Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence. It doesn't actually depict the actions, but you can pretty much tell what happens. Readers' discretion is advised

"Are...are you sure this is where she is?" Dallon asked skeptically, eyeing the abandoned building warily. Charlie nodded. "Every time my parents kicked her out, this is where she went. If she is anywhere, this is where she would be."
Dallon nodded as he put the car in park. "This is also where they first it's only fitting that he would choose to leave her in this place. The ultimate insult to injury," Charlie muttered as she got out of the car, flashlight in hand.
"The entrance should be right over here," Charlie whispered, pointing with her flashlight. There was a decent sized hole in the wall and on closer examination, Dallon noticed a bloody handprint on the crumbling cement. He crawled through first, so he could help Charlie crawl through. The room they found themselves in was dusty and destitute, with footprints and drag-marks being the only recent addition to the place. They were as quiet as could be as they followed the footprints into another room.
Charlie gasped. There was blood everywhere. Tossed in one corner of the room were the remnants of some lacy piece of lingerie.
"Glory? Are you in here?" Dallon asked, keeping a supportive arm around his girlfriend's waist. There was a soft whimper in the corner, behind some crates. Dallon threw the crates aside.
Glory Way looked dead. She was pale, with the exception of the bruises on her thighs, face, wrists, neck, and belly. She lay slumped in the corner, completely nude with her legs spread obscenely wide. Even in her battered state, she was still a fighter. She refused to let her injuries pull her under, because she'd had no clue when help would arrive. She wasn't moving, but her eyes tracked them as they got closer. Her blond-white hair was plastered to her sides with her blood.
"I...oh my fucking long have you been here like this?" Charlie said in a horrified whisper. Glory's lips parted, but no words came out as her head slumped forward and blood dripped down her chin. Dallon pulled out his phone. Shit. No signal. The injured girl's eyes fluttered shut.
"Stay with us," Charlie hissed, tilting her sister's head up. "Please."
Glory moaned and pried her eyes open. "B-baby," she rasped, a hand weakly going to her exposed belly. That was when Charlie noticed the intensity of dark bruises on her sister's stomach. "I told him...about the baby..." the older girl whispered. "He...mad...hit me," the girl whimpered, her voice barely audible. "Beat me...raped me...kicked me...left me here to die. I think...he killed our baby."
"Do you think you can walk?" Dallon asked, looking into her glassy topaz eyes. She shook her head and started crying.
"N-no," she whimpered. Dallon sighed, then glanced at his girlfriend. Charlie nodded, so Dallon picked the older girl up, fireman style. She winced but managed to loosely drape her arms around his neck. He was shocked at just how little she actually weighed.
"Go open the car...there should be a towel and a blanket in the trunk. Lay the towel across the back seat. I'm gonna have Glory wrap herself in the blanket once I get her out to the car. Then we're gonna take her to the hospital." Charlie nodded and bolted for the car.
The girl in Dallon's arms shook her head. "No hospital...please....I just need to sleep," she whimpered.
"But, your injuries," Dallon began.
"He's beaten me worse than this before. Didn't go to the hospital any of those fucking times...don't need to go now," she said, the sudden ferocity and her voice taking Dallon by surprise.
"I guess I could just take you back to my place," he said as he carried her out of the building. Charlie threw the blanket around her sister. "We're just taking her back to our place. I mean, didn't you prepare a room for her?" Dallon said as he gingerly set the girl on her feet. He quickly draped the blanket around her and eased her into the backseat, then shut the door. Charlie nodded.
"Okay," she said as she got in the front seat. She buckled then turned so she was looking at her sister.
"I was beginning to think you'd never find me," Glory whispered, weakly smirking. Charlie reached back so she could hold her sister's hand. "I was in there for a wh-while...a couple days, I think," the older girl sighed, then passed out.
"Well, what counts is that I found you before it was too fucking late." Charlie murmured as they pulled up in front of the house.

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