18. Monkeys, Monkeys, YAY!

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The tube around Silas rattled and shook, like a fridge turning reverse components into ANTILIFE. There were two openings on each side of him. Out of one would pour the platinum blue substance known as Awakened Impervium, and out of the other would pour TG's famous home recipe of Meta-dust. It was a perilous thing, this metamorphosis, so perilous that some people didn't even survive one as intense as Silas'. Silas was already a ruthless fighter, so TG decided to increase that power even more so that there would be no mercy remaining in his soul. Silas really didn't like TG.

Slowly, slowly, the platinum blue liquid known as Awakened Impervium flowed from the tube on Silas' left. It began to cover his body, spreading across his torso and burning everything good that dwelled in him. Silas really didn't appreciate that. The liquid spun around him, slowly encasing him. It started at his feet, steadily rising up towards his head. Out of the other tube, the one on Silas' right, Meta-dust flowed out. I went straight to Silas' feet and began to combine with the Awakened Impervium.

Funny, though, Silas thought to himself and not anyone else. Last time, they only used regular Impervium. They must really want Castle to be back. The Impervium shell reached his waist. He felt a sting in his lower abdomen, but chose to ignore it. The liquid was creeping up on him, and he didn't have much time. Last time, he would have entered panic, wondering what the hail was going on, and what was going to happen to him, but this time was different.

Rather than freak out and start struggling like crazy, he focused on one thing. Well, rather, three things. His favorite three things in this crazy world, who had been destroyed because of his own selfish desires--or rather, Castle's selfish desires. The three metal monkeys that had stayed with him, no matter how evil he had become as Castle.





Castle blinked a few times. He looked at his right claw, which he freed without effort from the bed he was strapped to. It was a beautiful, murderous platinum blue, made out of swirling metal tendrils. He flexed his hand, and the fingers extended into the knife-like blades he loved so much.


Castle kicked open the door of the tube and decided to go for an evil-laugh kind of entrance. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" he guffawed, then stepped towards the scientist lady. She smiled. "Welcome back, Castle," she greeted. That only made Castle laugh more.

"HAHA! Oh, I'm not Castle," he responded. Then, he let the evil inside him be destroyed by the three beacons of light he had held on to--Otto, Malarkey, and Herman.

His Awakened Impervium armor split apart and turned back into liquid, which separated into three different streams. The streams transformed, turning solid into three metal monkeys, each more than five feet tall, with a one-emotion face and a fez on top.

"We suggest that you surrender," Herman grumbled sadly.

"Or you will die!" Otto cheered.

"Thank you very much, Silas, for bringing us back to life!" Malarkey scolded Silas. Silas couldn't do anything but grin. His best friends were back, and nothing could stop them now. 

The two men and scientist lady dropped everything they were holding and put their hands up in the air. They slowly backed away, and the three metal monkeys looked at Silas with anger, sadness, and joy. They, clearly, were thinking what he was thinking.

The monkeys and Silas put their hands together, standing in a ring, and jumped towards their center. They merged into Castle again, who transformed into a dragon and broke through the wall. Dragon Castle, very much enjoying the return of his best friends, flew through the countryside, escaping TG yet again. Maybe this time, he could join a barbershop quartet. He'd always wanted to do that. 

Once they were safe, the four defused, and Silas allowed the Wind to carry him while he flew alongside his monkey friends.

"I'm so glad that that worked," Silas remarked. It was true, and couldn't be truer. Nothing could make Silas happier than seeing his monkey friends.

"We are equally happy," Herman droned.

"At the very least, you aren't that monster of a Harbinger, Castle, again," Malarkey growled. Silas remembered what had happened that day two years ago. They had warned him, warned him that they weren't worth fighting, that he was becoming insane and much too evil, but he had denied their accusations and neglected their correct insight. Silas wanted to kick himself for not listening to them, for if Castle had never become that powerful, the monkeys wouldn't have been utterly destroyed. A sad thing, that.

"Don't be so down," Malarkey chastised. Silas proceeded to stop being down and laughed. He had forgotten the sound of Malarkey's gravelly voice, the way he always sounded furious with everyone. Not to mention the happy little Otto, who never failed to cheer Silas up. And Herman, who could say anything with a depressed pout. These were Silas' best friends, the ones he had created because he couldn't get any other ones. They were the reason that Silas wasn't now a freaky Harbinger, a slave to TG's will, destroying the world by...storm. (It's a joke on his powers, laugh.)

"What are we going to do now?" Otto giggled. Silas thought about the happy little question. It was one with infinite possibilities, with paths and choices to make along the way, as well as just now. "What are we going to do now?" could be asked so lightly, but it had so much power behind it. There was always a simple answer.

"I don't really know," Silas responded with a shrug. Otto tried to sigh with exasperation, but it only came out as a chuckle. Fortunately for Otto, Herman had an idea.

"We could always help the Destined," he droned. That was a worthy plan of three flying metal monkeys and their insane, murderous creator. Silas gave his approval to that idea. That could work.

"Well, where are they, and how are they doing?" Malarkey growled. That was another worthy question.

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