Undertale!Sans x reader Part 2 - Cry for him to come back

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Well hello again dear sinners. This is the second part of the Undertale! Sans x reader lemon so you should read the first part before that but i think you already did sooooo. Oh right. before I forget it. At the end of this story I'm gonna make a really important announcement. What? Why are you staring at me like that? Why I'm not writing it right now? You silly little sinner you. I have to make sure that you still read the story, don't I? But for now......Enjoy yourself sinners! Oh by the way. Y/N is your name. Okay. That's not right. It just symbolizes that there somebody calls out your real name or a nickname or however. But you should know that already, shouldn't you?


"Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm such an idiot! Everyone would run away if he would get noticed while FUCKING MASTURBATING! But no! I even TALKED to him! Why?! I'm such a dumb, idiotic, fucking, little shit! " 

Tears cover your face while you look at the place where Sans sat a while ago. You could have just asked him tomorrow or better, you could have TOLD him tomorrow! But you broke it. You'll never become friends again. He will never even look at you again and you will forever be too ashamed to look at him again! 

"H-Human? Everything *yawn* okay with you?" 

Oh no. Please not right now. You love Papyrus. He is really cute but right now you don't need his childish advices. Right now you just need rest and to be alone. You want to lock the door but you're too depressed to move. Your door opens and a sleepy Papyrus comes into your room. He wears a long, orange pyjama and presses a big teddy bear onto his body. You crawl under your blanket and begin to cry even louder. How could you! How could you! You feel how he sits down next to you and with surprisingly much strength he takes the blanket away from you. 

"Oh my god! Human! Please talk to me! Why are you crying? Did you had a bad dream? Sans often gets bad dreams too! It's alright! I, the mighty and glorious Papyrus am here for you now! Human! Please talk to me! I can't help you if you're ignoring me like that! Y/N ! Please!"

 "Ha....haha.....you can't help me Papy.......nobody can......." 

"Please don't say such things! Should I make you a warm plate of Saghetti? It always helps me calm down! Wait one minute! I'll bring some!" 

You don't hold him up. You even hope that he doesn't come back but you alredy hear the sound of metal clanking against metal. The only thing you're now waiting for is him beginning to sing like he always does when he's cooking. You stopped crying a few minutes after he went down but you didn't stop blaming yourself. Where is he right now? What is he doing? Is he thinking of you? Will he..........? Papyrus interrupts your thoughts as he slowly goes into your room with freshly made spaghetti. Red sauce is sprinkled over his entire pyjama and the hot spaghetti nearly burns his boney fingertips but he smiles and gives you the plate, together with a fork.

 "Please be careful, Human. You might burn yourself if you eat too fast." 

You don't want to eat it. His cookings are the worst you've ever eaten. Even your four year old roommate you had up on the surface could cook better than him. Ok. With your help but even though. 

"Oh please, Human. I know you will feel better after you ate it. I put a special Ingredient into it!"

 "Special Ingredient?" He smiles at you. "That's right! A special ingredient! It is love!" 

You chuckle and look at him saddened. 

"You know what LOVE means, do you, Papyrus?" 

"Of course I do Human! Love is when you put your heart into something you love!"

His childish explanation makes you chuckle even more. Of course he knew love but not LOVE. You didn't thought he would. While smiling you prepare for the worst. If you'd die now you wouldn't care. There's nothing to live for anymore, is there? You take a bite and nearly burn your tongue while doing it. The spaghetti is really hot. it doesn't even taste much better than always but right now you can feel with how much love he made it. Tears fall down on the plate. 

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