broken mirrors

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Brendon awoke to find Gerard standing over him. His head hurt.
"Ungh...what happened?" He asked.
Gerard sighed. "I'm...honestly not sure, Brendon. You told me about Keltie and Ryan, and then you just collapsed."
"Something's horribly wrong," Brendon whispered, his voice unsteady.
"You mean, besides the fact that Ryan Ross is a lying sack of crap?" Mikey asked from where he'd been sleeping in the recliner. Brendon started crying and got to his feet.
"N-not like that," he gasped, clutching his stomach.
"Shit," Gerard muttered, helping Brendon over to the couch.
"Call Ryan...tell him," Brendon let out a wail of agony. "Dammit!"
"That's it. I'm calling an ambulance," Gerard said, whipping out his phone and dialing 911. He put it on speaker.
911; what is your emergency?
"Hi. My name is Gerard. My friend is about four months pregnant. Bren is in a lot of pain. We think something is really wrong," Gerard said in a rush.
Have her stay calm. I'm sending an ambulance. Stay on the line until it gets there.
Brendon lay curled on the couch, tears streaming from his eyes.
"They're on their way," Gerard sighed, smoothing Brendon's bangs out of his eyes. The younger boy bit his lower lip and moaned. Sirens could be heard in the distance.
"Shit, this is bad," Mikey muttered, pacing in front of the window and staring into the dark night. Gerard crouched in front of the couch and took one of Brendon's hands in his. The sirens were getting louder. "Brendon, you're gonna be okay," Gerard whispered. Brendon said nothing, only nodded.
"I...I'm so scared, Gee," he whimpered. "I wish Ryan was here."
"I know you are." The sirens were right outside, and the room was filled with flashing red lights. Gerard straightened as Mikey opened the door for the paramedics.
"Where's the mother in distress?" A tall woman with light brown hair asked in a clipped tone.
"Right here," Brendon panted. "It's me."
The medics who wheeled in the stretcher exchanged questioning glances, and Gerard glared at them. "Don't ask," Gerard murmured. The medic closest to him nodded.

Brendon let out a cry of pain as he tried getting to his feet. "F-fuck," he whimpered as he was helped onto the stretcher. He was strapped in, then the stretcher was elevated.
"You're gonna be okay," the brunette medic said with a warm smile.
"M-my baby," Brendon whimpered.
"You both are going to be okay," she said.
"Can I...can I ride in the ambulance with him?" Gerard asked hesitantly. She nodded as they loaded the boy into the ambulance.
"I'll be right behind you," Mikey said.


Mikey clenched the steering wheel in a grip so tight his knuckles turned white. He was shaking with anger. "Fuck him," he muttered. "If Ryan wants to be a complete ass, fine. But not when he and Brendon have a baby on the way..."
Luckily, Mikey knew where Keltie lived. He pulled up and put the car in park. He stormed up the walk and pounded on the front door. It opened in moments.
"What's going on?" Keltie asked sleepily.
"Where is Ross?" Mikey growled.
"In bed...why?"
"Because, he's cheating on you. With Brendon Urie. Who, by the way, is carrying Ryan's fucking child and was just taken to the hospital in a god-damned ambulance!"
Keltie grew furious. "GEORGE RYAN ROSS!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Ryan walked up behind her, rubbing his eyes.
"What is it, baby?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. She shook it off and turned on him. That's when Ryan saw who was at the door.
"Is it true?" she asked, fighting to keep her voice steady. Ryan didn't need any further clarification: Mikey's presence was all he needed to know.
Ryan nodded. "I-I'm sorry."
Keltie shrieked furiously. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, FREAK!" She shoved him, hard.
"Baby...please," Ryan begged. She slammed the door in his face.
Ryan turned on Mikey, itching for a fight.
"What the fuck was that for? You've ruined everything, Way!" he hissed.
"Brendon was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, Ryan. He's scared. should be there with him," Mikey said gently.
"Wh-why are you doing this for me?"
"I'm not doing this for you. In my opinion, Brendon is better off without your lying, cheating ass. Brendon is terrified, and he needs you there," Mikey snapped, turning on his heel and walking to his car.


"Gerard..." Brendon whispered, looking uncharacteristically tiny and helpless as he was examined by a doctor, who had introduced herself as Dr Martinez.
"I'm here, Brendon," Gerard murmured, taking the younger boy's hand in his.
The doctor smiled warmly. "We're gonna get an ultrasound machine in here. See if we can find out what's going on here."
Brendon nodded, a tear rolling down his cheek. There was a gentle knock on the door of his room, and Mikey stepped in, practically dragging Ryan behind him.
"R-ry?" Brendon whispered in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Bren," Ryan whispered, his voice shaky. "I was a coward."
"Y-you're here now. That's what counts," Brendon said with a weak smile that broke Ryan's heart. "Thank you for coming."
"I'm so sorry for hurting you," Ryan burst into tears.
"Shh...none of that," Brendon murmured. "It's okay," he took Ryan's hand.
Dr Martinez rolled the machine into Brendon's room and sighed. "There are too many people in here. Two of you need to go to the waiting room," she said. Gerard nudged Mikey, and the two of them walked out.
"This is gonna be cold," the doctor whispered as she pulled Brendon's shirt up. She squirted some gel onto his stomach, then rolled the device over the skin. The sound of two distinct heartbeats filled the room.
"See here," Dr Martinez said, pointing on the screen to a white blob. "That's one of your babies." Brendon smiled as he started crying. The doctor moved the wand to the other side of his belly and pointed. "And here is the other."
"Twins," Brendon whispered in wonder. "I'm having twins," he smiled.
"Congratulations," Dr Martinez said warmly.
"Are my babies...are they okay?" Brendon asked shakily. Dr Martinez nodded.
"Perfectly healthy. The discomfort you are experiencing is simply your body adjusting. Of course, stress doesn't help," she added, glaring at Ryan.
Brendon sighed in relief. "They're gonna be okay."
"Thank god," Ryan whispered.
"How many sets of pictures would you like printed?"
"Um...could you give us four?" Brendon asked softly.
"Sure," the doctor said sweetly, wheeling the machine out of the room.
Ryan looked over at Brendon. "Why four?"
"One for us, one for the Way brothers, one for Pete, and one for my mom," Brendon explained. Ryan took a step back. "oh."
" that okay?" Brendon asked, getting to his feet.
"You don't think my mom would want pictures of her fucking grandkids?"
"I-I'm sorry, Ryan," Brendon said, feeling guilty. "I...I thought she hated me. I didn't think to give her one."
"But the people I don't like get one? Okay," Ryan said coldly. The younger boy's lower lip started trembling.
"Can we please not fight? I'll get her one," Brendon whispered.
"Fine, whatever," Ryan stormed out just as Dr Martinez returned with the images.
"Could I get another set?" Brendon asked softly. The doctor smiled. "I actually printed off an extra one by mistake, and was gonna give it to you anyway," She handed them to Brendon, who nodded in thanks. Brendon was discharged, and he walked to the waiting room where Ryan was sitting off by himself. Brendon handed a set to the Way brothers.
"Twins? Congrats!" Gerard exclaimed, giving Brendon a sideways hug.
Brendon walked over to Ryan and handed him two sets of pictures.
"...we're having twins," Ryan whispered.
"Yes, we are," Brendon smiled. "Let's go home."

"I can't believe you're having twins!" Gerard said once everyone was in Mikey's car. Ryan rolled his eyes.
"I know. It's amazing," Brendon whispered in awe.
"I can't wait to show Pete!" Mikey exclaimed. Ryan proceeded to punch Mikey in the ribs. "Shut the fuck up," he muttered.
"Lighten up! You're gonna be a dad!"


ALWAYS {A Ryden MPreg}--House Of Memories: Book Two (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now