Chapter 3

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Nypre split off from the others after spending some time alone recuperating mentally from the meeting with Aqnis. He asked around town for the location of the shrine of water. Thankfully, it was fairly common knowledge to the citizens of Aqnis who pointed him along his way. While Nypre got to explore the city on his own, his brother Deren met up with Lina and Norris to discuss what they should do next. They sat at the same circular table in the inn they conversed at before. It was beginning to feel like home. Deren and Norris sat opposite of each other, while Lina sat equidistance between them.

"It's clear what we should do next. We must assist in taking out that camp Falkner's forces have set up," Deren said eagerly. He even fidgeted in his seat anxiously.

"Deren, be calm. That is indeed our next step. We will have to talk with Tawarln, he will be sending some of his forces in and we can join up with that group. I'm sure Tawarln will be glad to have us. Until then, gather your energy, you will need it later." Norris told him. He had dealt with this before, though it was rare among the ranks of Lumin soldier; anxiousness to fight, to do something. The frustration that comes with waiting was enough to drive young men to make questionable choices especially when something personal was involved. Norris wasn't worried about Deren running off to attack the camp himself. He would however scout the camp which could be just as dangerous.

"I just feel like there's something I could be doing. To be honest, Falkner and his soldiers are of no concern to me. They are an irrelevant barrier that must be demolished quickly so we can get back to the Night Land and save my mother." Deren's voice was surging with anger. Norris was surprised. Deren would normally have more concern for others. He would expect this more from Nypre than Deren, as Deren was usually more in control of his emotions and thought more about others.

"Deren, you shouldn't say that about others. I understand your mother is in danger but these people are too," Lina told him.

"You're right. I guess I chose my words poorly. I didn't mean to disregard the people of Falkner's territory like that. I just meant that finding and saving my mother is the most important thing to me," Deren sighed, calming down a little.

"Don't worry. We will save her." Lina reached over, putting her hand on his. As a priestess, she was taught when physical contact could help soothe one's worries. Under normal situations a priestess would never touch another individual. So when a priestess did use physical contact to comfort others it was quiet effective. Deren did seem calmer after Lina's interference.

"Thank you." Deren finally gave in to the support the others were offering.

"Perhaps there is something we can do in order to work off some of your excess energy." Norris suggested.

"What did you have in mind?" Deren asked.

It wasn't long before the two stood outside behind the building in a sufficiently open space. Norris had his spear drawn and ready, and Deren his sword. Norris had a training session with Deren before, recognizing a budding sword master. After hearing that Deren had already progressed beyond the sword master that taught him back in his home town Norris knew that Deren could grow into a strong force in any battle. Deren's main motivation was the fact that Nypre was able to learn magic. Deren had failed to pass the test which revealed any magical potential within him. He was one of the many incapable of learning magic.

At first, Deren was depressed that the dream he had fantasized about his entire life was stripped away from him, but with help from his mother and Nypre he was able to redirect his passion towards his blade. As Nypre trained with magic, Deren trained with his sword in order to remain equal to Nypre no matter how powerful he would become.

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