...i promise

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains scenes of graphic violence and abuse. As always, readers' discretion is advised.

Brendon let out a frustrated yell as he looked through the contents of his closet, which he had dumped onto the bed. "Dammit!" he spat, shoving a majority of his clothing onto the floor and sitting in the spot he had just vacated. There was a light knock on the bedroom door, then Gerard peeked his head in.
"So...the big date's tonight," Gerard said, holding his arms behind his back while he walked sideways into the room. Brendon groaned. "I don't have anything to fucking wear! Nothing fits!" Brendon cried, bursting into frustrated tears. Gerard brought his arms from behind his back and held a white flat box out to Brendon.
"See if this'll work," Gerard said with a cocky grin. "However, there is no if about it. It will work and you will look fabulous." Brendon lifted the lid off the box, then pulled out a black suit jacket, white shirt, and black slacks.
"Wh-what?" Brendon spluttered, looking at Gerard, who rolled his eyes.
"Shut up and try it on," Gerard said, sticking out his tongue.
Brendon took off his pajamas, then pulled up the pants, amazed at the fit.
"And, look here," Gerard said, holding up the white top and pointing to two padded areas on the "front" of the top (to be more precise, one on each "half" of the shirt, when unbuttoned).
"What are those for?" Brendon arched an eyebrow.
Gerard laughed. "Well, I don't think you'd want your headlights to burn bright all evening."
"M-my headlights? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Your boobs, Brendon! I'm not sure if you have noticed, but you have tits!"
Brendon's hands flew to his chest, and he squeaked in surprise. "Oh...oh my god," he whispered.
"You're pregnant, Brendon. It's only natural," Gerard grinned.
"Could you help me get it on?" Brendon asked. The older boy nodded. "Of course."
Within minutes, Brendon was almost ready.
"Wh-where did you get this?" Brendon asked as he slipped his arms into the sleeves of the jacket.
"It's actually an old suit of yours. I told your mom about this date, like, a few weeks ago, and she gave it to me. I altered it so it would fit you. I mean, I've been around here long enough, so knowing the sizing and stuff was no sweat."
Brendon burst into fresh tears. "That's the nicest thing I think anyone has done for me," he sobbed, grinning like an idiot.
"Of course. I see you as a little brother. As such, no brother of mine is going to be faced with a fancy-shmancy dinner date without anything to wear! It is a travesty that I cannot allow!" Gerard said, examining his fingernails. Brendon smiled. "I see you as a big brother," the pregnant boy said. Gerard leaned over and wiped the tears from Brendon's face.
"I got you something else, too," he said, reaching under the bed and pulling out a familiar-looking brown and black slim cardboard shoebox. "I wasn't about to let you wear those destroyed ones anymore...you should let them die in peace."
Brendon lifted the lid off the box and grinned. Inside was a brand new pair of white converse. "Can't I wear those other ones just one last time?"
Gerard shook his head. "There comes a point when you have to let something go, because it's the kind thing to do. I know you've had them for four years now, and they lived a good life. But now you have to allow them the dignity of dying in peace, Bren."
The pregnant boy chuckled. "Fine, fine."

"You look...amazing," Ryan whispered as Brendon took a seat across the table from him. Brendon loosened his tie. "Are...are you sure this was a good idea?" he asked warily.
Ryan smirked. "As a matter of fact, I do."
"Okay..." Brendon sighed. He glanced at the couple seated at the next table, and his heart dropped. They had been staring at him, and the woman had been whispering ferociously behind her hand.
The waiter approached their table, but he had no notepad, nor did he ask what they wanted to order.
"We have a table available in the back, if you wish," the waiter whispered, staring at Brendon's round belly. "It's much more, ah, private."
"I don't want to sit in the back," Ryan snapped.
The waiter cleared his throat. "Either move seats or leave," he said coldly. "We've gotten a few...complaints...about you and your, ah, partner."
Brendon sighed. "I knew this wasn't a good idea...why did we ever expect people to leave us alone?"
Ryan rolled his eyes and jumped to his feet. "We are allowed to enjoy a pleasant evening. Together. We shouldn't be asked to sit elsewhere in a restaurant just because people cannot cope with the idea of us as a couple!" Ryan found himself ranting, his voice growing louder.
"I must insist that you leave." The waiter said bitterly.
"Fine, we're leaving! But don't expect me to forget about this!"
Brendon shakily stood up, his eyes apologetic. Ryan grabbed the pregnant boy by the wrist and dragged him out of the restaurant.
"I can't believe this," Ryan spat.
"I...I'm sorry," Brendon whimpered. Ryan said nothing as he got in the car, but Brendon could tell from the older boy's posture that Ryan was feeling particularly nasty and violent tonight. Ryan rolled the windows down. Brendon was wary getting in the car, only partly because of his huge belly.
"I-i'm sorry, Ryan," Brendon whispered as he closed the passenger door. Ryan said nothing, instead clenched the steering wheel as he stared straight ahead. They rode in silence most of the way, Brendon constantly on guard. The apartment came into view, so Brendon figured it was now safe to talk.
"I...even though we didn't get to have dinner like we'd wanted to, and even though everyone was incredibly rude to us...I had a nice time," Brendon whispered cautiously as he took out his phone.
B: do you think you and Mikey could come help me out of the car? I don't think ry is in the mood
After he hit send, he turned the screen off. He looked up to see Ryan glaring at him as they into the drive. The older boy undid his seatbelt as he put the car in PARK.
"I mean, I'm sure picking a less snobby place would have prevented this. Nonetheless, it was nice," Brendon whispered. Ryan's hand darted, but Brendon, who had had enough, was quicker, and he caught Ryan's wrist in mid-air.
"Let go," Ryan growled. Brendon shook his head. The older boy wrenched free of his boyfriend's grip and threw his door open. Ryan got out of the car, and Brendon couldn't see where he had gone. The pregnant boy shakily unbuckled and edged his door open. He was blindsided as Ryan grabbed him by the right arm and pulled him out of the car. There was a horrible snapping sound that came from his arm when Ryan threw him to the ground, then spat on him. "I was trying to be nice!" he growled as he began kicking the younger boy as hard as he could. Brendon tried to back away as blow after blow came down on him. Brendon felt bones breaking, but he could not pinpoint exactly where they were. Ryan kicked him in the head several times.
There was the sound of yelling, then Mikey and Gerard were there. Brendon had never experienced pain like this. It was as if his belly was on fire, and every nerve was sending a constant signal of no more no more no more please god i can't take anymore of this. No more no more to his brain.
"That's it," Mikey growled, launching himself at Ryan. The two ended up on the ground, but not for long. "Get Brendon inside!!!" Mikey yelled as Ryan started hitting him.

Gerard picked the sobbing boy up and carried him into the apartment. He helped the boy into his pajamas. When made to move his right arm, Brendon screamed in agony. Brendon lay on the couch, watching the scene play out through the window.

Gerard stormed to where Ryan had pinned Mikey against a tree in a choke-hold, but Ryan didn't notice. Gerard shoved Ryan onto the ground.
"Let go of me!" Ryan spat.
Mikey limped over to where Gerard had Ryan pinned. "I swear to god, you're so lucky I don't just kill you right here and now," Mikey hissed, punching Ryan in the face. Gerard gave his brother a stern look.
"I've got him under control. Go inside to Brendon. We have to get him to a hospital," Gerard said in a clipped tone. Mikey punched Ryan one more time before running into the apartment.

Brendon was pale, and his pajamas were saturated with sweat. He shivered as MIkey approached.
"Hey," Mikey said. Brendon whimpered.
"I...so much pain," he whispered, his lower lip trembling.


Gerard landed a solid punch in Ryan's gut."You could have killed him...or your babies!" Gerard yelled furiously. Ryan held his hands out in front of him and started backing away."I...I'm sorry. I honestly don't...I don't know what happened back there."Gerard scoffed. "Let's see....oh, yeah! You decided to stomp the shit out of your pregnant boyfriend."Ryan looked at him, horrified. "...no.""Don't fucking give me your fucking bullshit, Ross!" Gerard hissed."No. Really. I...I have no clue what I just did," Ryan whispered, his voice genuinely fearful and confused. "Wh-what did I do this time?"Gerard sighed. "Are...are you seriously trying to tell me that you don't remember?"Ryan shook his head. "Last thing I remember was trying to hit Brendon in the car, and him grabbing my wrist. Next thing I know, you're wailing on me. Wh...what have I done?"Gerard sighed once again. "You beat Brendon pretty fucking badly, Ross."Ryan looked like he was going to be sick. "I need to see him."Ryan was interrupted by a sudden commotion. Mikey had flung the front door open and was carrying an unconscious Brendon in his arms. Gerard's eyes widened in dread."What's happened?" he asked. Mikey lifted the pregnant boy's shirt, revealing some dark, large bruises covering the boy's bulging stomach."We need to get him to the hospital!" Mikey hissed, going as fast as he could while supporting Brendon in his arms."Ross. Stay here. It wouldn't be wise for you to come to the hospital with us," Gerard said coolly as he opened the passenger side door. Mikey slid the very pregnant boy into the car then buckled the seatbelt."I think I sh-should come with you," Ryan stammered. Gerard fixed him with a cold, rock-hard glare. "Listen here, Ross," he spat. "I am fucking trying to keep your dumb ass out of jail! Becasue that is where you would end up if you show up at the hospital with us. They'll put you in prison for assault! Look, I couldn't fucking care less about you. I am saying this for Brendon. It would fucking kill him if you went to jail, and you and I both know it." Ryan swallowed his guilt and walked toward his apartment, shaky with disbelief.

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