Nomination Time^°^°^

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Well yeah. As the title says, I got tagged. And I thought I'm gonna put it in here cuz this book is random. And weird. And don't worry. I'm gonna update a new lemon part tomorrow as well so if ya don't wanna read this. It's okay. Well I got tagged from my lovely friend JakenNaKokoro and I thought hey. You never did this here before. So why not now. LET'S BEGIN, GUYS!!! ^°^°^

1. Which series do you like to watch?

Well. Adventure time and Archer. And if Anime's count. Devils and realists, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 and Tokyo Terror.

2. What is your most beloved movie?

I don't really watch movies or TV but. Definetly the Marvel Films and the Studio Ghibli films.

3.Favorite Animal?

Oh. I like most ones but my favorites are snakes, lions, all sorts of tigers and leopards. Cuz they're awesome.

4.Do you still have contact to Childhood friends?

Yeah. I actually do. To one.

5. Who's your favorite actor?

THE HECK?!? COULDN'T YOU HAVE ASKED ME SOMETHING EASY?!? Ehemm. Sorry for that. I actually know nearly no famous people. But I think Otto Walkes. He's funny and the only actor I know the name of.....

6. Would you like to be famous? And why?

Oh my god no. Get away from me with that. I mean. It surely is nice when you have many people that look up to you or tell you that they like you but actually. Too annoying. And too much work. Wattpad is okay. And i'm really happy to have my community (you) that supports me and likes my stories but getting identified easily, showing my face to the internet, or people that just go totally crazy when they see you or things like that just ain't my thing. I like being the crazy and unknown person without friends or hobbys that i am at the moment.

7. Do you have a good relationship with your family?

I do. In a way. I get in a lot of fights with everyone and am pretty annoyed by them most times but it's nice to have them by my side here and then.

8. Is it for you also pretty difficult to create so many questions? (sorry if it sounds weird. The original questions are all german)

Yep. I mostly have two or three questions depending on the people but after at least 5 i normally have no ideas anymore. I'm not very sociable. *fake cries*

9.Dogs or Cats?

Huh? Isn't that obvious? Cats of course! I mean...FUCKING NEKOS! HELLOOO?! NEKO MAIDS AND AND......... *DROOLS* Ah. That wasn't included in the question? Oooops. Still nekos tho. They have my personality and you can leave them alone without them caring. Also they're cute. I have a dog tho......sorry Bella. But Neko's......

10. You addicted to the internet?

Ehehehe......i wish i could say no......I'm able to live a few days without it but.....i can't play my dating sims then......or update to my friends.....and mostly. I CAN'T PLAY MY DATING SIMS! WÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄHHHHH! What? I already said that? I DON'T CAAAARE! I'm not that addicted to the internet like other people tho.

11. What do you like to read?

As normal Books i prefer Fantasy and Horror. I'd really recommend Askir and Die Drachenkämpferin. Awesome Books. And on wattpad it definetly is Humor(mostly black humor cuz funny) and Fanfictions. Cuz Wattpad and the Internet are the best places for fanfictions. *grin*

12. What did you always wanted to do?

Draw Hentai? Get better at drawing? Write Books and go to Japan? Learn japanese? Create my own communitys at Wattpad? Show my drawings to the whole world? Become friends with Anime freaks? I think that's it. A few things are already done but most isn't. So they count.

13. MC Donalds or Burger King?

I dunno if you guys even know Burker King. If it up. And i would say MC Donalds. just because i never ate at Burger King. I also hate Mc Donalds but i have no other choice.....Wait. I do. I'm Author! *Writes new Question*



There. That's it. I have to break the third rule tho cuz i don't know 13 people on wattpad. And i'm sorry for taging ya but ya know. I'm just gonna do it. Ya don't have to do that but ya know.....i would appreciate it. Cuz if i tag you guys and if ya on't do it looks weird....So:






I just have five guys but i don't care. Imagine the last ten people that got tagged yourself. And if ya want to be one of the thirteen people message me or write it in the comments. So. Here are the questions.

1. You playing PokemonGo? And if like it? (not like me)

2.The newest CallOfDuty or Battlefield 1?

3.You watching Anime? And if so..which one's your favorite?

4.Romance or horror with Gore and Splatter?

5.Favorite Fanfiction writer on Wattpad? (And no. I'm not forcing ya to take me)

6.Of which Game, movie or whatever would you like to read a fanfiction from?

7. Youtube Child or nah?

8.Are you sociable person?

9.More Shut in or more "famous"?

10.What would you say to a hardcore hater? (that hates you)

11.Ninja or Magician?

12.What would you do if your mum takes away your most favorite thing?

13.Would you be friends with someone who killed countless people?

Pheew. Done. Weird Questions. I know. And i don't care.


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