trade mistakes

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Gerard found Lana across the parking lot with Mikey. It appeared that the younger Way brother was on his fourth cigarette. Lana smiled as Gerard walked over.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, gracing the skin of her face with the side of his hand. Lana leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.
"Yeah," she whispered. "It's just that...I need you."
Mikey rolled his eyes and put out his cigarette. "I'm going back inside," he muttered. "Actually, I need to sleep. I'm goin' home."
Once Mikey had gotten in his car and pulled away, Gerard sighed.
" you too. So much it hurts," Gerard said, pulling Lana closer.
"Well, there's a hotel right down the street," Lana sighed, reaching out and palming her boyfriend's erection over his jeans. He groaned and took his bottom lip between his teeth as he shuddered with pleasure.

They were soon in their hotel room. As soon as they had closed the door, Gerard pulled Lana to him and kissed her urgently.
"Oh god, I've missed this," Lana whispered as she pulled the zipper down on Gerard's jeans. He grinned as he pulled her t-shirt over her head. He kissed down the side of her neck, nibbling here and there as he went. Lana let out a soft moan as Gerard tangled his hands in her hair and gently pulled. He snickered as he untangled himself from her hair. He reached behind her back and deftly unclasped her bra. Lana giggled in surprise as he freed her breasts, letting her bra slip to the floor. She hurriedly pulled his shirt off of him, desperate for him to fill her completely. All of a sudden, Gerard's phone went off. He pushed Lana away from him so he could check it. His eyes widened, and he hurriedly got dressed.
"What the fuck, G?" Lana whispered angrily.
"It's Brendon," Gerard said, bursting into a grin. "Charlie just texted me...he's awake!"
Lana got dressed as well. She grabbed her keys, then they were out the door.

Charlie was so happy, she couldn't stop crying.
"What happened to me?" Brendon asked once he had found his voice again. Charlie sighed.
"Ry...beat you really bad. You a coma."
Brendon furrowed his brow. "How long?"
"Almost three weeks," Charlie whispered, then grinned. "You went from big to absolutely huge!"
Brendon noticed just how large he now was and started crying in wonder and grief at having lost nearly a month of time while he should have been watching his babies grow. His belly button had popped out and was now straining against the thin fabric of his hospital gown.
The door opened, and in walked Gerard and Lana.
"D-don't look at me," Brendon smirked. "I've turned into a fucking whale! Look! I even have a blowhole!" Brendon laughed, gesturing to his protruding navel.
Gerard rolled his eyes and grinned. "I'm so happy you're awake."
"Hey, Bren," Lana whispered.
"Hello, Lana," Brendon muttered, rolling to his side. He had suddenly grown very irritable, but had no clue as to why that was. Lana rolled her eyes and stormed out of the room. Brendon looked like he was about to cry. "D-did I do something wrong?" he whispered. Brendon felt the strangest sensation sensation on his chest, so he hesitantly looked down.
"What the fuck?!?!" he gasped, bolting into an upright seated position. On the front of hospital gown, above his belly, were two growing wet spots.
Gerard busted out laughing. "H-holy fuck," he panted, trying to breathe between hysterical giggles. Charlie started laughing as well.
"Wh-what?" Brendon asked, feeling really confused.
"'re leaking!" Charlie said, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. Brendon was still lost.
"It's breast-milk!" Gerard snickered.
"Wow," Brendon whispered in fascination as he reached under the hospital-gown and touched one of his breasts. He squeezed it, and milk squirted out. This sent Gerard and Charlie into another fit of hysterics.
"S-stop! Can't breathe!" Gerard panted desperately. Brendon pulled his hand out and wiped it on the sheet.
He giggled. "That felt weird."
Dr. Iero walked into the room. "Well, way to look alive, sunshine! I'm so glad I finally get to see the light behind your eyes. We weren't sure if you were gonna be able to come back."
Brendon took one look at the short doctor and began giggling like crazy. He let himself calm down.
"Well, I'm here now. Um...Charlie...did the restraining order ever go through?"
The girl nodded and stepped aside so the doctor could check Brendon's reactivity. All good.
"We're gonna keep you a few days, just under observation." Dr. Iero said as he replaced the boy's chart, then walked out. Brendon set a hand on his bulging tummy and smiled.
"I...I'm just glad you're okay," Charlie whispered. Brendon nodded.
"I'm just....glad the babies are all okay," he sighed, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"I can't believe they kept me a whole fucking week!" Brendon panted as he was assisted from the bed into a wheelchair.
"They had to make sure you were stable," Charlie said as she wheeled him out of the room. She was exhausted and out of breath by the time they got to the elevator. "Hey, G...could you come push?" she whispered. Her cousin nodded with a grin.
" more month to go. How are you feeling?" Charlie asked as they got in the elevator. The pregnant boy shrugged nonchalantly and sighed. "Not quite sure...I'm just glad that it's almost over."
They got to the ground floor and when the door opened, there stood Ryan Ross. Gerard's eyes narrowed.
"You're not allowed to be here, Ross!" Gerard hissed.
"I...I just wanted to see Brendon." Ryan whispered. "I feel terrible about what I did."
Brendon rolled his eyes as he held his arms out. Charlie helped him to his feet. He took a few steps, making sure to pace himself. "I'm good," he said when Charlie reached for him. "I just can't walk as fast as I used to. Um...Ryan, I know you feel bad, and I am glad that you do. But you can't be here." Brendon muttered. "Just go!"
Ryan, a hurt look in his eyes, turned and walked away. The younger boy had to resist the urge to call him back.
"It's for the best," Charlie whispered, looking at the conflicted expression on the pregnant boy's face.
"I...I know. It still hurts like hell, knowing that I am hurting him."

Dallon was in the car waiting for them."Charlie, um..." he said hesitantly. "Spencer, sister..."
"What?! Spit it out, dammit!"
"Your sister's missing," he whispered as they pulled out of the parking lot. The girl clutched her chest, trying to breathe. Brendon looked at Charlie sympathetically.
"I...I'm so sorry, Charlie," he whispered. "We...we can look for her, if you want." The girl nodded. "There are a few places I can think of where that asshat may have left her," she cried. The pregnant boy reached back and put a hand on her knee. "I...I wish I could come with you and help you find Glory. But I shouldn't be doing all that much. You know, doctor's orders and the babies and all that jazz." he sighed, putting a hand on his massive belly.
"I know, Bren. It's fine. We're gonna take you to Dallon's, 'mkay? G, would you mind staying back with Brendon?" Her cousin shook his head. "That's fine by me. Besides, I think it's better that way. Because I sure know that even heaven won't be able to help us if I get my hands on Spencer," Gerard muttered darkly. Charlie nodded as they pulled up to the house. Gerard got out and opened Brendon's door. He then pulled the very pregnant boy to his feet and helped him walk inside.

ALWAYS {A Ryden MPreg}--House Of Memories: Book Two (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now