Chapter 13

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"Look outside. They're still celebrating, even at this time of night." Lina commented. Normally, one would say a comment like that in a cheerful tone. Lina's tone was heavy with worry. She looked out of window of her room. Deren and Norris stood with her. The news of the water magic working again had made the mages celebrate, which caused the entire town to celebrate. It was a strange time for a celebration, but given that it was the only good news in a long time, there was no stopping the townsfolk.

"It's hardly a time to celebrate. Jordan doesn't want to make a move without Tawarln regaining consciousness, even with water magic working again. More importantly, Nypre is still gone." Deren shared Lina's distress.

"That's what I'm concerned about, he should have been back by now" Lina agreed. She turned to Norris who had remained quiet up to now. Norris sensed his cue to talk.

"It's hard not to worry, I admit. We do not know what has happened. As for you Deren, Jordan is a passive leader, you are correct, and though you may not agree to his orders you should still follow them. He wants to handle this with as little loss as possible. Us lying in wait for them to attack, then counterattacking right after, will completely throw them off guard."

Norris was calmer than the two. While he didn't know of Nypre's fate, he had dealt with similar situations before. Worry would get them nowhere, and would instead distract from the important issues. It was an important lesson to learn, but one impossible to teach

"Jordan won't be a leader if I challenge him and defeat him." Deren said before taking his leave from the two. He had agreed with Jordan's motives before, after Norris explained them to him. But now there was no need to remain so passive. With the huge surge of power they had just gained it would be easy to blow Falkner's forces away. Lina gave Norris a worried look.

"He has to do something." Norris explained. "He's worried about his brother, I think he believes Nypre is dead, and wants to avenge him."

"Do you think Nypre is dead?" Lina asked.

"It's unlikely. He was sent to do nothing more but deliver a message. The only thing to be worried about is the lack of communication. But when we think about it logically, there are plenty of reasons why they haven't returned. It's possible there was a storm, for example." Norris said.

"You're right." Lina sighed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep. Is there any chance you can talk to Deren about challenging Jordan?"

"I will try, of course, but a good sparring match may be just what he needs and he's lost interest I sparring with me." Norris stopped mid sentence. "I wouldn't worry too much. I don't think he truly wants to take over. He wouldn't know the first thing about leading an army. He just wants to fight something. It's how he deals with loss."

Lina said nothing more. Norris told her good night before leaving her room and entering his own. Lina let out another heavy sigh, glancing around her plain room. It wasn't the fanciest room of the fanciest inn, but it was enough. After living in the temple for so long she actually preferred things plain.

She curled up in bed her thoughts still racing about Nypre. It would be difficult to sleep. She just wanted to find the truth of what happened. Norris was right, he was probably fine. There was no reason for her to worry so much.

By morning the celebration had died down. The streets were unnaturally quiet. as they were usually busy. Deren assumed the people were exhausted from the partying they did last night. He still refused to celebrate their small victory. Aqnis was still missing. Aside from water magic being back to normal they had accomplished nothing.

Waters of Aqnis, Second Story of NypreWhere stories live. Discover now