Ink!Sans x Error!Sans x reader -Their Children

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'Creations or Mistakes? Create or erase? The world was just a cage. A loud, colourful cage telling lies, hurting the creations. But would the creations be wrong or right? If there would be an answer there wouldn't be fighting. She wouldn't have been born. From rage, from love. A misunderstood, coloured and still blank girl, left alone in the cage we call world. This is you my darling. Go into this cage now. It is your destiny to stay there until those will make the world a safe place for you my child'

Slowly you opened your eyes. From far far away you could hear voices, weapons clashing against others, screams. As your eyes had adjusted to the darkness you listened to from where the voices came and searched for the source, finding it as you looked into a puddle of gray colour. You saw fighting, creatures made from bones, elements or animals and creatures that made you feel sorrow. That made you feel like something you knew but had forgotten. You tried remembering but all you found was a dark, black hole covering everything that maybe once where your memories but had been locked away by someone who stood higher than you. You tried standing up but your body just wouldn't allow you. As you tried speaking your voice would be just a child's whining and as you looked down at yourself you would see a little baby's body. Your body was deformed, just a puddle with thousands shades of gray, black and white, barely keeping the form of a five months old baby with no hair at all and black pupils that would nearly be filling out everything of your slitted eyes. You had the urge to scream, to cry but all that would fill the grey room you were in would be a Child's cry for a body's warmth. Colourless bars would keep you from moving from that tiny spot you were sitting on and you knew as time flew by that you would never feel hungry. That you would never need to drink or eat anything because you were just a thick substance, a colourless liquid that would sometimes drip on the floor and vanish instantly.

There were a lot of things that you would know but wouldn't be able to explain why you knew them. You just did. Night and day you would watch the grey puddle next to your cage, watching war end and begin, watching people cease from life and watching new being born. You wouldn't understand everything you were seeing but a lot was explained to you by your imaginary friends you lovingly called 'Sea and Heart' that were you manifestations of the things you knew but couldn't explain to yourself why. 'Sea' was a creature made from black and dark shades of grey, having no face and having a deformed body that could not even be called body anymore. He had a dark, broken voice and would tell you about the depressing things and about the war. 'Heart' was a creature made from white and light shades of grey. He was also having a very deformed body, glowing black eyes and he would explain to you when a creature was born, when a child would cuddle up to her mother or just everytime 'love', how he'd call it, would be used by someone.

Just like those Creatures you were watching you'd grow up, not exactly getting a real shape but growing larger, forming a little something that looked like a head, like one of the magicless. With your will you were able to stailize your body that much that it looked like a melted head, two deformed arms that were glued to your upper body and legs that were melted together. It may have looked horrific but you liked it. You felt more connected to the creatures outside the room like that. As you grew older and understood more the puddles or ‚mirrors', how you had called them, increased and showed different people that somehow seemed to be important. The first puddle you had gotten had still remained there tho. But it didn't show life anymore. Just a black hole, burned down ground, broken weapons and a light glimmer over the entrance of the black hole. The magicless and magic creatures had fought there for decades, she had grown up seeing that image night and day. Now after the Magicless had won the war there was nothing anymore. It was a feared ground as nobody wanted to fall down the hole into the monsters territory. The remaining monsters had been slaughtered or thrown into this underground prison. Two of the mirrors were especially interesting to you as they showed two creatures that reminded you of ‚Heart and Sea'.

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