Mystirion x Reader || Fishing Trip Gone Wrong

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❤️Requested by @Arisu-chan003❤️

Mystirion X Reader

Fishing Trip Gone Wrong


No One's POV
Today was gonna be fun! You though to yourself, throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. It was a warm, Saturday morning, and you were getting ready to go fishing with your uncle and dad.

Even though fishing wasn't your most favourite thing to do, you decided to go anyways. It's not like you had anything to do today... Oh wait. You did. Almost all your friends are going at the movies, then to a party, which you were invited to by the way. You turned them down, wanting to spend more time with your uncle and father.

You rubbed sunscreen on your arms, shoulders and a bit on your face, before running out the door.

Once you guys got to the lac, you your dad, and your uncle hopped on.

Your father was steering the boat, as you and your uncle waited.

After a long while, you felt a tug at your fishing rod. "Fish on!!" You giggled, standing up. The boat swayed side to side, but that didn't stop you from reeling with all your might. "Come on! You almost got it!" Your uncle cheered you on.

Soon enough, the fish was on board with you, jumping around slightly. "Good job (Cute/Nick/Name)!" Your uncle patted you on the head. You dad smile at you, as you let out a giggle.

An hour later, you sat silently in the boat. Your uncle and father fishing as you played flappy bird on your phone. You only had two fishing roads, so you guys had take turns.

You uncle stood up, a huge grin took over his face. "Fish on!" He shouts. Both you and your father look up at him, the boat swaying. He took a step back, tripping over a bag, and falling onto your dad, pushing him out the boat. The boat flipped over, everyone falling out.

You tried swimming, but the backpack you wore was to heavy. You tried shaking it off your shoulders, but to no use. It stayed glued there. You tried screaming, but nothing happened. You saw someone swimming towards you in the distance, but you vision grew blurry, your lounges filling up with cold water...

All you saw was darkness, but you can hear clearly. You heard the faint beeping of he IV. The silent whispers. You weren't dead.

You tried opened your eyes. Your eyelids feeling like one hundred pounds. But, you managed to pry them opened. You stared at a boring ceiling. "She's awake." You heard someone whisper.

You turned your head to the side slightly, your eyes meeting vibrant blue ones. You stared at the masked stranger, as he stared back at you. You dad, uncle and mom all stood, staring at you. "You're okay!" Your mom squealed, running over and squeezing you in a hug.

You weekly hugged her back, a few seconds later she pulled away. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She sigh. You gave hugs to everybody after. Except for that boy. He sat in the chair, silently. Admiring your lovely (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair and glowing smile.

You father had told you that the boy had been the one who saved you. You looked over at him, your eyes locking. He smiled.

Visiting hours were over. You needed to stay one more night, just to make sure that you were okay.

You parents left, then your uncle, then the boy stood up from the chair. "Wait!" You manage to breath out. He stopped, turning his head to look at you over his shoulder. "Please, don't go." You begged. By this point, he was turned around, staring at you. "Visiting hours are over." He whispered. He turned around, but before he could leave, he felt the warmth of your hand on his. He turned around to face you. "What, did you just—" you cut him off. "Rip the IV out on my arm. Yes! And it stings." You giggled, slightly.

He smiled, his back pressed against the door as you stood in front of him. "Now, who are you—" as you were about to rip his mask off, he ran off into the room. You followed him, into the washroom. You looked around for him, before he jumped in front of you, pinning you the a wall. Before you could say anything, his lips were on yours. You took his hood off, playing with his thick hair, pulling it slightly. His hand, slowly going up your hospital gown. You pushed him away. "No way are you getting any of this, with out me knowing who you are." You mumble. He smiled, taking his mask off. "Kenny McCormick. I should've guessed." You whisper, as he pressed his lips against yours, once again.

The End

(A/N: hi. SORRY IF I DIDNT PICK YOUR REQUEST! I'm gonna try and write all of them so, don't worry!!! Yes, I'm back finally. Writers block is a bitch. But, yay! Thank you guys for requesting. I will try and update more often. Love you guys!)

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