Mysterion x Reader // Thank You

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Mysterion x Reader

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Mysterion x Reader

Thank you

You sigh, another miserable day at school.

Before stepping threw the door, you wipe away the tears that had fallen. Home at last..

As you walked in, you came face to face with your mother.

"Hey Mom." You mumbled, lowly.

"Oh, hey Sweetie! How was your day?" She asked.

You faked a smile. "It's was good, mom." You say, trying to sound enthusiastic, but failing miserably.

"That's good..." She said sceptically, her eyes glued on you as you shrug.

You took a deep breath, before walking up to your room. Today was horrible, people laugh, and push you around, like every other day but...

Sometimes you would catch that one boy staring at you. You don't know his name.... He wore an orange parka...

He wasn't much of a friend... to be honest, you don't even know him that much.

You sigh, grabbing the huge pile of homework out of your school bad and read it over. You didn't really understand much of it, so you only did the small parts you understood.

After you finished that, you took a quick shower and changed into you pyjamas. You stared at your homework which was messily piled onto the bed.

You glared at it, picking it up and throwing it hard against the wall across the room.

You sigh in defeat, jumping into your bed and wrapping yourself in all the warm blankies. It only took you a few seconds before you were passed out completely.


Your eyes slowly opened to someone stroking your (h/c) locks.

You look at your window to see it wide opened. Then you looked to your other side, to see someone sitting on the edge of your bed, stroking your hair softly.

He wore a black hood, his shirt had a green M on it. There was also a question mark on his hood.

"W-who are y-you?" You stuttered, nervously.

He chuckled and pulled his hand away from you. "I'm Mysterion."

"W-what—?" you stuttered, utterly confused.

"Don't worry (y/n)." He whispered, with a reassuring smile. "I'll protect you."

"P-protect me?" You stuttered, as he nodded.

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