Cartman x Reader || Lets Go To CartmanLand

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(Hey there, meh friends! This one shot is based on the episode called, CartmanLand. So yay! Enjoy!)

Cartman x Reader

Let's go to CartmanLand!


"Hell yes! I'm coming!.... Okay okay I'll see you soon... Bye!" You shout before hanging up the phone. You were on the phone with your cousin,-and one of your best friends- Wendy Testaburger. She told you that they re-opened a fair in her town called CartmanLand.

She invited you to the quiet little mountain where she lives called South Park. You've only been there twice. Once was at Wendy's 9 year old birthday party, where you met her really cute boyfriend named Stan Marsh, and the other was last week, when she invited you to go at her house to stay for a sleepover and watch a movie. But usually, she comes and visits you in Denver. (Or wherever you live)

You ran down the stairs and out the front door. You jumped into your (f/c) truck and drove off.

It takes you an hour to get there, and once you do, you squeal and jump out of your car. You run over to the front door where she was waiting for you, and smiled. "(Y/n)! Long time no see girl!" Wendy squeals. You giggle, "right." She brings you in for a hug. Once she pulls away, she drags you into the house.

Her parents, -and you're aunt and uncle- stood there smiling. "Hey Aunt and Uncle-- Whaa!" Wendy yanks you up the stairs and into her sparkling room.

You guys change into some cute clothing. You put on shorts and a blank tank top. You also had a black beanie with writing in (f/c) that read Swag (if you don't like your outfit, feel free to change it). Wendy wore a light purple dress with a yellow belt. She also had her hair in a bun, which also had a yellow bow holding it in place. "So, are you still dating Stan?" She placed her hand on her forehead. "We didn't break up its just... Let me tell you everything..." She sat on her bed and you sat beside her.

"Okay so there's this boy in my class. He really annoys me. Were like rivals or something. He hates me and I totally hate his ass but..." She trailed off. "It happened when I was 9 and it's happening again..." You placed your hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry girl, you can tell me." You said. "We where assigned a project. And turns out... We have a lot in common. Then I had this urge to... Kiss him." You jaw dropped. "So... Did you?" You asked. She nodded. "Not just that, we hade a full-on make out session. M-more then once." She said. "Wendy. Do you like Stan?" You asked. She nodded. "Oh (Y/n)... I-I love Stan but... I don't know...." She mumbled. The room turned silent.

"Okay. Let's just go to CartmanLand!" You sing, and stand up. She smiled and nods, following you.

Once you got there, you were waiting in line. You and Wendy where holding hands, trying not to get lost in the line that was literally crowded. You guys weren't at the beginning of the line, but you were near the front.

A boy around your age walks over. He was a bit on the chubby side, but it didn't bother you. He looked some what... Pist. "ONLY TWO POEPLE ARE ALOUD IN CARTMANLAND!" He angrily shouts. Soo... We might not get to go? You think to yourself.

"HEY CARTMAN, OVERHERE!" Wendy shouts, getting the boys attention. He rolled his eyes, then his light brown eyes travelled to your (e/c) eyes. Your eyes locked for a moment before he pointed at you. "The girl with the (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes! Come here!" He shouts, getting your attention. You? You swiftly made your way threw the crowd and beside the boy. "And of course, Kinny" he said, getting the attention of the boy wearing an orange parka. He walked over to us and smiled. "The tickets are 29$." He stated. You grabbed your money and payed him. The the boy who's name is Kenny did the same. "Now what ever you do, do not go on the same ride as me, understand?" You both nod as the chubby boy walks into the fair. "I'm Kenny." You look over to face the boy. "(Y/n)... Hey Kenny?" "Yeah?" "Can you go on the rides with me... I don't really like going on them by myself..." You nervously mumble, feeling your face go red. He smiles and nods.

You and Kenny did almost all the rides together. Especially the Tea-Cups. It was one of your favourite rides. He looked a bit dizzy. "Kenny, you okay?" You ask. He shook his head. "(Y/n)... I'm gonna take a break... I'll be back later..." He mumbled. You nodded and walked off to the Farris Wheel.

It was getting dark, and the lights to the Farris Wheel flashing. "Whoa..." You mumble, under your breath. You run over to it and sit in it. You waited a bit for it to start moving, but it wasn't. That was when the chubby boy sat facing you. Then it started moving.

You were staring down at your lap and mumbled a little hi. You felt the Farris wheel go up. "H-hey." He stuttered. Then it was silent until you both go to the top. You looked off in awe, you can see the whole town. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" You looked over at the boy. "I come up here every night." You nod, giving him a smile.

"I'm Cartman." "(Y/n)" "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Your face goes red. Now I like him... You think. You looked into his light brown eyes. You couldn't hold it in anymore so you... Just smashed your lips against his. He was surprised for a second before kissing back. He was a really good kisser. You blushed and pulled away.

"Cartman... You're a good kisser..." You trail off making him chuckle. "Well, I got a lot of practice from my history partner." He answered. Oh no. "Don't tell me your partner's Wendy...?" You mumble. "Oh it is... You know her?"


(A/N: I LOVE THE ENDING TO THIS ONE! Yep, I'm back. And guess what?!? I went shopping like two days ago and got myself a FLOWER CROWN!! *Squeals* I always wanted one and now I got one! So I really hope you enjoyed this one shot of you and Cartman. I enjoyed writing it... As always. Lol. So here's an inspirational QUOTE:

"You've always had the Power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."

-Glinda the Good Witch

I mean really, who doesn't love the Wizard of Oz? Lol. Well I hope you liked this! I'll you you guys later, BEYYY!)


[14th Story Out Of 100]

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