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The following days, Maya was given a tour of the palace grounds and introductions to the most important Fea around, all done by the prince. The ladies were seething with jelousy

Ever sighed and shook her head, for being a prince, he sure is clueless when it comes to female attention. Prince Romeo had no idea that almost all the unmarried ladies were in love with him, or his title or looks as it happened.. He wasn't helping the case of Maya's safety, she was gaining more enemies by the minute. Maybe she needed to have a talk with him

It was a bold idea, and it wasn't her place, but she knew he was nice enough not to mind

She was already suffering the percussions of her talking back to Meria. She was constantly tripped, splashed with unpleasant substances, hit with different objects and laughed at. She had bruises all over, but she was holding on well

Just as she was heading towards his highness, she was tripped, and fell on a conveniently spilled drink. She saw Meria and her posse, out of the corner of her eye, they were snickering. She was tempted to cause some serious damage to Meria's face

She lifted her head to see both Axel and Romeo reaching their hands to help her

she took both their hands

Ever: Thank you

Axel: Are you alright?

Romeo frowned: Maybe I should have another talk with them. I thought it was over years ago, apparently I was wrong, sorry Ever

She shook her head: I'm fine Axel, no need your highness, it will only make them angrier, giving me more attention, which brings me to something that I need to tell you. I know it's not my place, but perhaps you should make your attentions towards Lady Devins less obvious. A lot of the ladies are giving her withering glares as it is

Romeo looked a bit confused: Whatever do you mean

She sighed: You should know that most of the ladies think themselves in love with you

He replied bitterly: More like in love with my title

She smiled: They wouldn't take it in a good way, you acting like this to another, especially not one of our own

Romeo: Acting what way?

Ever smiled wryly: You are falling for her your highness, it's pretty clear even if you haven't realized it yet

He blushed, so adorable..

Romeo: Still, it has nothing to do with them, what can they do?

Ever sighed: Not all of them will try to act, but some will make her feel unwelcome, wether it's glares, whispers, trying to slander her, some might try to harm her even

Romeo: They wouldn't dare!

Ever: Some might, just give them a bit of time to accept her first, then you can declare your feelings to the whole realm

Romeo: I..

Ever: There's no use denying it your highness, and if I may suggest, fulfilling the lady's wish of training her in combat is a very good idea right now, and providing her with more guards

Romeo: What about you?

She grimaced: While the attacks have been non-magical so far, it's only a matter of time before they do. Your highness is well aware of my magical level.. Mr. Merrins and I, will of course still do our best to protect her, but it might not be enough

He nodded gravely: Thank you for your concern. I will discuss this with their majesties

He took leave of them

All this while Axel was quiet, but now he talked

Axel: Is that real convern you showed, or was it out of jealousy, urging him to stay away for a while

She turned to him, indignant, but she saw mirth in his eyes

Ever: I meant what I said. It's not safe right now, showing her all this attention, besides, even if I was still delusional enough to hope for his attention, being mean and trying to push them away from eachother wouldn't help my case. If I want someone to love me, I want them to do so by themselves

Axel cleared his throat: Are the ladies here really that bad?

Ever: Some of them are. The Fae are proud by nature, some might act out of pride, I can assure you, most families that wanted to match him with their daughters aren't happy, and some of the girls can be, well, malicious..

Axel: It was nice of you, caring about Maya's safety..

Ever: My job is to protect her, and if anything goes wrong, it will not be good for our people

Axel: Are those the only reasons you did that?

Ever: What other reasons are there?

Axel was thinking he'd leave it at that for now, but he was sure she did that not only out of obligation, but because of the goodness of her heart and that she was starting to care for Maya, he smiled, his friend was really most difficult to even dislike

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