Chapter 21- Storytime with Kelly Clarkson and Taylor Swift

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Chapter 21

I stand there in complete and utter shock. A million thoughts run through my mind all at once. Including: What? When? How? And why on earth would Jace be the reason Spencer's brother is dead? And first of all, Spencer had a brother?

"What?" I splutter in an unsettling tone.

He takes a big breath, as if preparing himself to say what he is going to say.

Sensing this is extremely serious and important, I grab Spencer's hand and lead him to the little couch I have that is beside my window. It's better to sit down for these types of things, trust me, I know.

  We both sit down and stare at each other. Spencer looks at me as if looking to check how freaked out and scared I am yet, and I look at him as if checking to see if he is ready to tell me all of this.

In this exact moment I have never seen Spencer look so vulnerable and sad. Usually he puts up this strong wall, not showing his weak side, but right now he is putting up no walls what so ever. He took down that wall for me.

When is Spencer is ready he explains every, and tells me everything about him, and his past.

"I know what you are thinking, how on earth is Jace the reason my brother is dead, " He begins. "And that you didn't even know that I had a brother."

I slightly nod my head, but keep a encouraging small smile on my face for him.

"I'll start from the exact beginning." He states. "I once had a twin brother named Sebastian. Sebastian and I were completely inseparable from birth. Parker, him, and I were the best of friends. But you can't even imagine who was also one of our best friends...." He trails off, letting me guess for myself.

"Jace." I gasp out in barely a whisper. I try to take in all this at once.

But somehow, Spencer hears me and confirms it. "Yes." He bites out bitterly. "Jace hung out with Sebastian mostly and I hung out with Parker the most, but yet we all were best friends. We trusted each other for everything. Even when we were younger we would come to each other for help. I remember once in Grade 6 I think, I went to all of them for girl advice."

I suppress a giggle. I can just imagine little Spencer getting all nervous over some girl. But I quickly stop myself since I know that this is not the appropriate time at all to tease him.

Spencer continues. "You may not believe this but when I was younger I was kind of the quieter one out of us. Sebastian was the loud one of us two. But in a good way. He was extremely mature, kind, popular, and overall good. Everyone loved him. We were once captains of the soccer team together....." He pauses. "Last year."

I look at him in astonishment. Sebastian was alive last year. So that means whatever Jace did is still new. It means that Spencer is still going through probably one of the roughest things in his life right now. It means that he was hurting alone.

He looks at me with one of the most vulnerable looks I have ever seen.

I reach forward to him and brush his cheek gently.

Spencer's intense eyes captivate mine. He composes himself slightly and resumes. "Now this is the part where I'm suppose to tell you how it happened huh? How Sebastian died. I just realized that I've never actually had to tell anyone the story. They all knew the story, or so they thought. Practically everyone believes that Jace is innocent. That he didn't have anything to do with it. They all think that Jace would never do anything like that. The only people that don't believe are the ones who were actually there that night. The night that Sebastian died." He takes a big breath of air.

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