"Even if trying to fly means death to him, he will still do it a thousand time." - from On Eagle's Wings
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There was this story..Once there was an mother eagle who bore eggs. Mother eagles tend to be very protective when it comes to their eggs. They will be keeping them on top of a mountains to protect their eggs. But somehow, somewhere. When a mommy bird is trying to travel her eggs toward a mountain top, one of her eggs accidentally fell down.
The poor lonely egg fell down in a ducks nest where it got mixed up along with other duck eggs. The mommy duck had been laying her eggs until they all hatched. The time and days had passed, the eggs - both the eagles' and the duck's were hatched. And there came the young ones.
The mother duck is so happy seeing her little ones. How she loved them so much, including the eaglet, nobody really know that this little fellow is not a duckling. For everyone, he is a duck. And for the mother duck, he is her son. The eaglet grew together with all the ducklings, he eats with them, play with them, walk with them. He became like them.
Unknowingly, he turned himself into a duck. He eats like a duck, play like a duck, walk like a duck and fly like a duck. But time after time, he will look up into the broad sky wondering if he could one day be able to soar that high. But his siblings will always be there, not to support him but to discourage him.
"Why are you so dreamy about flying?" They would asked. "We are just ducks. And this is our place, in this pond. The sky is too high for us." And he would believe them, he would convince himself that the dream of flying is not for him. That the vast space of the sky has no place for someone like him. Ducks are not meant to soar high. But whenever he saw some other birds flying across the heavens, he envies them while he pities his self. And the poor eagling (eaglet+duckling) never learned to fly.
The End.
With that I closed the book that I was holding. I was inside a classroom with dozens of kids. Every once a week I held a life setting session with the kids in the orphanage. I personally teach them and share with them different values in life.
Being a child psychologist, this is one of my program for the wellness of the mind. Well, yes. Just like the body, our mind also needs proper conditioning and positive pruning.
"Doctor Levi, you're unfair." Commented one of the kid.
"That can't be the end." Another kid butted in.
And there were groaning, murmuring, chattering and babbling all over the room. The kids who were very engrossed in listening to my story of the eaglet from the very beginning are now being frustrated.
"Why? What's wrong kids?" I asked innocently.
"We can't accept that ending." One boy answered.
"Yes, he is right." Motion the other.
"And why?" I asked again raising my left eyebrow while a smile was carved on my lips, playing my antics with the kids.
"Because it is you who said.." It was a little girl answering my question. "You tell us that if it is not happy then its not yet the ending." Finishing it with conviction while there were sparkles in her eyes and her arms were crossed.
"Yes, she is right!" They was a unified agreement to the kids echoing inside the room.
I just laugh with the little girls answer, it is not because I find it funny. But my laughter is filled with pride, achieving what I wanted. It was heart warming and contagious, the kids inside the whole room laughed along with me.

KISMET: Into Love
Romance"Have you ever felt lost? Lost in places that had been so familiar to you. Lost in your own self, known by many but stranger to your very own eyes. As if you are wandering in places you have known for a lifetime yet felt so unreal, so detached and s...