Chapter 10

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(Olivias pov)
I walked home I just wanted Brandon to leave me alone. I went to bed to think. I guess I slept in very long cause when I woke up it was about two in the morning. I heard movement downstairs and went down their to see what it was. It was my dad
"What the hell?" I asked
"Hey there was a gang fight tonight I have to go in." He said grabbing his phone and walking out. Ok no goodbye so fuck you too. I got a drink from the fridge then headed back up to bed. When I got to my room I saw my balcony door open and someone standing in my room. I went to go scream but the person out there hand over my mouth.
"Don't scream it's just me." The person said I recognized it to be Brandon. The fuck. He pulled his hand from my face.
"What the hell Brandon why are you here at 2 in the morning? And why would yo-" I couldn't even finish my sentence I turned on my light and when I looked back Brandon had cuts on his face and he had a busted lip his knuckles were bruised and he looked sore.
"What the fuck Brandon? What the hell happened to you?" I asked touching his lip.
"Ow it was nothing just got jumped."  He said. I grabbed a first aid kit and sat him on the edge of my bed.
"I will call the cops." I said to him cleaning up his face.
"No! It's fine I taught them a lesson." He said.
"Are you sure?" I asked he nodded.
"Ok... Do you have anywhere else bruised?" I asked him. He then stood up and took of his shirt revealing his 4 pack and bruised up body. I touched one bruise and he winced.
"Sorry." I said.
"It's fine." He answered. I looked into his eyes I fell into a trance we both started to lean in

I turned my head before anything happened.
"I guess you should be getting home." I asked he looked at me with sad eyes.
"Uh I was wondering if I could stay the night?" He asked. I was surprised by this but in the end said yes.

  I got into bed and laid down. Brandon got in on the other side and moved close to me. He put his arm around me and I moved my head to his bare chest. I found myself falling asleep.

(Brandons pov)
   Tonight there was a gang fight Nico had Some members attack us in the end we won but we were all pretty messed up. I went to livs house to get help. I know she doesn't want to see me but I had to go.

After she helped clean me up we laid in her bed I heard her soft snores and new she was asleep. She looked so peaceful. I stared at her sleeping. I decided to do something risky. I leaned in and gently placed a kiss on her lips.

Forbidden love (brandon rowland fanfic) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now