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Lord Beningham and Nerissa disappeared..

Axel: Are you alright?

Romeo: The Beninghams.. They were the ones behind all this?!

Ever nodded: I'm fine. So it seems, your highness..

Romeo: How did you know?

Ever: I didn't. I just had a hunch, and I followed it. They were always there, lurking in the background, being silent and observant whenever any apposition arised, that got me thinking if they were the ones stirring things up. They had the power and status to do that. And when my magic couldn't help you there, I just followed the trail and it lead me here..

Axel beamed at her: You just used your siren magic, without any enhancing crystals

Ever blushed: It was a long shot. I'm glad it worked

Romeo rubbed his face tiredly: I'm grateful you found them. I have to meet with their majesties, if you will excuse me..

They nodded at him

Noire was being silent, but he clapped his large hand on Ever's shoulder, gave her a small smile and left

Ever: How's Maya?

Axel: She's fine, just needs a little bit of rest. Let's check on her then go rest ourselves..

She nodded and they went back together to Maya's chamber

Maya looked a little bit pale, but other than that she was fine. She insisted on getting all the details

Axel told her everything he saw, when he got to the part of Ever's siren magic, Maya's eyes shone with excitement

She flung her arms around a surprised Ever, who returned the hug awkwardly

Maya: I'm so happy for you! You did it! Without Lady Farrow teaching you and without those crystals!

Ever smiled at her, then she let go

Maya: Oh, and Ever

Ever: Yes?

Maya: Thank you for saving our lives yet again

Ever: It was nothing

They looked as they were about to quarrel, each insisting on her point, Maya on owing her life to Ever and Ever on her not doing anything

Axel had enough: Well, we should all rest for a bit, while we can

He laced his fingers through Ever's and tugged her out of the room, that action alone made them both forget their little argument

Romeo: We need to prepare for war. Our allies will be joining us shortly. We've already sent messangers..

Maya: What can we do to help?

Romeo: You shouldn't be involved in this

Maya: What do you mean? It's our desire to ally ourselves with you that started all this

Romeo sighed: It's dangerous for anyone to try passing through the veil between the realms right now..

Maya: Doesn't mean the two of us can't help. We will contact our people to tell them what's going on

He nodded, but didn't look happy

Ever whispered to him: Don't worry your highness, we'll do our best to keep her safe

Noire nodded and Romeo blushed slightly

He cleared his throat: We will all need to train hard. Noire will train with our people. Axel, you will train with the elves, and Ever, you will have to train with sirens. Lady Farrow has already suggested she train you herself

They all nodded at him

The elves were the first to arrive

Ever: Elder Lokin, welcome

He nodded at her: I hear you've discovered a way to reach and control your magic. I'm happy for you, child

She smiled widely at him

Ever: Sorin, you remember Axel, he will be training with you

Sorin sized him up: So you're part elf huh, explains how you were able to keep up last time

He extended his hand for him to shake, a peace offering. Ever sighed with relief

Ever: I will train with you guys till the sirens arrive

Lokin nodded: Ariana will train with you

Ever: How have you been, Ariana

Ariana shrugged: Good, thanks for asking

They soon started their training, both Sorin and Elder Lokin teaching Axel how to control his ability to call on the elements

Sorin seemed impressed, for a half breed, Axel had a good deal of magic

Ever trained with Ariana, she didn't miss the parting glance Sorin had given her

Ever: So you are finally an item, congratulations

Ariana smirked: I have to admit, even if I don't like it, what you told him helped

Ever curtsied: Glad to be of service

Ariana: Oh shut up and let's get goin

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