22. Hope is Worth Something

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"...And that is why I'm wearing white today," Jeremiah finished. It was breakfast time, and his teammates were listening to him tell about his dream. He had described how Flicker had been unreasonably mad at him, how Opal had entered his dream, and, most importantly, that his powers had been changed from shadow to hope. That concerned the others very much.

"Do we even know what the power of hope is like?" Belle asked, fiddling with the katana on her left. She never stopped these days; it was like she had an endless hunger for battle, a chance to use her blades in bloody combat. Jeremiah sighed. "Nope. We have no idea whatsoever. Opal said she would teach me everything, so I'll have to wait until tonight, when I can get my first lesson." Belle nodded, then went back to eating her cinnamon roll.

August didn't seem to concerned, either. "Well, we can wait until then. It's not like we'll have to go anywhere soon."

"Well," Penny cut in, "Locust said something about laying three eggs. Across the world, remember? Does anyone know more about that?" Penny looked around the table, but no one answered. It seemed no one knew. She went back to eating her cinnamon roll, as well. Soon enough, with no other conversation available, the rest of the Destined followed suit. After breakfast was over, they left the room to go back to all their needs. Jeremiah immediately went to Heather for help on being converted to hope.

Jeremiah knocked first, and waited for Heather to say, "Come in," before he stepped inside. Just because he wasn't shadow didn't mean he lost his manners. Heather was sitting on a wicker chair inside, reading a really large leather-bound book. She was wearing the glasses she had worn a few hours before, when Jeremiah had yelled loudly in anger at Opal and she had come rushing in. They were oval glasses, a glittering red. They made Heather look more distinguished.

"You're not wearing those glasses because I said I liked them, are you?" Jeremiah asked. Heather closed the book, marking her page, and shook her head with a smile. "No, I usually wear contacts. I lost them, somehow, and I can't find them." Jeremiah nodded, then sat down and got to the important topic. "Did you find anything on hope?"

"Sure did!" she answered cheerfully, making Jeremiah feel slightly better about the situation. He was, however, surprised at how little everyone else cared about him losing his powers. They must just have confidence in their own strength, Jeremiah thought, then, with a smirk, and confidence I can find my strength again.

Heather pulled out a smaller book, one bound with smooth white cloth. She handed it to Jeremiah, who looked at the cover. A Basic Understanding on the Power of Hope, it said. "Looks like it's exactly what I need," Jeremiah thanked, then opened it up. Immediately, he became interested.

"There's something interesting in that book. I can see it in your face," Heather suspected. Jeremiah read aloud to bring her up on what he had just read.

"The power of hope is not only made for moral support, as in cheering one on, but also, in physical, or power-based support. Any master, or mistress, that is, of hope can increase the potency of any other Destined's abilities, whether it be by a small or great margin. In truth, though masters(or mistresses) of hope are regarded as the weakest, they are in fact the most valuable. Good fortune rides within those who have a Destined of hope on their side!"

Heather's jaw almost dropped. "You're telling me that the Destined of hope are the most powerful? Wow, and everyone thinks they're the weakest. Definitely fascinating."

"And it doesn't stop there," Jeremiah continued. "It goes on to tell how Destined of hope have helped in previous times, and even how to use the power of hope for beginners! This has got to be the most convenient book in the world."

"Well," Heather said, "Try using the power of hope on me. Let's see what happens." She stood up from her chair and spread her arms out. Jeremiah pointed his hands in a magic-y way towards her. looking at the book. 

"Imagine your confidence in victory, your faith in your target, being a solid object. Mentally push that solid object towards your target," he muttered to himself. He did so, imagining that his faith in Heather being a solid object, and mentally made it roll towards her. It mentally hit her, and she seemed to be affected a little for a moment, but she shook her head. "Nothing. Try again." Jeremiah tried again, imagining with more vigor this time. 

He rolled the stone of confidence towards Heather again. This time, it hit her, and she was physically affected. As in, really affected. She turned into a monster.

First, she bent over in pain. Jeremiah ran over to her, and she looked up at him. Her eyes were vicious and cat-like, and her irises had turned orange. Quills shot from her back, fur grew on her arms and legs. Her teeth turned to fangs, and horns grew on her head. A tail grew from her back, and her fingers turned into claws. Lastly, wings shot from her back. She gazed at Jeremiah for a moment as if she had lost her mind, but then her eyes calmed down. They were still cat-like and orange, but they seemed to be Heather again.

"This is really weird. What happened to me?" Heather asked in a strange voice, looking at her animal body. Jeremiah hadn't even known she could do that. He put a hand on her shoulder, and rose petals shot from her center, swirling in a whirlwind around the two. 

"The blessing of the rose," Beast Heather growled. "I haven't been able to revive it any time I tried, but you touch my shoulder, and it's back." She turned back to normal Heather, and the petals went away. She looked at her torn clothes. "I'm going to change these, so you better go." Jeremiah nodded, and began to walk away, careful not to touch anything. 

"I think this is going to be a fun time," Jeremiah said as he left, holding the book Heather had given him.

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