Craig x Reader // The Broken Boy

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Craig x Reader

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Craig x Reader

The Broken Boy

I remember the day I met Craig, like it was yesterday. It was my first day in SouthPark...

South Park, what an odd name for a place. I though, as I walked down the road, staring at the snowflakes as they fell. One landed on top of my nose, making me sneeze.

"Are you okay?" I stopped and turned around to see a boy, around my age, walk up beside me. "Mhm, I snowflake just landed on my nose, that's why I sneezed." I giggled, looking up at him, our eyes locking. They were big, and dark blue. Like the oceans. His eyes showed nothing but sadness... I bit my bottom lip, looking away. "Actually, I should be asking you if you're okay." He stared at me, extending his hand out. "I'm Craig." He mumbled, I grabbed his hand into mine. "Nice to meet you! I'm (Y/n)."

Oh Craig, that broken boy... You should've seen him the first few days I met him. His eyes started looking dull, his voice started getting quite. But I changed that. This is how...

Every morning I made it my duty to wake up early, and go visit Craig before school. Yeah I know, the first few days, waking up early was hell. But then, I got used to it, and today is no different.

I lazily rolled out of bed, and put on my usually outfit. I put a tad of makeup, before doing my hair. I checked the clock, and it was 5:30. I woke up at 4:00 this morning if you were wondering.

I walked out the door, and headed for Craig's house. It was just down the road.

I stood outside his house, deciding whether to knock or not. I silently opened the door, and surprisingly, it was unlocked.

I sneaked up the stairs, and slowly opened Craig's room door to see his sleeping soundly. I stared at him, a smile forming in my lips. His hair was messy, but somehow still looked good. His pale cheeks held a rosy tint to them.

I heard him yawn, before his eyes slowly opened, making there way over to me. He gave me a small smile, before sitting up in bed, yawning again. While rubbing his eyes, he asked "What time is it?" I grabbed my phone, brining the clock up. "It's 6:03." I whisper. He looked me up and down with his big, dark blue eyes. I bit my bottom lip, before standing up and walking over to him. I sat beside him on his bed.

He wrapped his arms around me, "(Y/n). You need to get more sleep." He whispered in my ear, bringing me closer to his warm chest.

He brought me into the blankets with him, both of us giggling like kids.

So. Yeah. That was over a year ago. I don't like talking about this kind of stuff so...

Well, you are me so whatever, right? This is my last year of high school, and I'm going to collage soon. Proms coming up, and I don't think I have date.

I dragged my feet across the cold, school floors. It felt like everyone was staring at me, but no one even bothered to glance in my direction.

Once I finally got to my locker, I spotted Craig. He stood on the other side of the hallway, talking to a girl named Drew. She was one of the popular girls. Her long, brown locks, cascaded down her back. She was tall, and slim. Perfect, in other words.

They were talking, Drew nodded before jumping up and down like a little kid. I wonder what Craig told her.

After she left, Craig stood by her locker, still. He stared off into the distance.

I walked over to him, and poked his shoulder. He looked over at me, his smile dropping, slightly.

"(Y/n)..." He mumbled. "Hi Craig! Remember when you asked me to prom. We're still going together, right?" I asked him. That was such a long time ago, but he kept his promise... Right...?

Rain fell from the sky, as I ran threw the streets. Finally making it to Craig's house, I pounded on the door. His mother opened the door, smiling at me. "(Y/n), hello darling," she said. "Is Craig here?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes but, he isn't accepting visitors." I rolled my eyes. "I don't care." I mumble, as she sigh, used to my weirdness. She stepped out of the way, allowing me in. I walked past her. "You really like him don't you." She asked. I stopped in my tracks. "Like him?" I shook my head. "No, Mrs. Tucker, I love him." I whisper, before running up the stairs and to his room.

I grabbed the door handle, before twisting it. It was locked. "Go away!" I heard Craig shout. I grabbed a bobby pin that I slipped in my back pocket, in case something like this happened. I picked the lock, before bursting in the room.

Craig lay under the sheets of his bed. I slowly walked over to it, to hear Craig sob silently. I pulled the blanket off of his head, to see him cover his face. "MOM! How the fuck did you get in here! GET OUT" he shouts, the sadness clearly visible in his voice. "It's me, you idiot." After I said this, I felt arms sink around my wait, pulling me closer. I fell, on top of him.

My eyes met his puffy, blue ones. "Craig, have you been crying?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "No! What make you think that?" He muttered sarcasticall, his voice cracking . I raised an eyebrow, and threw him a funny look.

He didn't say anything after that, he just buried his face in my neck, crying.

After an hour or so, we pulled a part from each other. The lights were off, the door closed, the moon up in the sky. It was... Perfect.

"(Y/n), you'll always be here for me, right." He asked, his voice husky, and features blank. I nodded. "Of course, forever. I promise." I said, smiling. I should've asked him that question as well... He looked over at me. "Wanna go to prom with me?" I laughed. "But prom is in three years, what if you get a girlfriend?" He shrugged. "I'd rather go with you." He said. "Sure I'll go to prom. But you have to promise you'll go with me." I said, and he smiled. "I promise."

Now if only everyone could keep there promises, we would have no problem.

"Right about prom." Craig mumbled. He bit his bottom lip. "I asked Drew." He said. My eyes widened. "Y-you promised." I whispered. He nodded. "We were kids. (Y/n), stop living in the past." He mumbled, looking away. My brows furrowed, "I'm not living in the past. Craig! What happened to us? We were best friends." I cried desperately. "It was just a phase." He whispered. "Just a phase...mCutting yourself is not just a fucking phase Craig..." I mumbled lowly, glaring daggers. "Attempts at suicide is not a phase!" I tried to keep my voice down, my voice cracking at the end as I stared at him desperately. People were starting to stare, but I don't care.

"Yes it WAS! Just leave me alone, will you!" He shouted back.
"NO! FUCK YOU CRAIG! I dragged you out of depression, I was your only FUCKING FRIEND, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME? BY FUCKING IGNORING ME FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS?" I shout. Tears cascaded down my cheek, as he stared down at me. "Guess we don't always get what we want." He growled, turning around and leaving me, again.


(A/N: this is depressing.... where the hell is the ending smh)

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