Chapter 10

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Naomi was the first off the boat. She ran down the plank of wood the moment the captain set it out. She was in such a hurry that nearly fell over the moment the foot hit the ice. Given that she was high level water mage she was normally graceful on the ice.

"Zach?" She yelled, looking around frantically. Nypre didn't even need to leave the boat to see there was nowhere for anyone to hide. Naomi scoured every inch of the island out of pure desperation. Andrew, Casey, and Tanner made their way to the island next. Tanner grabbed Naomi on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. Maryine and Nypre were the last off the boat the captain choosing to stay aboard. Maryine rushed to Naomi's side offering her support. Naomi fought back the tears. It was clear her worries had built up and overwhelmed her.

Nypre, not knowing how to console Naomi, walked to the corpse of the spider and inspected it closer. There was no doubt about it. It was the same kind of spider that inhabited the Night Land. Nypre shuddered, the memories of the crystal egg structure fresh in his mind. It was impaled by the ice meaning it was killed by a water mage.

Nypre began exploring the island further in search for clues. He saw Andrew and Casey doing the same. Everyone was silent. A chill came over Nypre. He was just now noticing how cold it was on Ice Island. Walking on the ice was difficult as well. He more slow careful steps to avoid slipping and embarrassing himself in front of the water mages. He walked in to the small cave where the beds were, noticing some crates that held supplies.

The crates were closed, and on top of them were journals for writing down research. Naomi had finally calmed down, gaining control over her emotions once more. She followed Nypre into the cave, and they were soon joined by the others.

"We keep a journal to make notes on any research we do. Zach is in charge of writing things down." Naomi explained. She picked the journal up, opening it and reading it out loud.

"We were attacked. Something none of us were prepared for. The spiders attacked in the night, climbing up around the edges of the island. I awoke when one dragged me, sliding me across the ice towards the sea. It was a frightening sight. Thinking quickly, I was able to manipulate the ice on the island, killing the creature before it could react. I was the only one lucky enough to escape. The others were all dragged into the ocean. I tried diving to search for them, but after a day of searching it was clear there was no hope in finding them. Tomorrow I'll look deeper into the depths. I'll encase myself in ice while I sleep to protect myself, but I don't expect any more attacks. I'm alone. My only solace is knowing that Naomi is safe." This time, Naomi did cry. The others looked in silence as the tears flowed down her cheeks. Nypre looked to Maryine. Her face was covered in pure fright.

Maryine reached out to hug Naomi, attempting to soothe her. Naomi wasn't ready to be soothed, her tears turned to anger. She pushed Maryine away, rushing to the island's edge.

"Meni-Koretops-ti!" She screamed loudly. She held out her hands, holding them together as if she were praying. When she parted them the water itself began to split. Nypre and the others rushed over to get a better look. She tore the ocean apart forming a crevice. The water was being pushed and held to the side. It was almost like a canyon, except one of pure water. Naomi was struggling, as if she were holding the water back physically. Her breath came in short heavy bursts as her spell drilled deeper into the ocean. Thousands of lights flickered in the fissure of water she created.

"What are those?" Nypre asked Maryine in a whisper, pointing out the lights.

"Stringers." Maryine whispered back. "These kinds come to the surface at night to eat making it impossible to dive. They've only been seen over the layer of water and seem to congregate into one large swarm. A single sting will only hurt, but multiple will paralyze you."

Waters of Aqnis, Second Story of NypreWhere stories live. Discover now