The Kids From Yesterday

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Mikey pulled into the AMBULANCE ONLY unloading zone and ran into the hospital. He was stopped by a security guard.
"Whoa, son. You can't park there," the guard said sternly.
"M-my friend...pregnant...savagely car," Mikey panted, trying to catch his breath. That is when the guard noticed the bruises covering the boy's face.
"If...your friend was beaten...then why are you all kinds of fucked up? Are you sure you two didn't get into an altercation that went too far?"
Mikey sighed. "My brother and I saw Bren getting beaten. My brother took our friend inside while I kept Bren's attacker preoccupied."
The guard nodded, still a bit skeptical. "'re still not allowed to park there." Mikey stared at the guard, dumbfounded. "My friend is hurt! This is an emergency!" Mikey cried. "Please! Just...let us bring him inside! We might not have time for all that paperwork!"
The guard smiled in recognition. "So...the kids with the pregnant guy...that's you?" the guard smirked. Mikey clenched his fists and fought to regain his composure. "Yes, that's us. Brendon is a human being, same as you, and he deserves better than to have people gossiping about him like this! Now, please! He needs medical attention!"
The guard nodded and waved a doctor over.
"We need a stretcher in the ambulance bay," the guard explained. The doctor nodded and took off. Mikey led the guard out to his car.
Gerard had gotten out of the car and was crouched in front of the open passenger door. He was holding one of Brendon's limp hands in both of his, tears streaming down his face and his mouth moving at the speed of light in desperate, fervent silent prayer. Mikey lightly cleared his throat, startling Gerard so badly that he lost his balance and fell back on his ass.
"Sorry," Mikey whispered, suppressing laughter. Gerard glared at his younger brother. "How is he?" Mikey asked. Gerard sighed.
"He's still unconscious. The bruises...they keep getting darker. I'm so scared he's gonna die," Gerard whispered, wiping his face. Mikey nodded as a team of doctors came running out of the hospital with a stretcher. The brothers stepped out of the way as the doctors began working over Brendon while he was still in the car.
"How old is he?" one of the doctors, a very short one, asked.
"H-he just turned eighteen a couple months ago," Mikey said shakily. The short doctor nodded.
"And how far along is he?"
Gerard took a deep breath. "About seven months?"
The doctor pulled the brothers aside as the rest got the pregnant boy onto the stretcher. They rushed into the hospital, but the brothers weren't allowed farther than the waiting room.
"My name is Dr. Iero, and I'll be one of the doctors assigned to Mr. Urie's care," the short doctor said calmly. Gerard sighed.
"Brendon...he doesn't deserve any of this. He is one of the kindest and most caring people that I have ever met. He's like a brother to me." Gerard's phone vibrated just then, so he dug it out of his pocket.
"...Lana?" Mikey asked softly. Gerard nodded weakly, the color draining from his face.
"Oh, no. What is it?" Mikey groaned. Gerard handed the phone to his brother.
lana: hey, G. is everything okay? I just got a frantic call from ryan. What the hell happened?
Gerard took the phone back. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed his response.
G: Ross beat the living shit outta brendon. Mikey and I are here with bren at the hospital. Meet us here.
Gerard was about to put the phone back in his pocket when he got a better idea.
G: what the fuck do u think ur DOING, ross? Lose Lana's number! She's with me now! Why the fuck did u call her?
There were a few minutes of nothing.
Ross: I know she's with you now, way. That's not why I called her. I feel like im losing my mind. I needed to talk to someone.
G: well, my girlfriend is not your fucking therapist, ross!
Mikey arched an eyebrow, and his brother sighed.
"Apparently, Ross called Lana. He claims to be losing his mind," Gerard muttered as his phone went off again. "Sonovabitch," he hissed, entering his passcode and unlocking it.
Charlie: hey, G! dally and I just got back from vacay!
Gerard couldn't help but smile.
"Who is it?" Mikey asked.
"Charlie," Gerard chuckled. Mikey's whole face lit up. "So, I guess the happy couple are home now?" Gerard nodded.
Charlie: how's brendon doing?
G: not so good. Ross beat the fuck outta him. Um...have u heard from your sister?
Charlie: ....
G: ....kiddo?
Charlie: no I haven't...where tf are you?
G: at lizette tony memorial hospital
Charlie: 'mkay. Im on my way.
The sliding doors opened, and in walked a blue-haired beauty. Gerard got to his feet and ran to her.
"Oh, Lana," he whispered, holding her close. She gently rubbed his back.
"It's okay, Gee. Let it out," she whispered soothingly.
Gerard let the walls come crashing down, he let his resolve whither into nothing as he started sobbing, his whole body shaking.
"B-brendon," he cried, trying to catch his breath. Lana held him, knowing that this was the best thing to do for him in a situation such as this one. Gerard clung to his girlfriend as the tears fell down his face. Eventually, Gerard composed himself and was able to stop crying. "Th-thank you for coming," he whispered shakily as he pulled out of her embrace. Lana nodded as she led him to a chair. "No need to thank me," she whispered, bringing his hand to her lips and gently kissing it.
There were a few minutes of silence, then Dr. Iero walked over. The three of them simultaneously jumped to their feet.
"How is he?" Gerard asked fearfully.
"A shattered radius, several cracked ribs, broken sternum, fractured clavicle, and some internal bleeding. There was also some significant head trauma. He's in a coma," the doctor said calmly. Gerard buried his face in Lana's hair and started crying again. Mikey put a supportive hand on his older brother's shoulder.
"Can we see him now?" Mikey whispered. Dr. Iero nodded. "If you'll just follow me."

Gerard stared in horror at the boy in the hospital bed. He looked so broken, so ruined.
There was the whooshing of the door opening, and Charlie Way ran into the room.
"H-holy shit," the girl panted, walking over to the side of the bed. She fell to her knees and started crying. Her cousin knelt beside her and put an arm around her shoulder. "I know, Charlie. We have to be strong now. For Brendon."

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