US!Papy x reader - Ice cream time

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Hello hello hello. New request Us! Papy x reader. Quite a few requested it and many of you said that US!Papy is most likely the horniest one of the Papyruses so i tried to make the best out of it. Even tho i don't really like Underswap. Someone else who doesn't really like US!Sans? No? I'm the only one? Thought so. After you guys hated me for killing you you'll now hate me for not liking US!Sans. Someday i'll be a hated Author senpai......Well then. I'll hope i can at least make you a bit happy again with an US!Papy Sans x reader. The next part is an UF!Sans x Draco!Reader. You can still give me requests but you'll have to be very patient cuz i still have 6 requests that i need to write. I'll still take requests tho. Maybe i won't anymore when i have 10 or 11. Who knows. But you don't have to worry about that now. Just have fun with the chapter~


The sun burns at your skin and makes you sweat as you step outside. You are on an warm island for holiday together with Blueberry and Papy. In your (b/c) Bikini you begin to walk over the hot stones that you have to pass to get to the beach. "Ouch! Goddamnit! This hurts!" You curse loudly as you run over to the beach barefooted, trying to touch the ground as few times as possible. As you reach the sand you stop for a second. The sand is warm but not nearly as hot as the street so it feels a lot colder. You look around to search for the tall skeleton in the orange pants. A little bit further away he looks at the clear, blue water in front of him. Silently you sneak up to him and try to surprise him while clutching at his shoulders. "Booh!" He turns around without even shrugging his shoulders and looks right into your eyes. "Pf! You're no fun!" He just chuckles lightly and pats your head. "You're just bad at surprising others (y/n)." You pout and point to an ice cream shop. "As an apology you can buy me ice cream Mister super cool!" He just smirks and takes your hand. "Then hurry up miss and choose which flavors you want." He pushes you slightly forward and you run of to the ice cream shop. He slowly follows you, smoking a cigarette and his hands in his pockets. "You're such a child." You just grin at his comment and look at the young man in the ice cream van. " 5 Please!" He looks at you surprised and papy just laughs silently and pats your head. Then he gets it together and takes out a spoon like thing. "Which flavors?" "All Blueberry!" He looks at you even more dumbfounded and begins to silenty shove the ice cream in the big cone. Then he gives it to you and papy pays for you. "Hey (y/n). Can i have some as well?" "No! This is your punishment!" Then you giggle and run away from him. The ice cream already begins to melt in the sun light and runs down your hand. "Chase me if you can!" He just sighs and runs after you. "If you don't eat the ice cream it will melt! It would be a waste of food ya know?" You just show him your tongue and run off faster. You know that Papy would never be faster than fast walking cuz he's just too lazy. Wondering about where to hide you see a wooden house at the horizon. Spilling your ice everywhere you run off to there and open the door. You can see that it is a store house and it is pretty warm in there. Quickly you slam the door and hide under a table in there. As you wait for him you try to lick a bit of the ice cream of your hands but just get it all over your breasts. You chuckle at the cold sensation of the ice cream running down your body. Then you can hear footsteps outside of the store house and you hold your breath. Everything that you can hear now is the ice dripping at the floor silently. The door opens slowly and from where your sitting you just see bony legs and orange shorts. He looks around the room for a while. As he sticks his head into an empty closet and calls out your name in a funny voice you burst out in laughter and he quickly pulls you away from the table and up, so that you now lean onto the table. "Found ya~" You laugh and try to get out of his grip but he just thightens it and looks at you with a fake disappointed look. "Come on. Didn't i told you not to spill your ice cream? Now i have to clean it up.~"Your happy laugh turns into a loud breathing as he licks along your hand. He pulls back for a few seconds and licks his lips. "The ice cream really is delicious~" Then he continues to lick the ice cream from your hands and licks along it to prevent more melted ice cream to flow out of the cone and along your body. "Now now. I ate a lot of your ice cream. Don't worry. I'll give ya some back." He takes a bite out of the ice cream and kisses you. Melted ice runs along your chin as he gently lets the ice cream flow into your mouth. To let you gulp it down he lets you go for a second and then lifts your chin. "You're such a child (y/n).~" He chuckles and begins to suck the ice from your lips and chin. "You spilled so much~" You moan as he licks along your lips and enters to play with your tongue. As you both have run out of breath he backs off and smirks at you. "You taste even sweeter than usual~" You blush deeply and let out a surprised moan as he bites your neck softly. "You really spilled it everywhere, didn'tcha?" He looks right at your breasts and begins to caress them softly. "Papy.....ahn..." He gently begins to unclip your Bikini top and throws it away. With his warm tongue he begins to squeeze your breasts with his right hand and licks along the ice cream that ran down between your breasts. Instead of the light blue liquid now dark orange saliva paints your skin. In the small light of the room the orange glitters like pearls or diamonds. He blushes in a dark orange and looks up into your half closed eyes. "You really look beautiful with my colour on you~" You blush so madly that your ears burn like fire and you are sure that they are bright red, like the rest of your face. You smile lightly at his compliment but open your mouth again to let out a loud moan as he begins to suck on your nipples and draws circles with his fluorescent tongue around them. After a while of him playing with your breasts you cum, spilling white liquid on the floor. Shivering in his arms like your cold you hear a womans voice coming near. You also hear the cheerful voice of a little boy. He just keeps on playing with your body as if he hasn't heard anything. "P-Papy....please stop....there are....mnh.....people coming.....ah..." He just grins and hugs you thight while the voices draw near. "P-Papy?!......." He covers your mouth with his bony fingers and quickly takes you up. Then he opens the door to the grey closet and pushes you inside. Dumbfounded you look at him as he positions yourself next to you in the closet. Beacuse there is not much space you both have to stay near to each other. Shortly before the wooden door opens he carefully closes the door of the closet so that you can just see through small lits right before your face. As the Woman and the child enter the room you stop breathing for a moment. If they see you.....Shit. Even tho you're mind is clouded you see your Bikini top in one corner of the room and everywhere around the table is your spilled ice cream and your liquid. You already begin to lose your last breath as the tall forces your mouth open. Then he kisses you and with that forces air from his 'lungs' into yours. Tears dwell up in your eyes and you cough silently as he lets you go. "Don't forget to breathe Cutie. I don't wanna lose you just now~" Silentyl you watch the woman looking around the room disgusted as she sees the spilled liquid. Then she sighs and shoos the boy out of the house. "Always this youngsters. Now i have to clean up again." Looking annoyed she takes a white rag out of one of the other closets and begin sweeping the floor. You just hope that she finishes quickly so that you can get out and at best home. "Hey. (y/n). I can't wait any longer." You hear the annoyed voice of Papy from behind you and as you want to turn around he pushes you against the door of the closet. "Papy.....not now....there's a woman in...." "I know" He chuckles and pushes you again against the door. A lout clang makes the woman look up from her work. You hold your breath. 'Shit. Did she figure out?' But your worry is unnecessary. "Just the bucket. That scared me." Then she attends work again. A slight orange light fills out the darkness of the closet and you look up to see Papy's eye glowing. "Don't worry. I won't let us get caught. As long as you don't make any unnessesary sounds i will be able to cover it up." He whispers and you blush. "But Papy...." "Schhh." He presses one finger against your mouth and lets the other hand slide under your bikini. You let out a quiet moan as he softly caresses your entrance. Shortly before you cum he stops and pulls his hand away. "Even down here is a bit of ice cream, see?" He shows you his hand that is covered in transparent liquid with a few light blue stains. He licks along his hand and then pulls down your last bit of clothing a bit. "Stay quiet." He quickly pulls down his pants as well and holds his erect, fluorescent dick against your entrance. Orange liquid is already leeking from the tip and mixing with your own. As he forces himself inside you you let out a surprised sound. "Schhh! You don't want to get caught, do you?" He presses his hand before your mouth once again and you bite his bony ingers, preventing yourself from getting louder. He curses quietly but doesn't move his fingers away from you. You can see the woman standing up and looking around the room for a short while. But the she shrugs her shoulders and puts the completely wet (lappen) away. Then she takes out a red frisbee from a carton and goes outside the door without looking back. Quickly Papyrus removes his fingers from your mouth and curses as he sees the red bite marks you left on his fingers. "Darn it. You're gonna pay for that (y/n)." With that he pushes into you with inhuman speed without really giving you the time to adjust to his size. You let out a high pitched scream surprised and bite your lip. "P-Papy.....agh...can we.....ha.....get out of here.....nah......mmh" He bites your ear softly and then begins to whisper something into it. "what if they come back?" After that you try to stay quiet but you can't prevent yourself from letting out quiet moans here and then. "Ah Shit. (y/n). Your thightening around me." He breathes heavily and gasps for air as he thrusts into you even faster than before. "Ah. P-Papy....I'm.....I'm Cumming!"You let out a loud moan and release on his bright glowing dick. A few seconds after that Papy comes as well, breathing heavily. Beacause you're too weak on your legs to stand he helps you stabilize yourself and opens the door to the closet. It is pretty clean there now. You're almost sorry to leave such a mess in the empty closet. Orange and white liquid covers the floor of the closet and mixes to a bright colour. Still shaking you look to the corner where you last saw your bikini but you can't find it. "Papy.....where's my Bikini top?" He chuckles and uses his magic again. You hear a quiet ruffling sound and turn around to see it flying over to you by Papy's magic. " If she'd see it we would have been caught." He laughs and helps you put it on. After that he pulls up his own pants again and takes your hand just as you hear someone knocking on the door. "Someone in there?" Shit. You look at Papy nervously but he just shrugs his shoulders. "Should i teleport?" You shake your head. "Prevent the door from opening." He looks at you dubfounded but does what you say. You can hear the woman curse silently as she tries to open the door but fails because of Papy's magic. Then you hear quick footsteps running away fom the house and you sigh in relieve. Then you look at Papy and pout. "That's all your fault. Because you couldn't control yourself." He lets go of you and sweatdrops a little. "Aha. Sorry (y/n). You just were so cute covered in ice cream." You show him your tongue and open the door. "Catch me if you can! I will not forgive you until you treat me a nice slice of cake at a cafe! And a hot chocolate! And if i'm faster than you in the water you'll also have to do what i want for a day! Idiot!" He smiles as you run away. "This again, huh? She's so immature most of the time." He then blushes and quickly goes after you.


Does someone remember this thing with the ice cream from an anime? No? Well. Good for your childhood guys. It was........weird. Now it feels weird eating ice cream.....But ya know. I watched stuff worse so i don't care.

Bye bye~


Art by RandomColorNice on DeviantArt:

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