Swapfell!Papy x Reader - Lost in sorrow

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Ouh damn. It seems i'm writing a lot with bondage and rough readers and hardcore. This here as well. Well. At least i'm with my readers a little different from others 'cuz you're normally the whiny 'lil naive child from the neighbourhood. But whatever whatever! Get on with the reading!


The dark, red light of the sun paints your white clothes orange and your pale skin with a colour that reminds of a peach's skin. The longer you walk the faster you get. Your feet practically flying over the sidewalk you hurry trough the lifeless streets of the abandoned city. The ruins of the broken down houses around you mix into a grey pulp of melted stones. The war has left his marks on every area of the world. Every now and then you can see dried blood, bones, ripped clothes and sometimes when you are lucky you can also see still rotting flesh crushed by boulders or ripped apart from the rest of the body by one of the many grenades. But most flesh already got stolen by the remainig living creatures. Animals as well as Humans. This world is like a black hole. Sucking you deeper into sorrow the longer you survive. And on the deepest point of this cicle they reach the end, stuck at the point of madness. Stuck where you have been since the first year in the bunker. Doing things that you're doing, living life like you are. Searching the world for living creatures. But not anymore to group up, but just to fill the emptyness in your soul that this cicle drilled into it. Your (e/c) eyes spin to the right the second you hear the sound of stones grind against each other. The tiny paws of an emaciated fox scratch over some rocks, releasing the rotting rest of what probably once was a human arm. Slowly, trying not to make a noise you get out the gun that was attached to your broken belt and reload it. The fox doesn't seem to have noticed you. It's eyes fixed on it's prey it just now opens it's muzzle to bite into the rotting flesh as you take aim and shoot. The bullet hit's the small line of muscles and flesh of it's tail and it begins to howl, tearing it's head up and crying out it's pain. Before you can fire again it disappears in a small hole between a run down sofa and a broken down wall with a shattered window. With a growl and a raspy curse you carefully go up to the flesh, taking out a grubby piece of once pink fabric and picking it up. Cracking a smile at your unexpected fund you hurry again to another ruin with a crooked sign saying: (l/n) on it. Shoving some boulders to the side you uncover an iron, rusting trapdoor. All of your muscles tensed you begin to open it, the rust crumbling from the sides as it grinds against the ground. With a few large steps you climb down the ladder, closing the trap door behind you. The lights in the corridor before you are dimmed, giving just enough light to see where you're going. The sound of your run down shoes on the metallic ground echoes trough the whole corridor, not stopping even after you stopped before a big, iron door that reminds more of a safe than something you can open and just walk through. Coughing up the dust from the world outside this bunker you take a little key card out of your pocket, holding it against a nearly broken scanner and opening the door after hearing the loud beeping sound that tells you, you're allowed to go inside. After closing the door behind you it is silent again. So silent that you could have heard a needle fall down if you at least had something like a needle with you right now. The room before you greets you with a long, rainbow coloured carpet and a few iron furniture that are supposed to look like wooden ones. After getting your shoes off your feet you place them down next to the door and take some dark grey slipper wearing them instead of those dirty, dark brown leather boots. "I'm home!"  Nobody replies. You go left into the kitchen. The plastering is decorated with some badly drawn, old fashioned roses and the room is scarcely decorated. Just a sink, a camping cooker, a fridge that's not working and some cooking utensils. Right next to the sink is a small wooden table with a picture of a woman In her 40ts. The woman smiles, her dark brown hair is long, just as long as the girl's hair next to the woman. That girl is you. (e/c) Eyes, long, (h/c) hair and a smile just as warm as the sun itself. Has been a long time since you had last smiled that friendly. Your hair also isn't that long and well groomed  anymore because you have to cut it yourself and the dust and dirt from the outside world clottes your hair. You can't even wash it because the few bottles of water you have left are for drinking and not for 'unnecessary' things like caring for your hair. "I'm home Mom." With an blank expression you look right into your mothers eyes that stare at you from behind the thin layer of glass. After having said hello to your mother you go out of the kitchen and back into the living room, how you like to think of it. Then you go from your side now left again and into the 'bedroom'. There you lay the hat you were wearing onto the dirty sheets and look up onto a airgun that is hung over your bed. "Hello Dad. I'm back. I brought something to eat for us. You should have seen me scare that fox away with my gun. I'm becoming more and more like you. Are you proud?" As there's no answer you bow down before the gun your dad always held to get you and your mother something to eat in this rough times. Your expression still blank you go out of the room, coughing up a few drops of blood and picking a fat, black spider from your hoodie, crushing it with your bare hand. The weight in your left hand reminds you of the food that needs to be cooled. Again going left you enter a storage room. It is way colder then the rest of the bunker. Maybe even colder than the outside world. 'I need to care about this rotting parts later' your thoughts at first on the piece of flesh that you layed down on a few cans filled with pork and beans you then move the exact same shelf that you had just put something inside to the right to reveal a hidden passage behind it. A dark corridor awaits you and greasy stairs that go down even more. But before you take any steps farther inside you move the shelf before the entrance again, killing even the last bit of light in the dark corridor. "Hey! I'm home! Make some light for me, will you?! I can't see a thing in here!" Some muffled sounds come from downstairs. Shortly after that you can see a faint glow from downstairs. "Knew you'd be useful for something. Even if it just is being a lamp down here. A lamp going on immediately at the sound of my voice. If there'd be survivors they'd surely call me a genius!" You chuckle and go forward, stumbling over your own feet as you do so. "No! It seems you are even too useless to be a lamp you damn monster! This light isn't even nearly enough! Do you want me to fall down the stairs and break my neck? I need your fucking light to be brighter you dumb thing!" Even more muffled sounds are to be heard from downstairs as the light becomes brighter every second. "Stop you damn idiot! I'm gonna be blinded! I'm gonna be blinded!" The light becomes darker again and you can finally go down the stairs. "You didn't answer me as i said i'm home. Why is that huh? Why is that?!" Nearly screaming these words you go up to a tall man, hanging from the ceiling on two iron chains that are wrapped around his wrists. He's the source of the dimmed orange light that lights up the room you're in. Carefully you take the dirty piece of clothing out of his mouth. While turning an iron wheel in the wall next to the man you're face gets close to where his ears should be and you breathe into the parts where his ears where supposed to be. The man's coughing up some dirt and breathing heavily. His voice is at first like a rusty old hinge and then turns into a soft moaning. "Welcome home, Master~"


This is the first part without lemon and i'm thinking of keeping this for a few parts. Just because i actually would have liked the Blueberry x reader and the second part of the Underlust brothers x reader part to be without any sex scenes but i wasn't sure if you'd be fine with it. Now you'll just have to deal with it. I'm thinking of writing a second part of this but i'll leave it to you as an decision if i should or not.

Me out!


Art by naimaie7 on DeviantArt:


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