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Brendon sat on the edge of the bed, not even bothering to put a shirt on. He was quite big by now, though he wasn't even six months along yet. He picked up the landline and dialed a number.
"Hello?" His mom picked up after two rings. Brendon cradled the phone with his shoulder as he painted his nails a deep shade of red, so dark it was almost black. It kind of reminded him of dried blood. He smirked.
"Hey mom, it's me," the boy whispered, rubbing his belly.
"Oh, Brendon! I was just about to call! Happy birthday!"
Brendon furrowed his brow. "Huh? Oh, shit! I guess it is my birthday! I haven't really been paying attention to the calendar, to be honest," he admitted sheepishly. There was light-hearted laughter on the other end of the line.
"Oh, Brendon...what am I ever going to do with you?" his mother paused. "So, how are you?"
"I'm doing pretty good. Um...not sure if you've heard, but I'm having triplets."
"That's wonderful, Brendon!" his mother said softly. "There's a new restaurant...would you like to go with me? Since it is your birthday? Hey, maybe you can bring Ryan!"
Brendon frowned. "Ryan and I aren't exactly talking to each other at the moment."
"Oh, Brendon...are you being petulant and unreasonable?"
"No. He broke a promise, and I got hurt because of it."
"What...did he change plans at the last minute?"
"No...he promised he and his friends wouldn't do drugs in our apartment. Well, they did, and as a result, one of his friends...attacked me," the pregnant boy murmured.
"Ah. I see. How about we get back on topic? Who would you like to bring to your birthday dinner?"
"Well....Gerard and his girlfriend, Lana. And Dallon and his girlfriend. Oh! That reminds me! Guess who Dallon's dating."
"Gerard's cousin, Charlie!"
"That's great! I'm happy for them!"
"As am I. So, I'll swing by you and Ryan's place around seven to pick you up?"
"Sure. Um...could Dallon and Charlie ride with us? They're on their way over here, anyway. I'll have to text Gerard and let him know the plan."
"No problem. I love you, Brendon."
"Love you too, mom." Brendon said as he hung up. He sighed as he picked up his cell phone and looked at it. There was already a message from Gerard.
hey man. Happy bday. Me and lana already have plans...if you wanna do something tomorrow, that should be fine! Have a great one! Xo g
Brendon sighed again and shut his phone off. There was a light knock on the apartment door.
"Come on in," he called, rummaging through his closet.
"Happy birthday, Bren!!!!" Charlie Way cheered as she ran in and threw herself on the bed. Brendon turned to her and grinned. The girl just got prettier each time he saw her. She was about five foot five, with ivory skin and soft blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Brendon wasn't gonna lie, he thought she was hot.
"Thanks. I'd forgotten what month it was. mom's taking us to this new restaurant tonight to celebrate."
Charlie grinned. "Sounds awesome! Hey. Could I invite Glory and Spencer? I haven't seen her in months. He never lets her out of the apartment," the girl sighed sadly.
Brendon nodded. "I haven't seen her in a while, either." He found a new outfit and held it up. A beige short-sleeved button-down top that Ryan had bought him, one of many gifts to attempt to atone for the whole situation that happened with Jon. Since he had just received the shirt, Brendon knew it would fit over his expanding belly. He slid it on, then sat on the bed so he could put on his black skinny jeans. He examined his reflection in the mirror, smoothing the shirt down over his belly. He turned around, and Charlie grinned. "You look amazing. Hey, Dally! Get your ass in here!" Charlie said with a smirk.
"Okay, I'm coming," Dallon said, strolling into the room. He held up his vape pen and shrugged. "I just...wasn't sure if it was okay to do this in here," he murmured.
Brendon laughed. "Of course it's okay! Thanks for coming."
Charlie swiped the pen from her boyfriend and grinned as she put it to her lips. Dallon raised an eyebrow. "I'm not so sure you'll like that one," he said as she inhaled, the end glowing a soft white. She closed her eyes for a moment, then exhaled.
"What the hell? It tastes like milk," Charlie said incredulously. She glanced down at her phone, then grinned. "So...Glory and Spencer are gonna meet us there! This is gonna be so much fun!" She handed the vape back to her boyfriend and handed a small silver package to Brendon. "Happy birthday, Bren."
The pregnant boy tore the paper and snickered. "Um....thanks," he said, holding up the key in confusion.
"It's just in case you decide to move in with us." Charlie grinned, bouncing up and down in excitement. Dallon put the pen to his lips and smirked.
"So...when is your mom coming to get us, anyway?"
Brendon glanced at the clock on the nightstand. The time was 6:37.
"Any minute now, actually," he sighed as he sat down on the bed to put his shoes on.
Charlie caught sight of his hands and started laughing. " the nails, Brendon."
The boy blushed. "Thanks." There was a car horn, and he practically jumped to his feet. "That's her! Let's go!"

ALWAYS {A Ryden MPreg}--House Of Memories: Book Two (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now