath to keep myself from panicking.

"Hey, Dray, it's ok. I'm sure we can find a way to sneak owls past your father- your mother will help, won't she?" I nodded, even though I knew it wouldn't happen. "And as for the company... just hide in your room, making no noise and pretending you don't exist. I had to do it at the Dursley's whenever important muggle folks were over."

I shook my head. The fact that this beautiful, amazing boy would have to hide in a room because muggles didn't like him astounded me.

"I can try, I suppose... Thank you for not pushing, Harry. It's not often that I can say something and not be questioned. I appreciate it a lot."

He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me tightly. "You're welcome, Draco. I'll always be here for you if you'd like." And then with a sweeping movement, he picked up his invisibility cloak, flung it over his head, and was gone, leaving me to replay the feeling of Harry pressed against me, his arms around my waist and his breath on my neck.


Harry POV

My trunk was packed, Hedwig was in her cage, the beds made, the curtains open, the dorm empty except for me.

I felt conflicted on the end of the school year. I was happy, because it meant that I would get to see Remus and Sirius again, but at the same time, unhappy because I wouldn't get to see Draco. Already I was missing him even though I had just seen him last night.

"Harry?" Ron's voice came from the door, quiet and timid.


"Are you alright, mate?"

"Oh... I mean, yeah, I'm excited to see Remus and Sirius again of course, but I'm also... I don't want to say bye to Draco," I trailed off quietly.

Ron sat next to me chuckling. "He's got you whipped, man. If you aren't together by at least the second week of school next year, I will force you two to be together. And I'm not kidding. But also, Hermione and I can take you places this summer.... That might help you keep your mind off of the bad things, eh? And of course Draco..."

I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good." I glanced at the time. "Alright, well, we better get going. The train leaves soon."


Draco came and sat with us in the compartment. At first it was fun- we played games, ate candy from the trolley, and chatted, but as we got closer to King's Cross, we drew into our shells. As soon as we got about 5 minutes away, Draco had to leave.

"I'll see you three next year, yeah? I can't be seen getting off at the same time as you.... My father would kill me." Ron and Hermione chuckled, but I felt that he was being serious. (NO HARRY HES BEING DRACO, GET IT RIGHT YOU DUMBO).

I sighed. "Well, I'll see you in September than, Dray."


He stood up to give me a hug, and when I did, I couldn't stop myself from turning my head and pecking his cheek. We broke the hug, and he looked at me, eyes wide, then finished biding us goodbye, and left the compartment.

When I got off, I caught a glimpse of pale blonde hair ducking down, and I could picture Draco- head down, hands in pockets, dragging his feet, and biting his lip.... One of the many reasons I liked the blonde boy from Slytherin- one who could never like me back.

I turned away that thought, and instead focused on Sirius and Remus, who had found me, wrapped me in a hug, and I smiled- I was finally home with them.


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