This Is Gospel

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They pulled into the ambulance bay and Dallon slammed on the brakes. Waiting for them with a wheelchair were Dr. Martinez, a security guard, and Ryan Ross.
Dallon threw his door open, then ran to the other side of the car.
"Ryan! Help me get Brendon into the wheelchair!" Dallon hissed, opening Brendon's door. The boy looked up at him with fearful eyes.
"I...I'm sorry, Dallon," Brendon whimpered, blinking away tears.
"Why are you apologizing?" Dallon asked as he lifted the boy out of the car. Ryan was there and ready with the wheelchair.
"I think my water broke," Brendon said softly. Dallon chuckled.
"It's fine, Brendon," Dr. Martinez said. "That just means we have to get you to your delivery room. Like, now. Hall, clear the way! I mean it, Zack! Make sure we have a clear path to an empty elevator! Ryan, follow me! Brendon, hold on. We need to run!"
The guard looked at Brendon. "Nice to see you again." He said as he ran into the hospital.
"Um...did I meet him last time?" the boy asked.
"You'll have to ask G when he gets here," Dallon said.
Dr. Martinez ran ahead of them. Ryan pushed Brendon as fast as he could. The guard held the elevator for them.

Brendon screamed in agony as another contraction ripped through him. He was laying on a hospital bed, his legs held open because his feet were in stirrups. As was protocol, a sheet was draped across his open legs, creating a tent of sorts.
"Fuckfuckfuck," the boy sobbed, gritting his teeth and grasping Ryan's hand.
"Brendon...I know you're gonna want to push, but you can't. Not yet. You're only seven centimeters dilated...three to go," Dr. Martinez said from under the tent.
"I...okay," he whispered as he relaxed. Ryan leaned over and brushed the boy's hair out of his face.
"You're doing great," Ryan murmured. Brendon lay there, gasping for breath. "I guess," he murmured. Ryan closed his eyes.
Brendon bit back a scream as another contraction started.
"You're at ten centimeters. At the count of three, I need you to push!"
Ryan brought his boyfriend into a seated position.
"One...two....three. PUSH!"
Brendon pushed as hard as he could, a string of profanities flying past his lips. "I can't...I can't fucking do this!" he cried.
"Relax for a second," Dr. Martinez said, a weird edge to her voice. "I'll be right back." She stood up and held her gloved hands in the air. Hands that were covered in blood.
"Is something wrong?" Brendon asked fearfully. Ryan shrugged. "I hope not."
Dr. Martinez returned with Dr. Iero and two women. One had bright red hair, the other was a natural blonde. The redhead turned to Brendon and smiled. "I'm Hayley...I'll be your delivery nurse," she said sweetly.
The blonde ducked under the sheet, then reappeared a few moments later. "I'm Dr. Ledger. You're right, Melanie. He's hemorrhaging. We need to get him to surgery!"
Ryan ran from the room, feeling sick to his stomach.
"We're gonna give you a sedative. We need to perform an emergency caesarean," Dr. Iero said, slipping a plastic mask over Brendon's mouth and nose. Within a minute, the boy was asleep.

The sound of crying filled the room as Hayley lifted the baby girl out of Brendon. Dr. Iero cut the cord, and the nurse put the baby girl in the waiting incubator.
"Looks like the boys didn't make it," Dr. Martinez whispered, lifting the first one. The umbilical cord was tightly wrapped around the boy's neck, and his skin was blue.
Brendon's heartrate monitor grew erratic.
"Shit, he's still losing blood!" Dr. Ledger hissed, lifting the second dead baby out of Brendon. This one was much smaller, having perished earlier in the pregnancy. Hayley took him and wrapped him up. Dr. Ledger began frantically searching for the source of the bleeding.
"Suction!" she screamed as the boy flatlined. "No!"
Dr. Iero attempted CPR for at least twenty minutes, but there was no change in Brendon's vitals. Dr. Iero put his hands up and stepped away from the table.
"We have to call it. He's gone. Time of death: 1538," the doctor said sadly.
Dr. Ledger ripped her gloves off and took a shuddering breath.
"At least sew him up. Hayley, get the girl up to NICU!" Dr. Martinez ordered. "I'll go tell the family."

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