Underfell Sans x masochist reader - Don't move, Sweetheart

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First of all. Hey, thanks guys. I didn't even wrote something and so many of you already found this and are waiting for me to write something. I seriously totally forgot about this but then I saw on my other profile, OMG! So many reads! I need to write something for my dirty little sinners before they attack me like the Amalgamate did in Alphys true lab! It is an Underfell sans x I would say like horny and masochistic reader Lemon! So take it and appreciate it! ^°*°^


Everything is black. Even when you open your eyes. Seems like you are blindfolded. You don't even know what's going on. You just fell down here and ran out of the ruins trying to escape the big monster that always called you 'my child'. Then you bumped into a short skeleton. And then? You don't remember.

 "So you finally woke up, huh?" 

You hear someone growling seductively from behind. It smells like some kind of aftershave and fur is tickling your neck as the person gets near your ear and bites into it. You scream altough it did it softly and it didn't really hurt.

 "What is it, human? Feeling uncomfortable?" 

It laughs and licks your cheek with a sticky tongue that leaves something on your cheek . You really are feeling strange but, not because of someone just kidnapped you and now seems to want to torture you. No. You feel something other. You're so warm and you're a bit dizzy. 

"Oh, you're blushing. Isn't that cute?" 

It laughs again and then takes away the blindfold. You take a bit before you can see the things around you. The first thing you see is the little skeleton from before. It grins at you with a golden tooth that sparkles in the warm, red light of the room. The rest isn't important. A bed. A lamp. A bookshelf and some other things normal for a room. You look down at yourself and see that you're bound onto a chair that stands right in the middle of the room. 

"W-What do y-you want from me?" 

The skeleton smiles and takes your head so you look right into his eyes. You blush and try to escape but he holds your head thight. Then he presses his teeth onto your mouth and kisses you. You're too surprised to react so you do nothing. 

"Understood what i want from you, Human?" 

You shake your head and look down onto the floor. Blushing. The skeleton sighs. 

"Are you incompetent or what?! Let me tell you something. This world is kill or be killed. I could have easily killed you when we first met. But you are pretty cute for a human so I thought about something other for you. Something more fitting for you."

 A fluorescent, red tongue comes out of his mouth, dripping red ectoplasma from it. Now you understand. You struggle and try to escape. Better if you would have been baked into a pie by that old lady in the ruins than that! He just laughs and looks down on you, trying so hard to escape.

 "Maybe I let you go if you call me Master Sans and make a cute nyah to it." 

You don't understand but you don't care. If you tell him that he will let you go. Without taking something important for you from you. So you do it. 

"M-Master Sans.....Nyaaaaahhhhh....." 

You make a cute face and blush. He looks at you surprised and blushes a bit in a deep red colour.

 "Nope didn't work! Now I'm just more horny! Seems like I can't let you go!" 

You gasp as he presses his teeth against your mouth and sticks his tongue deep into your throat. You feel so strange right now. You're mind's cloudy and you're feeling really hot and dizzy right now. You don't struggle. No. You want him to do it with you. You're mind is too clouded as that you could think about what you're doing right now. He gets back and grins at you, sticking out you're tongue, drooling and you're eyes clouded with lust. 

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