Chapter 20

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(Brandons pov)
I went to Cameron's house to see everyone sitting around they all seemed tense.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"What's wrong is niko wants to meet in two days at the creek to discuss things." Jacob stormed over.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Yeah he sent a little minion of his over to give us the news before he killed himself." Cam said annoyed.
"Are we going to go?" I asked.
Yes's and no's were passed around.
"We can't go." Jacob said.
"But we have to we will look like cowards." Hunter said.
"And if it is a setup?" Carter chimed in.
"Right we can't go." Taylor told us.
"If it is a setup then let it be but who knows what they could do if we don't go." Aaron said.
"Fine let's put it too a vote. All in favor of not going?" Cameron said. Jacob, Taylor, Carter, Matt, Nash raised there hands.
"All in favor of going?" Cameron said. Hunter, jack Johnson, jack gilinsky, Aaron, Blake, and I raised our hands.
"It's settled then. We go." Cameron said. I hope I made the right decision.

Hunter and I went home. When we walked in we heard laughter from the kitchen. I walked in to see Olivia her father Sierra and Ollie helping make dinner. What the actual living fuck?
"Hey what's going on here?" I asked.
"Oh well I invited mr. Brighton here for dinner while you and his daughter Olivia and niece and nephew go out and be kids." My mom said.
"Great"Hunter said.
"well why don't we go upstairs." He said gesturing towards the steps. Sierra and Ollie went up first followed by Hunter. Then when Olivia and I were out of sight and out of hearing distance I pulled her close to me and kissed her.
"Hey." She said in between kisses.
"Hey. So what led your dad to wanting you to come over here?" I asked.
"I don't even know but I am really really happy he did." She said.
"Me too." I agreed. We walked upstairs to find Ollie and Hunter playing video games and Sierra face timing someone.
"I miss you Abby." She said.
"I miss you too." A voice came from her phone.
  Olivia ran over and jumped on Sierra.
"Hey Abby." She yelled the voice just chuckled.
"Hey Liv. How is everything?" She asked I walked over and sat with Liv I saw the girl apparently named Abby.

 How is everything?" She asked I walked over and sat with Liv I saw the girl apparently named Abby

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(Pic of Abby)
"Everything is ok." Olivia said half heartedly.
We hung out almost all night before they all went home. I can't believe Olivia and I are finally together.
~Two days later~
We waited at the creek it was 7 in the morning.
"The fuck are they?" Hunter said frustrated.
  Then we heard it the sirens....
Hey guys I updated. And I am so happy to have gotten calls from so many of you....
I got some news so my friend and I were talking and both of our books are starting to get popular. We were thinking if we hit 1million views 500k followers
500k on we will try to make a meet and greet.
I would to meet my beautiful unicorns the read this book. Can we do it?
And would you like that? Let me know love you guys see you in the next update coming soon love ya

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