45. Moth Mayhem, Part 1

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"There it is! The island with the singular tree!" Alex cried out as August Speed dwindled out and he could finally see the world. Penny was standing right next to him, but was too short to look out the window, so she stood on her tiptoes, nudging Alex out of the way. She seemed equally delighted. "Jeremiah!" she called into the other room. "We found the island you told us to look for!" Jeremiah burst into the room, a mixture of three emotions on his face: exhaustion from Vilor taunting him, happiness from a chance for this to finally be over, and nervousness from how much of Vilor's capabilities he knew about.

"That's excellent!" he proclaimed, seeming to choose happiness over nervousness and exhaustion. "We can finally end the battle with Locust and the Insect Brothers!"

"Unless Vilor tells us he's laid three more eggs," Penny reminded.

"In which case I would commit hari-kari," Alex concluded, making Penny and Jeremiah chuckle. "Let's go tell the others."

The three told the other three that they had reached the island, and everyone migrated to the training room as August lowered the train towards it. The train landed, and August burst into the room. "Let's do this," he commanded. Jeremiah gave power boosts to each Destined, turning Heather into Beast Heather, Belle into Silverhorn, August into Robo-August(who equipped gadgets to become Super Robo-August), Alex into Storm Alex, and Penny into Pennizard.

The Destined opened the sliding door and stepped out onto the lonely island.

It wasn't a large island, barely enough to fit Loraine, a small tree, a fire-spitting, winged, spiky gorilla, and a humanoid storm cloud(among other things such as a walking tank and a lizard woman). There was nothing but ocean for miles, excepting a singular island a few miles to the north. Alex could tell the direction because his cloud form allowed him to sense magnetic fields, for whatever reason. There was one glaring thing, though: the extreme lack of Vilor. 

"This better not go like it had in my dreams," Jeremiah threatened just seconds before the sand in front of them burst open, revealing a giant moth. Pennizard yelped in mild terror, then steeled herself and set her sights on Vilor's bulbous head. 

"Are you ready for my mind games?" Vilor screeched, his wings fluttering out. Immediately, Alex's vision began to warp and waver, an unfavorable thing to happen at this particular moment. Alex closed his eyes and ate his staff so that he could form those bronze knuckles that he so loved. Blindly, he shot lightning at where he was almost certain that Vilor was. A scream of pain signified his assumption skills.

"You'll pay for that, you meddling storm cloud!" Vilor screeched. Alex chuckled lightly. Wind seemed to understand why he found that funny.

"You'll pay for that, you meddling storm could." Meddling. Storm. Cloud. What kind of statement is that? Who would ever say, to the clouds in the sky, "You will pay for your meddling?" That's just...just great. Alex heartily agreed, firing another bolt of lightning at the moth. "I'm not the only person doing anything, am I?" he asked.

"Not anymore," Pennizard said as there was a twang of her releasing a quarrel. Alex thought it fine to open his eyes, and he saw a tornado forming around the island, like they were fighting in the middle of a storm. "We fought in the middle of a storm once," Jeremiah remembered, stabbing for Vilor's chest and missing. He wouldn't have missed if he hadn't changed his tactic from "standing there and letting a meddling storm cloud strike him down with lighting" to "dash quickly around like a bat out of hell." At least Jeremiah was attempting things.

Beast Heather was not cursed with the restriction of only melee tools. She had her fire spit, which she used quite often. By the time Vilor had stopped his "dash around like a bat out of hell" tactic, his wings were burning away, but quickly healing back. Vilor flew upwards as soon as he could and opened his wings wide. Violet projectiles shot from his wings, making many explosions in the tiny island's sand. Alex was largely unaffected by solid objects, but Pennizard was badly hurt, for she was hit directly. Alex floated over to protect her while Beast Heather ran over to heal her. 

While this was happening, Super Robo-August was firing rocket after rocket after bullet after green cow(there was only one green cow; he had used it as his opening attack) at the moth and Jeremiah was stabbing, slicing, and trying to cut the moth down. As soon as Pennizard was healed, Beast Heather and Alex launched a combination attack on him. 

"GAH!" Vilor screeched, his torn and tattered body healing itself so the Destined could destroy it again. "I...MUST...KILL...YOU!" He opened his healed wings, and Alex's vision wavered and warped again.

This time, however, Alex couldn't stop it. He tried to cover his eyes from the pulsing wings, but he couldn't move his cloudy arms. His vision warped and distorted like insanity, his mind seeming to spin around and turn upside down. The world spun and twisted, as Alex fell to his cloudy knees. Though he usually had a funnel-shaped lower body, they turned into legs so he could have more balance. Alex thought he heard someone try and speak to him, but all he could hear was a verse from "Stressed Out" by twenty-one pilots. 

Suddenly, Alex's vision cleared. In front of him, Penny was chained to the ground. "Help! Alex, help me!" she cried out. Alex tried to raise his arm, but it was sluggish and slow. It seemed the rest of his body hadn't caught up to his brain and eyes. Penny continued to scream loudly, and Alex wished he could speed up a little more quickly.

"Penny!" Alex called as five Vilors came from the sky and aimed straight for her. Alex knew he needed to stop them, so he thrust his hands out, and the Vilors were destroyed with a single shot.

Then Alex's vision cleared, and he realized he had knocked out his friends, and Vilor was sitting in front of him, laughing, as opposed to Penny sitting there and crying out.

"Oh, no," Alex muttered, then immediately tried to fix his mistake by striking Vilor with a million volts of electricity. 

"GAH!" Vilor screeched, turning to ash. 

That wasn't Vilor, Wind told Alex as soon as he was beginning to celebrate.

"Oh, no," Alex muttered again.

Let's go and put the others back in Loraine, I'll give you a hand.

"Thanks." Alex stood up to go pile his friends in the train.

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