Part 1 : Poems To Him

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When I first started writing this book, I imagined it to be a few chapters long  , containing only the story of a girl who fell in love with a boy and then lost him due to their complicated lives and completely different characters. As the book developed, I started having more ideas. Some of them were for a girl who lost herself many years ago and now lives with the guilt of destroying the person she once was, other were for the loss of a brother, the loss of a friend, the perfect relationship with the billion flaws, and last but certainly not least, some realisations I had about life in general. I started writing and writing and writing and it felt so good, but then I came to my mind that a lot of you might be confused as you first starting reading this story believing it would be based on love, and it is, just not all of it.
So I'm writing this exceptionally long author's note in order to tell you that I will be separating the book in parts.
The first part as you probably have realised is the story of the boy and the girl and it will be called "Poems To Him."
If you have any more questions please do ask me, I'm happy to answer you.

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