Chapter 16

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The morning sun peeked out from over the horizon, casting its rays into the thick layer of fog that formed in the fields outside of Aqnis. It was very early in the morning. Jordan had gathered his forces. They were separated into four squadrons: Soldiers from Tawarln Territory, Soldiers of Aqnis, Wind mages, and Water mages. Nypre stood with the wind mages, having not gone over the basics of water magic with Meni. He would have preferred to wait longer until attacking Falkner. He felt like he was still recovering from Ice Island. But this was a problem that had to be dealt with quickly. Each day that passed made the problem grow.

"Are you sure you'll be okay to lead the wind mages?" Jordan conversed with Melanie in front of the armies as they gathered.

"I should be good. I have fully recovered, the wound was not bad. I overused my magic, causing me to become very exhausted." Melanie replied with a less than confident voice. Jordan placed his hands on Melanie's shoulders, looking straight into her eyes.

"You will do well Melanie. I know this is your first time leading, but do not fear. As long as we stick to the plan things should work out, understood?" Jordan said. His words were oddly encouraging.

"Thank you. I will do my best. I'm just nervous after what happened last time." Melanie recalled the pain of being shot in the leg. It still hurt, but it would take more than a crossbow bolt to the knee to stop her. She took her position in front of the wind mages, waiting for Jordan to speak.

Jordan would be leading the armies. It was her job to follow his orders, following his initial strategy as close as possible. Jordan had only planned the start of the attack, creating this system of three leaders so they could adjust their battle strategies in the heat of battle. He had previously explained that planning too far in advance was near impossible, as things never work out perfectly.

Jordan stood in front of the two armies of the non magical variety. They would combine into one army and battle alongside each other under his command. Normally, Aqnis would lead her own soldiers, but having no second in command available it was up to Jordan to take over. Jordan didn't know much about Aqnis, but he did know she never gave war a serious thought, having been born into the role of lord under her mother of the same name.

"Much has been taken from us by this fiend, Falkner. We have managed to hold off his attacks with advanced scouting and defensive tactics, but it is not enough. Aqnis remains captive, and now we have the power to save her. Thanks to some brave mages, the layer of water has been secured. Falkner will suffer from the true wrath of the Aqnis Territory, supported by the Tawarln Territory. Together, we can defeat this foe and march straight into the Night Land, recovering both of our lands in one fell swoop!" Jordan stood proud as he rallied the troops. The crowd cheered inspired by the speech. Their motivation becoming as thick as the fog that surrounded them.

Even Deren couldn't help but feel a little inspired, knowing that he was being led by someone capable of defeating him in battle. He stood with the soldiers, wearing his leather armor his sword ready.  Nypre was standing with the mages. He couldn't help but feel a little alone, not truly knowing the people around him. He knew the water mages better than he knew the wind mages, which he thought was bad given he was the guardian of wind's son. It was an ironic thought, but not one that should bother him at the moment. The wind mages around him didn't mind his presence at all.

Norris would not be joining him in the battle. He chose to stay behind and guard Lina in case the Night Land chose this moment to attack her. With the armies out of the city, it would be unfortified to deal with a sneak attack.

Maryine stood in the front line of the formation of water mages, standing near her mother. Her mind was wandering, noticing just how the people of the Tawarln Territory were taller than the people of the Aqnis Territory. She then wondered if any of the other soldiers had random thoughts when rallying like this.

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