Masochist echofell!Sans x Domina Reader - Train your dog

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Oh my gosh. Guys. We reached over 1.000 views in complete. That's awesome! Well...............I'm no good at words but maybe you want a special or so? I have no idea how this works. But before you begin to read and skip this part here, thank's everyone for your support, commentary, likes and......and that you're actually reading this. I wanted to create a new little sinning Undertale Community and i guess i did it? Somehow? At least the first step or so. So *bows down before you* thank you sinner! Keep on reading, commenting or whatever you're doing here and don't forget having fun! It's the most important part that you guys are having fun with my writings! Now! Let the fun of sinning begin!


It's already gotten a bit dark outside. You open your window and enjoy the fresh air. You're bored. Sans just doesn't let you into his room and he didn't came out of there for a few hours by now. Just what the hell is he doing in there? Sometimes he just locks himself in his room and doesn't come out for a complete day. Suddenly you hear his room open. 

"Hey! I'm going outside and buy some stuff! Don't need ya to come with me! I'm back in a few minutes! Don't you dare even move before I'm back!"

Ugh. You don't answer. First he locks himself in his room and now he acts all cocky again. The front door closes and you watch him walk along the street. You are surprised. He isn't wearing his jacket. Normally he wouldn't even go out withouth it in summer! What the hell happened?! Interested you go to his room as you are sure that he can't see you anymore. You are pretty sure that it is locked but maybe you see something through the keyhole. You lean onto the door and fall with your face down in the room. He DIDN'T lock it! You curse and get up. Your nose hurts a bit but it isn't anything serious. You look around. It is REALLY dark in his room and you can barely see your hands. 

The only light in the room is from where you came, cause the door is still opened, and from his laptop. He doesn't seem to have shut it down. Is he stupid? He should know you long enough to shut everything away that is important to him. His jacket lies on the floor. You run back into your room and take a flashlight. It would be too obvious if you would turn on the lights of his room. You look around and go to his bed. You sit down and right into something sticky. You jump up and look at it closer. A dark red, sticky liquid covers his bed and his jacket. Did this dumb jackass really? 

You take his jacket and put it on. trying to imagine what happened here. Then you go to his Laptop. You need to grin as you look at it. A few tabs are opened. You look at all of them. just Porn websites are opened. You click at one of the videos. Is he serious? You begin to watch the first seconds of every video. Everything is the same. All BDSM with the focus on the girl or boy that is getting raped. You can't prevent yourself from laughing. He acts like he would be sooo tough but he really is into this shit right. Another app is opened. You click on it and grin while blushing. There are just porn pics in there but no ordinary ones. All of them are drawings of him in the masochistic BDSM position. You laugh evily and begin to imagine yourself as the sadistic one and him as your little pet. This imagination really turns you on. Normally he is really cute too but like that you can imagine him even cuter. He already told you once that he thinks that you are cute too so it should be okay, shouldn't it? 

Still wearing his jacket you click on the longest of the videos and wait. You don't really like normal human porn. It doesn't turn you on can easily imagine him like the girl in this video. He should be back soon. You wait until you hear the front door open. He doesn't even say something and just runs upstairs. To his room and you. You wait until he stands in his room again and stand up. 

"Back again already, huh? You seem to be in a hurry, dog! Show me what you've got there!" 

He freezes and looks at you surprised. 

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