Chapter 33

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(Olivia's pov)
    I woke up to the smell of smoke. I opened my eyes but could hardly see anything the smoke was too much. When I finally was able to see something I  stumbled to my door I could hardly breath. I was coughing and couldn't catch my breath.
   When I got to my door I unlocked it and opened it the door knob was hot and I think I got a third degree burn on my hand. But I can't think about that right now. When I opened my door I was met with a blazing fire. Their was no way I was going to get out I stumbled back the smoke made it hard to see or breath and I could feel myself losing consciousness.
I hit the wall behind me I couldn't breath but I needed to stay awake.
"HELLLPPP!!!" I screamed as loud as I could but it's hard when you can't breath.
   I started to close my eyes and fall asleep. But before I closed my eyes I saw someone standing in the doorway.

(Brandons pov)
Olivia's house was on fire. The note I guess Nico meant her. Which I should have figured but I'm fucking stupid as shit.
  I didn't see Olivia run out and I knew she was still inside I heard police and ambulances on their way but what if they didn't make it.
  Without thinking I ran inside the house hearing my mom and Hunter yell for me to stop. I ran up the stairs there was so much fire. I heard Olivia barely be able to scream for help. Her door was open but there was fire going inside and it was to hot I started having a hard time breathing I jumped through the flames when I saw an opening. I saw Olivia in the ground she was barely breathing. I picked her up bridal style holding her head into my chest so she didn't breath in anymore of the smoke. I saw Olivia's arms were burnt in places and bleeding. My arms were also burnt but not as bad as hers. I got down the stairs and outside. As soon as I got to the rode cops and ambulance guys (forgot what you called them) ran over to us they started getting her into an ambulance. I tried to get in but they refused to let me.
"Please let me go." I pleaded with them.
"Are you related to her in any way sir?" One of them asked.
"No but I am her boyfriend." I said  I was telling partially the truth.
"Fine get in." They said I hoped in as the hooked my baby up and started checking her pulse and stuff and wrapping her arms and legs up.
  We got to the hospital a few minutes later and they took her straight to the E.R saying her lungs were failing due to all the smoke she inhaled. I fell to the ground crying how could I let this happen?

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