Isn't needed anymore but i wanna keep it

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Hello deary sinners! I know that you all await a new one shot and yeah....I'm working on it. At the moment I have four requests (I FORGOT ONE! I'M SORRY! *CRIES* HERE IT IS!) First: Underlust MTT, Papy and Sans. 2nd: Error!Sans x reader 3rd: US! Papy x reader and 4th: UF!Sans x Draco!Reader. All of them sound awesome to me. That's why I accepted them. The only problem is that my died. It's now burning in hell together with me. And I hate writing over my phone and also I already began writing on my laptop soo...can be that it'll still take a while until I can upload a new one shot. I'll first have to revive (repair) my laptop. I hope you guys understand. I'm really trying to revive it as soon as possible. So please stay patient! I'm giving it my best! Oh. BTW. Before you wonder. I just can't upload new one shots cuz I need the writings and information from my laptop. That's why I can still upload my other one. But don't worry. I won't forget this story. I'll stay pretty active and communicate with you guys sooooo stay patient!
Sad sad Goodbye Sweethearts
Oh. Btw. I'll probably be able to write again next week. I'll try to update then

(I revived my laptop but still need to get some ideas for the chapter so can't update right now. But i have a new story. Check it out!)

Goodbye Sinners.....please keep on reading and supporting me ^^

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