welcome to the black parade

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"You can do this, Ryan," Gerard said. Brendon had been dead for two and a half weeks, and today was the day of his funeral and interment. Ryan couldn't bring himself to actually go inside the church.
"Come on...I think your daughter should get to say goodbye."
"She won't fucking remember any of this! I doubt she'll even understand now." Ryan snapped.
"You'd be surprised," Gerard said as he walked inside.
Ryan knew his friend was right. He took a deep breath and walked inside. He had to see Brendon one last time.
There was quite a line for the viewing, but everyone stepped aside once Ryan walked into the room.
Glory was standing right next to the open casket. Ryan nodded at her as he took those last few steps. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a single perfect white lily. Balancing their daughter in one elbow, Ryan placed the flower under Brendon's folded hands. Death had stolen none of the younger boy's beauty, and Brendon looked as if he was merely sleeping in the casket.
Ryan leaned down and kissed Brendon tenderly on the forehead, tears flowing down his face. He took a seat in the front row, along with the rest of their friends, and cradled his daughter. He didn't really pay attention to what the preacher was saying. The preacher finished his sermon and cleared his throat. "I believe some of Brendon's closest friends have a few things they'd like to say," he said as he stepped down from the podium.

Gerard got to his feet and walked up to the front. He cleared his throat, then began.
"I can't believe he's gone. This kid," Gerard said with a light scoff. "This kid was like a brother to me. I know Brendon had a tough life...but at least I feel confident when I say that if living was the hardest part, we'll then one day be together again. I will miss you more than words can ever say, Bren. See you on the other side."

Next, it was Glory's turn. The girl appeared to dance up to the podium.
"Dearly beloved, are you listening? I have no way to know for sure if I'm loud and clear, or if I'm breaking up. Brendon was my first everything...he took a chance on me and opened my heart to see. He taught me what love was like. Our relationship was something unpredictable, but when it ended it was perfectly right, because I knew I'd be okay. Knowing Brendon has been an incredible honor, and he'll be sorely missed." Hearing such kind words brought Ryan to fresh tears.

Charlie got up next. "Brendon was my best friend...he helped me through so much. I am just glad I got to return the gesture these last few months. Brendon, I miss you. Meeting you set my life on the right track...you forever changed the stars. Because I knew you, I can see so clearly. Thank you for being my friend. I hope these past few years were the time of your life."

Dallon unsteadily got to his feet and cleared his throat. "I only got to know Brendon during the past five months or so, but he made a lasting impression on me. The strength and resiliency this kid had was astounding. Brendon, though you are dead and gone, believe me, your memory will carry on in the hearts of everyone you knew. You were an inspiration to me...I just hope that, on the days I need it most, I still feel you coming through. I will miss you."

Mikey was up next. "Brendon, you are honestly the reason I went to rehab. Because I wanted to clean up my act and try to be more like you. You inspired me so much. When you go, just know that I will remember you. I miss you and your goofy antics so much. As my memory rests, but never will I forget what I've lost...because I've lost an amazing friend. You will be missed, Brendon. Maybe the ground won't be as cold with you in it. We are the kids from yesterday, Brendon. So long and good night."

Next up was Pete, Brendon's quirky best friend. "Brendon Urie...hmm," Pete said, tapping his chin as if in thought. "Let's see, what to say about my best friend, Brendon? Well; great fashion sense, loyal. Um...obviously my best friend. He helped me become more confident. He was so very kind. I...I still hear that maniacal giggle of his sometimes, so I know you're looking out for me even now, Brendon. I feel your presence, and I get these chills when I sense you all around me. I know I'll never be alone, because you're always looking out for me. Can't wait 'till I see you again."

Ryan took a shaky breath. He handed his daughter to Charlie, then walked up. He faced the crowd, and he knew he could do this. For Brendon.
"How the hell am I supposed to say goodbye to the love of my life? Brendon, I always pictured that, at the end of the world, you would be the last thing I see. Even when you weren't speaking to me because I did something idiotic--which happened frequently--and on the days you wouldn't come home till, like, three in the morning. Well, now you're...you're," Ryan burst into fresh sobs, but he remained where he was. He had to see this through. "Now you're n-never coming home! It's not gonna be easy, but there's nothing I can do. I remember, when we'd have one of our fights, you used to say that I'd miss you when you're gone...I doubt this is what you had in mind, but you were so right. I can't believe that I did all that shitty stuff to you, love, and seeing you hurt just felt so wrong. And now you're gone. This life is empty without you. I wish you'd never died, because without you is how I disappear. Yet, I know I cannot afford that luxury, because our little Helena Lilith needs me. At least I know I won't live my life alone forever, now. I'll never love anyone like I loved you, Brendon. I feel so empty. Can...can you hear me? Are you near me? Because I have a little proposition for you, Brenny-bear...how about this isn't goodbye, instead how about we pretend to leave, and then we'll meet again when both our cars collide? That sounds pretty fair. I know I can't change the past, but I can fight to change today into a better tomorrow for our daughter. I am paying my respects to you, but there is so much more to it than that. Because this isn't really goodbye. I will keep you in my heart and carry you with me always. Your daughter will grow up knowing you. See you on the other side. I love you," Ryan took a shaky breath as the rest of the guys in the front aisle got to their feet and moved up front.

They sealed the casket, and Ryan kept leaning down until he could no longer see Brendon. They lifted the casket, and proceeded to carry him to his final resting place.

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                                                                                           --end of book 2--

                to be continued in HOUSE OF MEMORIES BOOK 3: SOMETIMES

**A/N: wow. that was intense. thank you for sticking with me through this. I will be taking a brief hiatus from this story/series. Look forward to updates by beginning of July! Love to my lovelies!**

ALWAYS {A Ryden MPreg}--House Of Memories: Book Two (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now