sick of it

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*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains the following: rape, drug use. Readers' discretion is advised.*

Brendon, Pete, Gerard, and Mikey were all sitting in the bedroom. Brendon sat on the floor by his bed, his head in his hands. Gerard sat facing Brendon, Pete on the beanbag, and Mikey in the windowsill.
"H-he promised!" Brendon whispered shakily, stroking his belly.
Ryan, Jon, Andy, and Spencer were all in the front room doing who knows how many illegal substances. Dallon had opted to stand by himself on the back porch.
"We all heard him," Pete murmured, shaking his head.
The bedroom door was flung open, and there stood an extremely shit-faced Ryan. A disgusting odor wafted into the room, and Brendon gagged, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve.
"Come party with us," Ryan said stupidly. Mikey glared at him as he threw the window open, though it did nothing to help. "Fuck this," he hissed, shoving past Ryan and storming out back.
"We'd rather keep our brain cells, thanks," Gerard muttered as he helped the pregnant boy to his feet. "Let's get you some fresh air."
Brendon nodded, still covering his face. He cast a hurt glance in Ryan's direction as he let Gerard lead him out back. Dallon and Mikey were standing on opposite sides of the porch.
"Sit down, Brendon," Pete said softly. Brendon sat on the first step, trying to remember how to breathe. Dallon came and sat next to the boy.
"Why the fuck aren't you in there getting wasted with the rest of them?" Mikey snapped, his voice bitter. Dallon shook his head and sighed.
"I...I don't do drugs. This is the hardest thing I do," he said, pulling a vape-pen from his pocket. "They make fun of me for it. I just....i hate how drugs make me feel," he shuddered.
"Why do you hang out with them?" Brendon asked weakly.
"So they don't get behind the wheel and kill themselves or anyone else. I don't even like them all that much," Dallon explained. "And my girlfriend's sister is dating Spencer."
"Um...what all are they doing in there?" Brendon asked. Mikey hopped over the railing and deftly landed on the sidewalk on the balls of his feet. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
"From what I could smell, I'd say crank, pot, maybe cocaine? And that's just what they were smoking," Mikey said, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it, then exhaling a plume of grey smoke a few seconds later.
"Brendon, um..." Dallon said awkwardly, putting the vape to his lips and inhaling. "I know Ryan can be a handful but, um...if you need to, you can come stay with me. I promise, I'm not trying to be fresh. I just figured I could offer you a completely drug-free environment." Dallon took another hit and let the vapor trickle past his slightly parted lips. "Just an idea."
"Hey. We already offered to let him stay with us!" Gerard protested. Dallon nodded as he inhaled.
"I understand that. But Mikey smokes. I only vape. Besides, I have more than enough room. I live by myself in the four-bedroom house my parents left me. Well, Charlie may be moving in soon, but you get the gist."
Gerard couldn't argue with his logic. Brendon unsteadily got to his feet. "Thank you. I'll think about it," the pregnant boy promised. "So...anyone else wanna help me break up the party?"
Dallon nodded, as did Gerard.
"They've taken it too far." Brendon whispered. "Y-you guys stay out here. Gee, Dallon, would you be my backup?" Gerard nodded with a grin.
"It would be my pleasure," Dallon said with a smirk. The three of them walked back into the apartment. Brendon stared in horror at the scene in the living room. There were baggies of who-knows-what lying around, an overflowing ashtray, and lines of fine white powder on the coffee table.
"You can't do that shit in our home," Brendon said, cradling his belly.
"Well, why not?" Spencer asked.
"Because I'm PREGNANT, dumbass! I have no clue what it'll do to my babies, and I don't wanna risk anything!" Brendon sighed as he walked into the bedroom. He let the door shut behind him as he stripped down to his boxers. He got in bed and closed his eyes. There was a timid knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" Gerard asked.
"I need to be alone and lay down for a bit," Brendon murmured, feeling extremely lightheaded.  He crawled under the covers and lay so he was facing the wall, the blanket over his head. A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened. Someone walked in then locked the door behind them. 
"I'd like to be alone, please," Brendon whimpered.
"Don't be like that, sugar," Jon said, walking toward the bed and getting undressed. Brendon didn't bother looking up, hoping the other boy would take the fucking hint and leave him alone. Jon stepped out of his boxers and kicked them aside.
"Please get out of my room," Brendon whispered, rubbing a hand over his belly. The mattress sank down as Jon got in bed. 
"What the fuck are you doing?" Brendon squeaked in horror.
"'s okay," Jon murmured, sliding under the blankets with Brendon. "Ryan told me just how amazing you were, and that if i didn't believe him to come see for myself."
Brendon couldn't bring himself to scream as Jon fumbled with the waistband of his boxers. His throat had completely closed up. He cried when Jon yanked the shorts off of him. He tried struggling, but it was no use. Jon was three times as strong, and soon had the pregnant boy facedown on the mattress. Brendon started sobbing as Jon grabbed his hips and lifted his ass into the air. Brendon was unprepared for when Jon forced himself into him. He screamed from the pain. Jon chuckled as he rammed the boy into the mattress with the power of his thrusts. Brendon counted the seconds until Jon shuddered, then got off of him. Once Jon was dressed, the younger boy started screaming.
"GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT!" Brendon shrieked, unable to move. Jon unlocked the door and ran right into Gerard.
"What the fuck did you do?" Gerard hissed, grabbing a fistful of Jon's shirt.
"Nothing, I swear." Jon smirked defiantly.
"Dallon! C'mere and check on Brendon...I need to go have a chat with Ross!" Gerard called, dragging Jon into the front room.
Dallon hesitantly walked into the bedroom then froze. "H-holy shit," he whispered, approaching the bed. He crouched so he and Brendon were eye to eye. "What happened?" Dallon asked, though it was painfully obvious from the fact that the younger boy was still facedown on the mattress, sobbing and completely nude with cum and a bit of blood trickling down his ass.
"H-he raped me," Brendon whimpered.
"What do you wanna do now? Do you want us to take you to the hospital so you can get looked at?" Dallon asked softly.
The pregnant boy slowly sat up and shook his head. "I...I just wanna get dressed."
Dallon nodded and, politely looking away, helped Brendon to his feet. The pregnant boy winced in pain. "I'm gonna get you a towel at least. So you can get yourself cleaned up," Dallon whispered, reaching out with one hand to pull a towel off the bedroom door. He put his free hand over his eyes and held the towel out in Brendon's general direction. He felt the towel being pulled from his grip, so he turned and faced the door. He didn't turn around again until he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
"Thanks," the pregnant boy whispered as they walked into the front room, where the party had mostly died by this point. Ryan was swaying in place while Gerard yelled at him.
"This is why we didn't want them here! Do you have any idea what Jon did to your boyfriend?" Gerard hissed. Ryan furrowed his brow, then nodded, apparently not having seen Brendon walk into the room.
"I was telling him about how amazing B is, and if he didn't believe me, he could go and look for himself," Ryan said with a giggle. Gerard clenched his fists.
"He fucking did more than look!" Brendon spat, limping over so he was standing next to Gerard. "He raped me! This party went way too far!"
Ryan gaped at him, as though unable to understand what Brendon was saying. "Well...first off...I doubt he raped you, because you're so damned easy! And besides....are you sure you didn't misinterpret the situation? And.....second off......there is nooooooooo such thing as getting out of hand!" Ryan mumbled. Brendon burst into furious tears. 
"I know I was fucking raped, Ross! My god! I am not that fucking easy! When I am committed to someone, I don't sleep with anyone else. Because I am not you, Ryan!" Brendon spat as he punched Ryan in the face as hard as he could. Dallon and Gerard gasped, and Dallon had to steady the pregnant boy so he wouldn't lose his balance from the force he had put into the punch.
Ryan just stood there in disbelief. " just hit me," he whispered, cradling his face.
"Are you sure, Ry? Are you sure you didn't just misinterpret the situation?" Brendon muttered as he limped out the door. "Oh, by the way," he said, popping his head back in real quick. "You are sleeping on the couch until further notice. Gee and Dallon are staying with me. And if you EVER bring the rest of your friends here again, I will fucking leave you!"

A/N: *whew* told you that chapter was intense. Please know that I don't think the people i wrote about act this way in real life. I am taking creative license with their characters. This chapter was perhaps the hardest for me to write. Next chapter is also kind of intense, but i promise this one is the worst, as far as trauma goes.

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