Stan X Reader || Is That Still You

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Stan x Reader

Is That Still You?


This was a new year for (y/n)! This year is the year you were gonna get over your crush, Stan, and accept the fact that your new best friend, Wendy Testaburger, is dating him. Yup! I said that, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND! WENDY TESTABURGER!

You sigh, it was a new school year, and you were going in 10th grade. You hope that this year would be better then your first year of high school...

You take a deep breath, walking to school in the coldness of winter.

"Hey! (Y/n)!!! Wait up!" You'd recognize that voice anywhere. Cartman. You stopped in your tracks, and waited for him to catch up, which took way longer then necessary.

"Hey dude!" You say, greeting him. He snorted. "Hey, bitch!" He greets back. You glare at him, "Why did mum have to do this to me!" You say, "do what?" Cartman asks, "Eric, seriously!" You question. "Eh! Don't call me Eric, only muum can call me Eric!" He whined.. "I don't care! Back to the important stuff, my mom said '(y/n) all your friends are boys, you need to get some girl friends, oh I know just the girl, Wendy Testaburger! If you don't befriends her- Blah Blah blah!'" You whine, mocking your mother. "Uh, that sucks, you're Wendy Testaburger's new bitch!" He shouts. "Suck it Cartman, my mom even called her, and was like, 'Yes Wendy, my little girl is a loner and wants to- Blah blah blah!'" You shout, stomping your foot on the cold ground. "Eh, that sucks, oh well! Not my problem, have fun with the super bitches!" Cartman yells, before spotting Wendy in the distance. "Oh shit, see you later hoe!" He shouts, running away.

"OH, IF IT ISN'T MY NEW BESTIE!!" Wendy squeals, walking up beside you and linking your arms. You sigh, "hey Wendy! It's sooo good to see you!" you say, sarcastically. She smiles and says "oh, I know right! Britches can't resists me!" She then points at herself with her free hand. "Anyways, you're invited to the sleepover at Bebe's. You in?" She asks you. "I guess-" "YAYYAYAYAY! See ya then! By the way, always have your phone on you, I'll be texting you some time soon, Kay, kissys!" She shouts as she fake kisses your cheeks. "We're at school so, see you later sister!" She says, running off to class... What just happened?

Your first class was French for some reason and your teacher, Mrs. Bunnyboo, was talking. "Now (y/n), can you say a sentence in French please? Say something that you enjoy doing." Ms. Bunnyboo asks. "J'aime la lecture? (It says 'I like reading')" you ask. "Very well!" Ding! You get a text in the middle of class. "Was that a phone I heard?" Mrs. Bunnyboo asked. You shook your head. "N-no it was your.... computer! You got an email!" You nervously said. She nodded. "Uh, can I be excused?" You ask, seconds later. She eyed you, but nods. You scramble out of the room, accidentally slamming the door behind you. You ran down the hall and into the girls washroom.

Text from .:Wendy:.
Hey Gurl! What's up?

Dude, I'm in class! Well not anymore...

Where r u?

Girls washroom, hiding in a stall...

I'm coming 2 c u!


To late. About 2 minutes later, you hear someone say "knock knock, guess who!" You sigh and walk out of the stall. "Yay! My bessssst friend" you say sarcastically, she smiles and says "yup, I'm fab anyway what's up g- Oh my god! What are you wearing?" She asks, which offended you a bit. "Uh, clothes!" You say. "Um, no! We are so going shopping, like, NOW!" She shouts, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of school and to her pink car. "I'm 16!!!" She shouts, getting in the drivers seat. You sigh, you were ditching school to go shopping? Add that to the list of, things I would never do, but end up doing.

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