Chapter 24- Plan A, B, C, and Pizza Girl

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Chapter 24

We all have moments in life where we wish we could keep going. Whether it be for studying for a huge test or running a mile or two, we pray that we can not stop and that we can succeed in the end. Well right now I'm experiencing that to the greatest extent.

The world around me spins as if I rolled down the biggest hill ever and I'm laying at the bottom of it. I turn 180 degrees so that I can get the retched taste of grass and mud out of my mouth. Now I stare up at the beautiful blue sky and the puffy, cotton candy-like clouds that fill it. And just to think minutes ago that sky was a bland grey colour. It's as if right after I turn to look at it again it clears up, just for me.

I lay there flat out in what I think is pain, I just can't find any words that come to fit the description of what I'm feeling right now. Utter agony? No. Tiredness? Maybe. And as I contemplate what this strange, new feeling is, I think about so much more that what I feel.

I think about what I'm going to have for dinner later. Maybe pizza. You may think I'm joking but I'm really not. Maybe I'll have supper out with the team as a victory party. Or what if we lose? What if I can't even make it to the party? Where would I be then? The hospital?

As I make many more questions I fail to notice everyone around me. I feel my eyes drupe and I'm about to let the darkness overcome me. But then one single person snaps me out of it.


I feel his familiar, comforting touch and I immediately stop the weight that is pushing my eyelids down. My eyes still feel like they've been staring at the brightest light in the world and I just need to go to sleep, and my head continues to have this weird fuzzy feeling rushing around, but I continue to fight for Spencer. I know that he is extremely protective of me and if anything serious happens to me all hell will break lose. And that's exactly why I need to stay awake. To stop the madness.

I feel his warm, tense hands grasp around my face in a panicking way. His hands send the usual feelings into my body and already crazed mind.

I hear the muffled sounds of voices erupting around me. And the commotion of everyone around. The sound off the whistle trying to calm everyone down. But that's not what worries me, what worries me is the pain and pleading I hear from one of the strongest people I've ever met.

"Please Jess, please be okay. Please for God's sake be alright. Show me a sign Jess. Please oh God."

I see the blurred version of his face come in to view. And multiple more faces come into the picture. I weirdly see the whole gang looking down at me as if I'm a patient at a hospital and they are the interns looking at me like they've never seen an injured person before. Emma looks like she's about to cry. Though I can't really tell because everyone isn't in the best picture, being blurry and all. I also see Mrs. Gold peering down at me and even then I can see the worry in her features.

But I focus in on Spencer who's still searching around my head to see where I'm deeply injured. I then remember that he once pleaded for me to show him a sign that I'm fine. But I oddly feel like I can't speak right now. I try opening my mouth but can't find the words.

The panic sets in.

With all that I can muster I grab Spencer's hand which is still on my check. He immediately stops what he's doing and looks down at me and signs. But that's not what shocks me. He slowly and gentle kisses my hand. And I'm yet again filled with the vibrant forces that come from his touch. But I don't think about that electric feeling now, I've got more things to frat about.

But yet that kiss on the hand somehow makes me feel better. Not just in mentally, maybe even physically.

I try to lift my head and upper body up the ground all by myself, though Spencer stops me. He gently lifts my head up and places his other hand firmly around my back to help me.

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