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Brendon couldn't seem to make himself move. It was like his body and his brain were on a disconnect. He could feel everything, sure, but he couldn't make himself move. He couldn't tell day from night, so he had to settle for listening. Luckily, his nurses were kind enough to say, "Good evening, Brendon," or "Good morning, Mr. Urie," so at least he could somewhat know how long it has been. He estimated two to three weeks so far. He wasn't always aware, however. He faded in and out.
One day, he was particularly aware when he felt someone take his hand. "Hey, Bren," it was Gerard. He sounded shaky.
It's okay, G. What's wrong?
There was a sniffle. "God, I wish you would wake the fuck up already!" Gerard said with a forced laugh.
I wish I would, too. are my babies?
There was the sound of a door sliding open, and Brendon heard three different sets of footsteps walk into his room. "I was wondering where you were!" Gerard said, sounding relieved.
"Had to get a lawyer, remember?" Mikey snickered. Brendon could picture Gerard nodding.
A lawyer...what the fuck for?
"My name is Ray. Ray Toro. I understand there is the matter of filing a restraining order?"
"'s a long story, but I'll try to get it right." Brendon's heart jumped when he heard Charlie's voice. "Brendon's boyfriend is...well...very abusive. No. Let me restart. Ryan is fucking insane! Bren is bruised to fucking hell and back! Brendon is seven months along...this is not o-fucking-kay. Please do something! This is not alright! If you don't do something, I'll do it my fucking self!" Charlie cried.
Damn. I'd forgotten just how much of the Ways' sassiness ran through her veins. I'm so glad you're here, Charlie.
"So, his boyfriend did this?" the lawyer said.
That's what she just said!
There was the sound of a throat being cleared, then Gerard took his hand back, letting Brendon's fall on the bed. If the pregnant boy had been capable of pouting, he would have.
Come back, G. holding my hand felt so nice.
There was the sound of footsteps crossing the floor, over and over. Gerard must be pacing. He only did that when he was scared. 
Charlie cleared her throat. " has PTSD. He probably has other medical issues that are undiagnosed. Or, for fuck's sake, hidden from the world."
Wait....WHAT?!?!?! Ryan has PTSD?
Apparently, Mikey and Gerard were following Brendon's same surprised train of thought: Gerard stopped pacing, and Mikey left the room. Everything was quiet for a few moments.'s like everything just stopped.
"I mean, just because he has fucking issues is NO REASON to hurt someone. I have more issues than he does. Do you see ME going around fucking hurting people? No! Let alone, beating pregnant people I supposedly 'love.'" Charlie had to fight to keep from yelling. "I'm pretty sure I've said e-fucking-nough. Do something. Or I will murder that son of a bitch," the girl spat.
No Charlie, don't. I love him.
The lawyer took a shaky breath. "That won't be necessary, miss. Your testimony has been more than enough to get the restraining order." Ray walked out.
Wait...this isn't what I want.
"Ross has PTSD?" Gerard said shakily.
Charlie sighed. "Yes...because of his fucking dad. It's still no excuse for what he did!"
"Of course it isn't...just curious, how did you know about it? I mean, I'm not even sure if Brendon knew about it," Gerard said thoughtfully.
Nope. I didn't know about it. I mean, I suspected as much, but didn't know for sure.
"Um...well, before Ryan and Bren started dating, I guess this would have been a year and a half ago, I hung out with secret, because I knew no one would approve. When he started dating Bren, I started making better friends with Brendon. Ryan really didn't like that I was being drawn to someone who wasn't fucking, he went fucking crazy on me. I kinda tried to meet Brendon alone after that...but, yeah. Somewhere in there, when Ryan and I were friends, we were talking about our illnesses." Charlie whispered.
Brendon wanted so badly to just be able to hold her. I'm so sorry, Charlie. I had no idea.
" should've told us. And, how exactly did he go crazy on you?" Gerard asked.
If only I'd known. I would have protected you.
"Um..." Charlie began, looking down. "He started yelling at me...I'm stupid and sassy, so I yelled back..." Charlie whispered, pulling up her shirt to reveal a jagged scar across her tummy. "I went too far...I guess...I still love him and I hope he can get better, but I sure as hell won't fucking forget this," she hissed, wiping away a tear. Shit, Charlie. I'm so so sorry.
Gerard wrapped his arms around his cousin and held her. After a few moments, his phone went off. He pulled away so he could look at it.
Lana: could u come outside for a bit?
G: of course. be out in a sec
"It's Lana. She needs me," he said, kissing the top of Charlie's head. The girl nodded as he walked out.
Once she was alone in the room with Brendon, Charlie took one of his hands in hers and gently kissed it. It was in no way a romantic kiss, but one filled with love nonetheless. She held his hand and pulled a chair over to the side of the bed.
"Hey...Bren. We're tryna get it so Ryan can't hurt you anymore...well, a restraining order," Charlie whispered, leaning over and running her free hand through the boy's hair.
He needs to be able to see his kids, though.
Charlie was too focused to notice the change on his brain-activity monitor. She sighed, then went on.
"I know you love him...I still do too, but he needs to be cured before we can let him near our little 'family' again." 
The monitor showed more activity. Brendon could feel himself beginning to wake up.
I do love him...but I gotta protect myself and my babies, too.
"I will not stand for this...what he's done. I wish I could've done something sooner. Everyone sees me as a stupid teen. No one would've believed me," the girl whispered, bursting into tears. Brendon felt himself growing...clearer. "I'm sorry Brendon, please don't leave us...I love you, so much. Please don't go. I need you."
I'm not going anywhere, kiddo. God, I wish I could hold your hand.
"Without you, there is no purpose in my life. I will give up my life if it means you could stay." There was the faintest twitch in Brendon's fingers. Charlie gasped. "Bren? Bren can you hear me?"
Charlie looked into his face, and watched as he slowly opened his eyes.

ALWAYS {A Ryden MPreg}--House Of Memories: Book Two (Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now