Teen!Ike x Reader || High School

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Teen!Ike x Reader

High School


Your POV
I cannot believe that tomorrow's already my FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! Oh my gosh I'm Fangirling! Is there gonna be any super mega hot boys who will attend South Park High? Probably not, boys like that don't exist! Actually they do! Dylan O'Brian, Even Peters...

"(Y/n)! Dinners ready! It's Mac and cheese!" My mom shouts from the kitchen. Were having macaroni and cheese, that means garlic bread YES!

I sprinted down the stairs and sit at my spot. My mom brings me a plate filled with macaroni and cheese with a slice of garlic bread besides it! I clap my hands together. "Praise the lord! Mac and cheese!" I sing before digging in. My mom laughs. "Hops you enjoy it darling!" She says. "Hell! It's better then fast food!" I sing. She smiles. Everything is better then fast food, especially McDonalds! Ew.

My mom sat across from me. "So, are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked. I quickly swallow my food before answering. "Yes." I say simply, before stuffing more food in my mouth. My mom chuckled. "Well, have a good day. Okay?" She said, I nod. "Well, I'm going to bed, nighty night mom." I mumble once I was finished my food. She smiled at me and I rush into my room.

It was pretty late for eating dinner, 10:12pm. I fell onto my bed, staring at my (F/c) ceiling. I wonder what high schools like?

Here is the honest answer. It's scary! High school is definitely scary! I walked threw the hallway, crowded with teens. Most, being older then me. They seemed to be all staring at me!

After a few minutes, I found my class. It was pretty boring. The teacher was talking while I was zoning out slightly.

After my first class, I ran into the hallway, toward where I think my next class was. Which happened to be Math. I accidentally bumped into someone, we both fell.

I stood up, helping him up. "Oh my gosh, I'm so.... Sorry..." I looked the boy up and down. He wore black skinny jeans, and a blue top. His black hair covered his bright blue eyes slightly. I guess super mega hot boys do come at this school! My face turned red as he looked me up and down.

"New student?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm a first year." I mumble. "Really? You look older then a first year. A third year maybe?" He said. My eyes widens as I blushed. "Really?" He nodded. "I'm Ike." He extended his hand for me to shake, which I did. "I'm (Y/n)..." I mumble.

Turns out, Ike is older then me. He's a third year. A THIRD YEAR! And we exchanged numbers.

I skipped home after school, smiling like an idiot. Once home, my mom asked, "Why are you smiling like an idiot?" She giggled. "Okay I'll tell you mom, if you promise to not tell anyone!" I said. She nodded.

So I told her about me bumping in to the most hottest guy ever and how he liked me. And how we exchanged numbers. My mom was jumping up and down. "Okay, what does he look like?" I shrugged. "He looks... Attractive." I say. My mom rolls her eyes. "Okay okay." She mumbles.

I was currently lying on my bed. Till my phone buzzed. I picked it up.

From: Ike Broflovski
Message: Hey (Y/n)! I was wondering if we could hang out!

I smiled. Of course!

To: Ike Broflovski
Message: Yes! Where to?

From: Ike Broflovski
Message: Mine? We can watch a movie!

I smiled.

To: Ike Broflovski
Message: Okay, be there in a few.

I quickly jumped out of bed and changed my clothes, did my hair and makeup. He texted me his address and I was on my way, but before I could exit my house...

"(Y/n), where are you going?" I turned around to see my mom. "Over to a friend." I mumble. "Boy or girl?" She asked. "...a boy." I mumble. She smirked. "Oh~! Is it Ike?" She asked. I shrugged. "Okay, go have fun." She says, I smile. "Thanks." "Oh and sweetie, use protection!" "MOM!!"

Once there, we sat in the living room. His parents and older brother were out somewhere. It was just us... Alone.

We watched a movie, it was pretty good, and at some point threw the movie, Ike placed a blanket over us.

And now the movie was over, it was just us. "So Ike..." I mumbled. The boy shrugged. "(Y/n), I was meaning to tell you..." He trailed off. I nodded. "Yeah?" I asked. "T-that I like you ever since I laid eyes on you!" He says. My face turning red. "I like you too!" I smile. He smiles back before pressing his lips against mine.

We ended up falling asleep together on the couch. My parents were pretty worried, but I'm sure that Ike's parents took care of it.

"My baby's growing so fast! We need more pictures!" Ike's mother hissed, taking pictures of me and Ike sleeping. She sent them to my mom without my permission!

The End~

(A/N: HEYO FRIENDS. Fact About The Author: OH CANADA! I actually am Canadian! Just wanted to say, cause you know, Ike's Canadian! XD here's a QUOTE:

"Dude, sucking at something is the first step towars being sorta good at something."
~Jake The Dog :P

Hope you liked this chapter. I'll update soon. Next chapter FYI is Token x Reader I'll see you guys later BYYYYEEE!)


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