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Maya: Don't you think you should rest?

Ever: We're fine, and who's to say it's safe for us to relax? Whenever we do, our enemy takes advantage of it..

Maya: I'm really sorry..

Ever: Not that again.. None of it is your fault, believe me..

Maya wisely didn't reply, but she hung her head. Ever sighed, she had a hard time cheering her up, especially with Romeo keeping his distance

Thankfully, the attacks have stopped for a while. The group needed time to refocus their thoughts and powers

Axel entered the room to take her place, and Ever looked at him gratefully

She needed a break..

She went to the palace garden for a breather, and started to think

Whenever there was opposition, certain people were always present on the margin, in the background, wtching, listening, without anyone getting a gist of their opinions. Could they be the ones they were looking for? Ever wondered, they were certainly powerful enough, but she couldn't be sure. She'd never felt their magic before, so didn't know the stamp, all the more reason to suspect them, but she might be doing them an injustice, she sighed. She was getting too paranoid. She took a large breath and went back to the palace

While she was walking back, a chill suddenly crawled up her spine. She shuddered, oh no! She knew that feeling so well, dark magic. It was the strongest wave yet..

She saw shadows taking over the palace. The guards dropped to the grpund like flies that have been swatted

She hurried her steps towards Maya's room, inside, she found her friends struggling. Romeo was swaying, he looked on the verge of passing out. Noir seemed to be struggling with an unseen force, Maya was chanting spells that did nothing to rectify the situation, and Axel was calling desperately on all the elements

Elven magic didn't work this time. It was weak against such a drak force of fae magic. Ever felt helpless and didn't know what to do

She called on all her magic, but of course, nothing happened

She watched them all, their resolve and resistance crumbling under the dark force

She was starting to panic, but that wouldn't do! She willed herself to take deep breath, and concentrated

The enemy must've been too focused on the others, or didn't think of her as a threat. Big mistake, she thought

She moved as stealthily as she could, concealing what little magic she had, which wasn't much of a feat

Ever focused on the source of this magic, and followed her instincts

She traced it to the eastern tower. She carefully opened the door

What she saw, was not entirely a shock, but it still shook her

In front of a large basin, acting as a reflective surface, was the elegant form of Nerissa Brnimgham, watching the impending demise of her friends

Ever stood frozen for a second. The other woman didn't seem to notice her

Ever: Nerissa.. I should have known it was you

The crystal eyed fae turned evet so slightly towards her: What? You're here? Such a pest! Inspite of your lack of magic, you've managed to be a most annoying thorn in my side

She threw a bolt of electricity towards Ever

She dodged it, barely

She threw another spell at her and Ever dodged again

Nerissa: Tsk.. You really are annoying. I guess I have to get rid of you first

She turned fully towards Ever, and left the others she was watching through the water surface momentarily..

She focused her energy to attack Ever

She dodged time and time again, but she was getting tired, and her oponnent was still unfazed

Nerissa's eyes glistened triumphantly

Ever tried summoning her magic. It did nothing to Nerissa

Nerissa laughed out loud: Is that all you can do? The eldest daughter of the Nightingales. How pathetic! You are a disgrace to all fae. I will end your blemish of an existance

Ever was thinking, was all lost? There must be something she could do! There just has to be! Then it hit her, the song! Her siren part could help!

Ever relaxed and stilled, comcentrating. Nerissa took that as a sign of defeat, till she heard a faint hum

Ever burst into a most mesmerising song

Nerissa: W-what is this? N-no, no!!

Ever's song was diminishing the power of Nerissa, and it was now the latter's turn to struggle

Ever almost succeeded, when a new dark force entered the tower chamber. It was Lord Beningham himself: Foolish girl..You underestimated your oponnent, but being who she is, I guess you couldn't help it. Ever Nightingale, who would've thought..

Nerissa: Father!

Ever: So, it was you! Why?!

Lord Beningham: The Nightingales.. Such an annoying breed.. When we bound them not to have a child, and if they should, it would be a disgrace on the magical races, we didn't expect any trouble from them again.. You were overlooked.. A grave mistake, one that would be rectified..

He was going to attack her

Axel: Ever!

Lord Beningham: You're saved, for now.. We'll meet again, pest

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