24. Silverhorn Is Really Sharp

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Jeremiah awoke in some fancy castle-like place. There were two staircases in front of him that came out of a balcony in a U-shape. The walls, ceiling and floors were made of varying colors of marble, from red to white to black to even pink--or perhaps the pink was granite. Either way, beautiful stones decorated the castle-like room. Jeremiah sat for a few minutes before Opal came from two double doors at the balcony. She looked as strangely mystic as ever--Jeremiah would probably never get used to her perfectly round, pearly head. He snickered at the fact as Opal angelically stepped down the stairs.

"Good day, master of hope," Opal spoke, her voice soaring throughout the room. "I hope you're ready to learn about the power of hope."

"Very ready," Jeremiah answered eagerly. "I turned Belle into a rapier today, and Heather into a gargoyle, August into a--"

"It does not matter. Well, I suppose it does matter. The abilities you presented today are simply some of the abilities of hope. You see, you increased the power of your other Destined teammates, but you didn't know how to control it, so they became too powerful. Well, Heather did, at least. She transformed into a gargoyle?"

"Something like that. A beast made of all sorts of animal parts."

"Hmm. Well, I suppose you should know that that creature is called an Avalon. What else did you say?"

"Well, Belle, the mistress of blades, turned into a rapier--"

"She is called Silverhorn in your hands. She will penetrate almost any armor once you master her. It sounds strange to call a simple rapier a 'her,' I understand, but Silverhorn is much more than a simple rapier. You will see once you learn to control your power."

Jeremiah processed what he had just been told. Silverhorn? A female rapier? Can penetrate any armor? Master her? Jeremiah shut his mind up, just wanting to listen to Opal. He had heard of weirder things before.

"Tell me, Jeremiah, what do you wish to do first?" Opal asked.

"I want to learn to control the power boosts, mistress," Jeremiah answered. Opal nodded, light bouncing off of her bright, pearly head. Jeremiah felt an inane urge to touch it. 

"Well, first, let me conjure up one of your teammates. They are all asleep. How about...Belle?" Opal made a snappy rising motion with her hands, and Belle rose up from the ground. Sh was confused until she saw Jeremiah. After that, she was just slightly concerned.

"Are you going to turn me into a rapier again?" Belle asked, drawing near Opal and Jeremiah. Jeremiah nodded, and Belle began to start walking backwards, away from the two. "Trust me, Belle, you will be fine," Opal reassured, and Belle began drawing near again. 

"Now, Jeremiah," Opal began once Belle was close to them. "Relax your mind." Jeremiah relaxed, letting all worries go away. 

"Now, fill yourself with determination. If you cannot do it on command, think of something that brings you determination." Jeremiah thought. He thought of Jali, Timmu, and the People of the Feather. He thought of Marionette's unraveling, and the things that a master of hope could do.

He was filled with determination.

"Now, put your hand on Belle's. Belle, I ask you to relax." Belle chilled out while Jeremiah placed his hand on hers. Within a split second, she was turned into a rapier--Silverhorn.

"What do I do now?" Jeremiah asked. Silverhorn began to swerve back and forth, seeming a little panicked. 

"Well, Silverhorn must relax herself again," Opal suggested. Silverhorn stopped swerving and dropped by Jeremiah's side. 

"Focus your minds together. Only then can you work in tandem." Jeremiah focused on working together with Silverhorn, and presumably, Silverhorn did the same. They felt their minds meet, and finally, they could communicate.

Alright, here we go, Silverhorn hummed. Jeremiah agreed, and nodded at Opal. Opal seemed to get the point and pointed to the set of double doors. They opened, and a dragon came out. Reminds me of our first day as Destined, Silverhorn remembered. Knowing that they were probably fine, Jeremiah charged the dragon, holding Silverhorn in front of him. 

The dragon wasn't that big--it couldn't have been more than twelve feet tall at the shoulder. Jeremiah had seen bigger dragons, once or twice. Silverhorn hummed in confidence, and she thrust herself towards the dragon. Jeremiah followed after her, performing a leap. 

Amazing, Jeremiah thought. They were able to leap when Silverhorn thrust herself upwards. They landed on the dragon's shoulder and impaled it right in the joint. The dragon roared in pain, and its wound glowed with light. Jeremiah jumped on the dragon's back and impaled it in the neck. 

I go straight through its hide, Silverhorn hummed excitedly. This was a very, very difficult thing to do. Bullets couldn't affect it--it took a Destined with a weapon made of Berserker's Iron, or a metal that was made stronger in the Destined's hands, to have a hope of piercing the hide. Silverhorn impaled it with no trouble at all.

Jeremiah did a move he had learned from some kids' TV shows from when he was young and started jabbing rapidly in every direction. Silverhorn responded to the jabs and went even faster and stronger than they would have been able to had Silverhorn been a normal rapier. Together, they made so many glowing wounds that the dragon fell down, disabled.

"We must have taken down its nervous system," Jeremiah muttered.

No doubt about it, Silverhorn answered. After one final stab to make sure the dragon was dead, Jeremiah and Silverhorn leaped back over to Opal. Opal seemed approving.

"Well done, Jeremiah and Silverhorn. You have completed Jeremiah's first lesson. You may go." Jeremiah tossed Silverhorn, who transformed back into Belle and landed like a true heroine. Belle fell through the floor and back into her own dream.

Jeremiah felt exhausted. All the fighting with Silverhorn must have drained his power. He had to make note of that. "What are we doing next time?" Jeremiah asked his new mentor.

"We shall work with August next time. Now wake up, young one." 

Jeremiah woke up, not knowing about the dream Alex had had the same night.

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